After glancing around, Jiang Lin looked at the two young girls. Now they had their arms around his neck and their legs tucked around his waist. He couldn't even walk.

Only then did Linglong and Hongdou react to their indecent actions. Their faces flushed, and they quickly got off Jiang Lin.

"Master, what should we do now?"

The two girls looked around, the cave was indeed like a passage, but because the ground split and closed, causing dislocation, they had been sealed behind.

"I want to use Qianli Faxing Da) (fa to report your master's safety, but it is estimated that it will not be able to report now."

Bai Rou Rou's master's method of faxing a thousand miles is extraordinary. As long as the distance is not more than a hundred miles and the person's birth date is present, the communication can be carried out, but the premise is that the person receiving the message needs to have water around.

"Master, you are really a good man. Now that you don't know your safety, you just want to make your woman less worried."


Linglong and Hongdou glanced at Jiang Lin. They were both envious and jealous of their master. Last night, they were romantic, and their relationship has grown by leaps and bounds.

"Cough cough, let's take one step at a time and take a look. Maybe you can find an exit back to the ground."

Although he was trapped underground, Jiang Lin was not nervous. It was about four or five hundred meters away from the ground. If he really couldn't get out, he could use the corpse as a miner and dig directly to the surface.

It's just that Jiang Lin doesn't want to choose this method for the time being, he wants to investigate it underground.

The roar of the flying stiff and the whistling of the unicorn may have come from this passage, and finally reached the ground.

Since Fei Zong is underground in Shu, Daoist Chunhua and the others may also be here. Jiang Lin’s cultivation base has greatly increased now. If he can meet Daoist Chunhua here, with the combined efforts of the two, they may really be able to give Feizong to him. beheaded.

"This is the Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang Mirror, as well as the Seven-Star Treasure Clothes, which have a strong protective effect. If you put them on, there may be danger ahead."

Jiang Lin took out four defensive magic weapons from the ancient mirror and let Linglong and Hongdou wear them. If he really encountered flying stiffness, he should have no problem protecting himself, but if he wanted to protect the two girls, it would be a bit of a hang-up.

Linglong and Hongdou immediately took off their coats and put on yin-yang mirrors and treasure clothes.

Jiang Lin released his own yin fire and yang flame, wrapped Linglong and Hongdou, and said, "The air here is foul, you should stay close to me, the flames can filter out some harmful gases such as miasma."

When the two girls heard the words, they immediately approached Jiang Lin. Linglong was even more daring, and hugged Jiang Lin's arm directly. Hongdou saw this and followed suit.

"We are afraid."

The two girls immediately lowered their heads when they met Jiang Lin's gaze.

One B, one C, although your master is older than you, she is also big in the place where she should be, it is D.

The touch on his arm made Jiang Lin subconsciously compare the upper circumference of the two girls with Bai Rourou.

Two hours later, the three of them walked without knowing how far they had gone. Jiang Lin was stunned that there were still many passages in the ground, intertwined with each other, and each passage did not know where to go.

As he was walking, Jiang Lin suddenly felt the movement of Yang Yan in his body.

"Don't go over there."

Jiang Lin asked the two girls to stand still and walked over to the bloodstain to check.

"Fire Qilin's Qilin blood? This corpse poison belongs to Fei Zong."

Jiang Lin rubbed a little blood on his fingertips with his fingers, and there was a scorching heat on it. The blood had turned black, and there were strands of corpse qi emitting, which was the corpse qi that was flying stiff.

It seems that the zombie roar and the unicorn roar last night were due to Fei Zong and the fire unicorn fighting.

Fei Zong had fought with Huo Qilin. If Daoist Chunhua could be found and then Huo Qilin could be found, with two peak heavenly masters and a divine beast, there would be no problem in destroying Fei Zong.

Jiang Lin immediately decided to move on. In addition to wanting to eliminate Fei Zong, he also wanted to see if he could get Qilin Flame.


As soon as he got up, Jiang Lin heard a unicorn whistle coming from a distance. The depths of the dark passage suddenly turned red, and the sound of the beast's hooves was gradually amplified.

"Master, what kind of monster is this?"

The two girls heard the whistling sound, and their bodies were a little hairy.

"It should be the mythical beast Huo Qilin, you all step back."

Jiang Lin waited quietly. If the rumors are good, the fire unicorn guards the dragon veins, and should have a high level of intelligence, but you can ask about Fei Zong's whereabouts.

It didn't take long for a giant beast that was four meters high and eight meters long, and was red with flames and appeared in front of Jiang Lin.

Lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, ox tail, and scaled armor.

Fire unicorn.

Chapter nine hundred and thirty sixth three kinds of corpse poison

Jiang Lin didn't radiate any hostility, and the unicorn originally represented auspiciousness, so he thought that the fire unicorn should not attack him before it came up.

Jiang Lin's guess was right, but he didn't guess that the fire unicorn was not in a normal state now.

The fire unicorn stopped five or six meters in front of Jiang Lin, looking at Jiang Lin, it shook its head, and then black-gray mist gradually appeared in its eyes, and there was a slight growl in its throat.

Jiang Lin also noticed that something was wrong with the fire unicorn, and when he looked at it, he found that there were three serious wounds on its flank, and three different colors of corpse energy rose from the wounds.

One is black and green, one is dark blue, and the other is silver-gray.

How come there are three different corpses?

"hold head high!"

Just when Jiang Lin was puzzled, the fire unicorn roared, went mad, and shot towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't expect this kind of situation, even if the King Pandan Tiger was hit by the corpse poison of the Flying Zombie, only a day had passed, and he wouldn't lose his normality.

He knew that Huo Qilin was injured, but he did not expect that there were three domineering corpse poisons on Huo Qilin, which had caused him to fall into a frenzy.

Jiang Lin immediately turned into a corpse, pushed out his palms, and resisted the colliding unicorn head, but the fire unicorn's strength was too great, and he directly knocked him flying.

After Jiang Lin landed, he stamped his legs into the ground, and he plowed out two long trenches on the ground.


Linglong and Hongdou were originally more than ten meters behind Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin retreated, but instead retreated to a place more than ten meters behind them.

As soon as the two girls turned around, Huo Qilin's gaze fell on them.


Jiang Lin's arms quickly stretched out, trying to grab Linglong and Hongdou to his side, but a fireball the size of a grinding disc spewed out of Huo Qilin's mouth, which directly bombarded Jiang Lin's outstretched arms.


The two girls shouted at the same time, one of them was held in the mouth by the fire unicorn, and the other was curled up by the unicorn tail.

The fire unicorn took the two girls, turned and rushed into the depths of the passage.


Jiang Lin let out a corpse roar and ran wildly behind him, chasing Huo Qilin.

After chasing for several hundred meters, the fire unicorn in front of Jiang Lin seemed to have reached the end of the passage and jumped forward.

The end of the passage is connected to a huge space, [*] to [*] meters high, and the bottom of the space is a [*]-meter wide magma area.

The fire unicorn stepped on the magma and continued to run.

Linglong and Hongdou looked at Jiang Lin who was chasing after Tongkou, and their faces were filled with despair.

They were never saved again this time, and could only be reduced to a meal for giant beasts.

"Master, don't!"

The two girls shouted together when they saw Jiang Lin jumping down from the entrance.

No matter how deep the Jianglin Taoism is, in this magma area, will it still be burned to ashes?

But what surprised them was that after Jiang Lin fell into the magma, he actually waded in the magma and continued to chase.

Jiang Lin is now able to walk in the magma, not to mention a major earthquake, even if a volcanic eruption occurs, he can't help him.

When Huo Qilin arrived at the magma area, he instinctively thought that Jiang Lin would not chase after him, so the speed slowed down.


A sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly erupted from the fire unicorn's tail, Jiang Lin followed closely, and a sword slashed at the fire unicorn's tail, the blade slashed on the unicorn's tail, and only a piece of sparks burst out.

Huo Qilin's tail hurt and stretched out. Jiang Lin took Hongdou's waist with one arm and yanked the unicorn's tail with the other hand. With the help of his strength, he kicked Huo Qilin's face.


Linglong flew out of Huo Qilin's mouth, and was rushed by Jiang Lin and picked up in his arms.

"Don't hug me, you go up."

Jiang Lin Lingkong turned around and threw the two girls out, letting them fall into another passage above.

Now the fire unicorn has three corpse poisons. If it is not treated, I am afraid that this mythical beast will not only be unable to protect the Huaxia dragon veins, but may also become a peerless beast.


His prey was snatched away, and the fire unicorn roared and charged towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's long hair gradually grew and fell to his waist, and strange war lines appeared on his face.

A Mao Zong and a fire unicorn broke out in this magma space.

"My God, how did the Taoist priest become a monster?"

"I do not know either."

The two girls at the entrance saw Jiang Lin turned into a monster with long hair and fangs, and they didn't know what was going on for a while.

It's hard to deal with!

Jiang Lin was suspended above the magma, his clothes were all torn, and he was quite embarrassed.

Huo Qilin's scales and armor are extremely hard, and its defense has thrown away the thousand-year-old zombie king several blocks. Moreover, it is extremely powerful and extremely fast. In addition, Jiang Lin can't make a deadly attack. As a result, Jiang Lin tried to get close to Huo Qilin several times. , to detoxify it, but failed, but was scratched by the fire unicorn a few times.

"Second uncle, if it weren't for the fact that you might be the guardian of the dragon veins, I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"

Jiang Lin took a dozen or so flaming talismans from his arms and threw them on Huo Qilin's head. Fire Qilin was now in a frenzy, his IQ was not online, and when he raised his claws, he would slap a dozen or so grenades into the air.


Bailian Zhaiyang bombed the fire unicorn's head, making it buzzing in both ears and gold stars in its eyes.

Jiang Lin took this opportunity to fall down quickly, teleported behind the fire unicorn, pulled the unicorn tail with his arms, and roared violently. Jiang Lin used all his strength to use his arms.

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