Jiang Lin frowned, this time he overturned the boat by accident, and the problem was a little troublesome.

Now that there is a trace of the flying zombie, if it appears, Jiang Lin doesn't want to fight it with his corpse.


Jiang Lin tried again to contact the fake pill in his body to impact the seal, but it still didn't work. Instead, he vomited blood.

"Jiang Lin (daoist)!"

When Bai Rourou and the others saw Jiang Lin vomiting blood, they immediately put down the treasure in their hands and went up to support them, but Jiang Lin only had two arms, and the three girls looked at each other, with a layer of rouge on their faces.

It seems that you have to stop looking for other ways.

Jiang Lin believes that he has extensive knowledge, but since he cultivated Dao, he has never encountered such a situation. It is about his own dantian Daoji.

If there were wounds or similar seals in other parts, Jiang Lin would have dared to try it with his own tyranny inside and outside. Now that's all, all methods must be based on the premise that he can control it.

"These are the foundations of the three mountains, and you will arrange another poor mountain array."

Just now, Jiang Lin also tried to use his own corpse poison, but it also had no effect.He initially judged that relying only on his own conditions, he was afraid that he would not be able to break the sealed ball around the fake pill, so he wanted to try it with the help of external force.

The three women were familiar with each other, and arranged a formation to stimulate the mountain air in the open space.

"Jiang Lin, who are you?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was about to enter the battle, Bai Rourou couldn't help but worry, the power of the poor mountain formation was extraordinary.

"It doesn't matter, my mana is sealed and I need to use external force."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, entered the formation and sat down.

The mountain qi condensed and rushed into Jiang Lin's body, causing him to frown, but he could still bear the mountain qi.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin opened his eyes and murmured, "A Rootless Ping."

The spiritual power and Yang Yan were sealed in the dantian, and Jiang Lin had no means to control the mountain energy that entered his body, let alone guide them to attack the sealing ball.

And even if it can be guided, without the convergence of spiritual energy, it will be useless after all, but Jiang Lin can't channel the spiritual energy from outside to convert it into spiritual energy.


When Jiang Lin carefully tried to mobilize Yang Yan again, he found that the three groups of Lingyang Fire that had already been integrated into Yang Yan had escaped from the sealed ball one after another.

Could it be that Xuhuo is immune to seals?

With this discovery, Jiang Lin did the same, which is in line with his guess, desire) (Fire and anger have both escaped from the fake elixir and entered the body, but the rest of the yin and yang flames such as sea air, blue heart flame, etc. can no longer escape. .

"Rourou, you go to the nearby places of extreme yang and extreme yin. If I want to restore my mana, I guess I must have the energy of extreme yin and extreme yang. If I find a place of extreme yang, I will set up a gathering yang formation around it. The underworld is the opposite."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin came up with a method: use the extreme cathode and extreme yang to collide near the seal ball, and use and control the explosive force generated by the mutual repulsion between the extreme cathode and the extreme yang to break the seal on the periphery of the fake pill.

"Master, let's go together."

Linglong and Hongdou took the initiative to take the job of finding the land of extreme cathode and yang. In fact, they also wanted to be alone with Jiang Lin, but they were afraid that when Jiang Lin asked them to help, they would be embarrassed if they couldn't help.

The King Panlan Tiger also went with the two women, and he heard Fei Zong's roar before. At this juncture, he certainly hoped that Jiang Lin could recover his mana sooner.

Chapter [*] Are all friends out of nothing?

"what happened?"

Seeing Jiang Lin facing the sky, Bai Rourou also looked up at the night sky. Now the dark clouds have withdrawn, and the starry sky is bright and beautiful.

"Yinghuo guards the heart, the demon star falls at night. It seems that what Master Hong Jinbao guessed may come true."

In the starry sky, Mars invades Antares, which is a ominous omen, indicating that natural disasters are coming.

"Actually, I came to Shu this time for another purpose. Back then, in an ice cellar in Mao County, I encountered a frozen flying zombie..."

Jiang Lin told Bai Rourou about Fei Zong, only then did Bai Rou Rou know that the terrifying corpse roar that came from the ground before was from that Fei Zong, and he still had a grudge with Jiang Lin.

"Even if there is a natural disaster and a corpse disaster, we cultivators will do our best to obey the destiny. Even if there is an omen, we can't stop it."

"You are in a very good mood."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then instructed Bai Rou Rou to suppress Yamada's soul in the Taoist temple. He himself put all the trophies of Bone Thorn Forest into the ancient mirror. He is not in the mood to sort out the harvest now. Susao ban.

"Let's rest early. Linglong and Hongdou and the others don't think it's easy to find a place of extreme cathode and yang for a while."

Jiang Lin sat beside the bed and watched the seal pattern drawn on the paper. Bai Rourou walked in wearing a pair of wooden slippers and carrying a basin of water.

"Wash your feet."

Bai Rourou squatted down and was about to take off Jiang Lin's shoes.

"You are injured and need someone to take care of you. And you avenged me, so I should take care of you too."

When she met Jiang Lin's different gaze, Bai Rourou's face turned rosy, and she quickly explained.

Then she hesitated several times, and finally said, "Jiang Lin, I want to ask you a question, please help me analyze it."

"You said."

Jiang Lin took off his shoes and didn't let Bai Rourou do it. He washed his feet at home and didn't let others help him because it was itchy.

"It's like this, I have a friend who is also a woman and a Taoist nun. She fell in love with a man. Although that man already has a wife, she doesn't mind. She has been with that man for a while, and has long been The love is deeply rooted. It's just that she is a little old, and she has never dared to confess to that man, for fear that he will not want her. I just want to ask my friend, do you men mind older women? Will they dislike her? It's actually pretty and clean."

After listening to Bai Rourou's words, Jiang Lin just wanted to say one thing: Are you really a friend from nothing?

It turned out to be "one of my Taoist nun friends".

However, Jiang Lin finally knew the reason why Bai Rou Rou kept silent.

It turned out not to be thin-skinned, but afraid to speak.

Jiang Lin knows Bai Rourou's feelings for her. When he encountered a change today, Bai Rourou was desperate to cut bone spurs. Now she is willing to let go of the woman's restraint and wash him. .

It's just that Bai Rourou has not expressed her intentions for a long time. Jiang Lin thought she had something to hide, but it was because of her age.

Jiang Lin really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, looked at Bai Rourou with no meaning, and said, "Cough, there is no one else here. Is this your friend yourself? And that man, is it me?"

"No, it's a Taoist nun friend of mine...it's my friend...it's mine...it's me."

Bai Rourou denied it at first, and then in Jiang Lin's eyes, her face gradually turned red, she stared at Jiang Lin, and admitted that she had made a friend out of nothing.

After sizing Bai Rourou up and down, Jiang Lin asked, "How old are you?"

Asked by Jiang Lin, Bai Rourou's eyes flickered slightly, and she responded, "After this year, it will be thirty...one."

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "It's really not too small."

Think I'm too old.

Bai Rourou felt sour in her heart and didn't know how to respond.

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, pulled Bai Rou Rou to his side and sat down, looking at her with burning eyes, and said, "What if I don't dislike it?"

Does he mind?

Bai Rourou was both happy and shy in her heart, looking at Jiang Lin with tender eyes, she leaned her fragrant shoulders into his arms, just like a girl with a cherished spring.

"I'm tired, go to sleep."

Jiang Lin moved the palm of his hand, closed the door, and lowered the curtain, but Bai Rou Rou became cramped. Will it be tonight?Is it too fast?

"What are you afraid of? Afraid that I will eat you?"

"I... I... Rourou has no relationship with men and women, I hope you... have pity."

Bai Rourou struggled inwardly for a moment, and finally tore off the belt around her waist and lay down on her back.Guarding the body like a jade for thirty plantings, I dedicate it to my lover tonight and let him take it.

Outside the window, a round moon shyly hid in the clouds.

The next day, the sunlight through the window lattice shone on the bed. When Jiang Lin woke up, he saw Bai Rourou, who was already awake, hugging him tightly.

Another clingy goblin.

After asking Bai Rourou's body, Jiang Lin knew how attached this woman was to him, both physically and mentally.

"Hongdou, there are many snakes, worms and ants in the extremely yin place here."

"Yeah, there are a lot of toads."

In a shaded place ten miles away, Linglong and Hongdou looked at the open space in front of them with disgusted expressions on their faces.

Groups of five poisons scurried around the extremely yin land.

"The Taoist priest wants to restore mana here, let's clean up the surrounding area, and then set up the formation."

The two girls buried some magical talismans around them, and drove away the poisonous snakes and toads with a radius of more than [*] meters.

They were well-intentioned, but they didn't expect that this behavior would make Jiang Lin stunned.

Insects and ants are uneasy and snakes are jumping around, which is the precursor to a major earthquake.

"Master, the land of extreme yin and extreme yang has been found."

There was a delicate voice from outside the room, and Bai Rourou, who was with Jiang Lin's tenderness, was startled, only to realize that it was noon now.

Greed is over.

"Don't let them know, or I'll be ashamed to death."

Bai Rou Rou got into the quilt and pushed Jiang Lin to let him get dressed and open the door.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a shower."

Jiang Lin responded with Linglong, then got dressed and got out of bed, took a shower, and then went to open the door.

"Daoist, we have found the land of extreme yin and extreme yang. As for my master, why is there no one in her room?"

Jiang Lin glanced out of the corner of his eye and got off the bed, and responded, "Uh...she may have gone out to relax."

Master is not here?

Linglong thought about the fact that Hongdou was cooking and the master was not there. Didn't he get along with the Taoist priest alone?

"Master, I have a question that I want to ask you."

"Tell me, is there anything you don't understand about the formation?"

Linglong shook his head and said, "No, it's like this, I have a Taoist nun friend, and she has a master and a junior sister, but she, her master and a junior sister all fall in love with the same man, she often Write me a letter and say you are distressed and don't know what to do."

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