"Who are you? Idlers are not allowed to enter here."

Inspector Fatty's hot face was thrown aside, and he looked at Jiang Lin angrily.

"I'm here to find the boss Huang Zhao here, is this the deceased him?"

"No, Huang Zhao has been taken back to the police station to make a record. It was the guy in his shop who died."

After answering Jiang Lin's question, Inspector Fatty shouted to several of his subordinates: "Take the body back and give it to the forensic doctor."

Jiang Lin looked at the tooth hole on the neck of the corpse, and estimated that the corpse would be completely transformed by night, so he kindly reminded: "This corpse, I suggest you burn it with lychee wood as soon as possible."

"Burn? Why burn?"

"In the middle of the night, it will turn into a corpse and become a zombie. Don't look at me like that. I'm here to find someone, just to remind you."

Jiang Lin shrugged, saying that he had already said it, whether he believed it or not was none of his business.

When a police station has a zombie jumping around, that's interesting.


Inspector Fatty's complexion changed suddenly, and several of his subordinates also put down the lifted corpse and took a few steps back.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Xiaochuan let out a laugh, and then said: "I didn't expect you to say such absurd words because of your talent. How could there be zombies in the world, you must have read more of Liaozhai."

"Then you say absurd is absurd."

Jiang Lin also knew that people who had drank foreign ink, especially reporters, didn't believe it at all, and he didn't bother to explain.

"Xiao Chuan is right, where are the zombies, carry them away!"

Inspector Fatty had a wretched smile on his face. Since Zhang Xiaochuan said so, he was suspicious, so he couldn't show it.

A few plainclothes drove out a broken car at the opposite alley and carried the body.

"Xiaochuan, this murder case is special. If it is published in the newspaper, many people will definitely see it. Get in the car."

Inspector Fatty was courteous to Zhang Xiaochuan. Zhang Xiaochuan hesitated for a while. She really wanted to follow up and report on this matter, but if she got in the car, she would definitely be annoyed by this dead fat boy.

Rolling his eyes, Zhang Xiaochuan pointed at Jiang Lin and said, "By the way, this person just talked nonsense, maybe he wants to destroy the body and destroy the traces. He is suspected. Why don't you bring him to the bureau?"

"Yes, aren't you looking for the boss here, get in the car, and take a note with us at the bureau."

Inspector Fatty waved to Jiang Lin and motioned him to get in the car.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, but then he thought about taking a ride to save himself from asking for directions, and to find Huang Zhao as soon as possible, so he sat in.

When Zhang Xiaochuan saw Jiang Lin got into the car, he immediately went to the other side, opened the car door, squeezed in, and then closed the door.

There is a person in the middle so that you don't have to be bothered.

"Sit over there a little."

Zhang Xiaochuan frowned, she was squeezed very uncomfortable, but the man next to her didn't feel it at all.

"Co-authoring, you said that I was suspicious, but you simply pulled me as a baffle? I thought you were going to push you over there."

Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to the reporter at all, and he wouldn't take it seriously when it came to disagreements and doubts arising from different ideas.

But the female reporter thought he was using him as a shield before she said he was suspicious, which made him uncomfortable.

"I'm... I didn't hear you say I was looking for someone, so... I asked them to take you for a ride by the way? Can't you be a little more gentleman?"

"What you say is better than what you sing. What is a gentleman? Can you eat it?"

Jiang Lin laughed, using him as a shield and making him a gentleman. This joke is a bit cold.


Zhang Xiaochuan originally wanted to get angry, but when she saw the fat inspector on the other side open the car door, she shut up wisely. She would rather be squeezed and feel uncomfortable than sit with the dead fat boy.

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-ninth Taoist priest provoked you to provoke you?

Detective Fatty saw Zhang Xiaochuan and Jiang Lin sitting together, and his fat face turned dark.

"Inspector Hu, I feel more and more that he is very suspicious. I will block him here to prevent him from running away. Inspector, you will block him there too."

Although he was squeezed a little out of breath, Zhang Xiaochuan still had a righteous look on his face, pretending to be very serious.

Inspector Fatty laughed dryly, but he was an MMP in his heart. God was suspicious.

After the car started, Zhang Xiaochuan's breathing gradually became heavier. She had never had such close contact with a man since she was a child.

I pinch!

Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't take it anymore, so he pinched Jiang Lin's waist with one hand.

But what made her speechless was that until her hand hurt, Jiang Lin seemed to have no consciousness at all.

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhang Xiaochuan and passed on his invisible fire.

After a while, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Zhang Xiaochuan's clean forehead, and his breathing became heavy.

It's so hot.

Zhang Xiaochuan had no choice but to unbutton her inner lining. She saw that although Jiang Lin was looking straight ahead, there was a wicked smile at the corner of her mouth, and she was instantly so ashamed that she wanted to jump out of the car.

Half an hour later, at the police station, Zhang Xiaochuan got out of the car and almost fell, her legs were numb.

"Your voice is so nice."

Jiang Lin passed by Zhang Xiaochuan and deliberately said something softly.

In fact, Zhang Xiaochuan's voice was a bit like Shu Ning. When he was breathing in the car, it really reminded him of some scenes between himself and Shu Ning.


Zhang Xiaochuan was embarrassed and annoyed, he just wanted to find a hole to burrow into.

When he entered the police station, Jiang Lin didn't take any notes at all. Inspector Fatty knew that Zhang Xiaochuan was just pulling Jianglin as a shield, and he didn't bother to trouble himself.

"Hello, Boss Huang, my surname is Jiang. Zhang Quan introduced me here. What's going on with your antique shop?"

Jiang Lin asked someone, found a middle-aged man, and introduced himself.

"You are Chief Jiang? Zhang Quan called me last night and said that you might come to see me. I didn't expect you to come so soon. It's great, it's great!"

Huang Zhao quickly held Jiang Lin's hand with a very excited expression.

When something like this happened in his antique shop, he didn't dare to go home at all. If Jiang Lin hadn't arrived here, he would have to find other Taoist priests or even priests for help.

"It's like this, we collected a complete ancient corpse in the early Qing Dynasty and are going to find a buyer. Last night, for some reason, the ancient corpse disappeared, and one of my buddies died. I see his wounds and the appearance of death. , very like being bitten by a zombie, another guy said he heard the sound of his feet jumping last night, and now I'm so scared that I don't dare to go home."

Since Huang Zhao is in the business of antiques, he still has some understanding of "zongzi". His dead man should have been bitten by the "zongzi" and sucked his blood to death.

For those who destroyed their tombs, those "zongzi" were extremely vengeful, and now Huang Zhao was worried that he would be found.

"Daoist Jiang, you must help me this time. Zhang Quan told me that you want to find an antique, and I, Huang, will do my best to help."

Huang Zhao had heard about Jiang Lin from Zhang Quan, and knew that Jiang Lin was a Taoist priest with a high level of Taoism. Now that such a wicked thing has happened to him, as long as Jiang Lin is willing to help him solve the crisis, let alone look for an ancient relic , that is, let him send the antique shop, and he is willing.

"It turns out that your guy was indeed bitten to death by a zombie, and his body was transported to the police station. It is estimated that there will be a corpse transformation at night. Even if you dare not go home, staying here is the same. Safe. Since I'm here and need your help, don't worry."

Jiang Lin gave Huang Zhao a reassurance. Huang Zhao had a lot of contacts overseas. Since he needed to rely on Huang Zhao's resources, Jiang Lin would not let him have an accident.

"Director Jiang, since my buddy may be turned into a corpse, tell the officers here and let them burn the corpse as soon as possible. I will definitely take care of the buddy's funeral and pension. I told the police here that there are 'Zongzi', they don't believe it at all."

"I've already said it, and they don't believe it either, so when something happens, let them see it."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. If others didn't believe him, there was no need for him to repeat it.

"Master Jiang? Are you a Taoist priest?"

At this moment, Zhang Xiaochuan's voice came from behind Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin turned around and saw Zhang Xiaochuan with an angry face.

"I'm a Taoist priest, what's wrong?"

Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Xiaochuan with a puzzled face. The female reporter used him as a shield before, but when he was in the car, he also made Zhang Xiaochuan suffer a loss. Both of them have been cleared up. Zhang Xiaochuan also knew that he was wrong. No matter how much entanglement, but now when he heard that he was a Taoist priest, the female reporter seemed to be looking at the enemy.

"No wonder you are full of nonsense. It turns out that you are a Taoist priest who brings disaster to the country and the people."

Zhang Xiaochuan is so angry that his chest rises and falls, staring at Jiang Lin with a look of disgust.

Bring disaster to the country? ?

Jiang Lin was completely stunned by Zhang Xiaochuan's words. He had seen a lot of people who didn't recognize Taoist priests. It was the first time he had seen Taoist priests who could be used to bring disaster to the country and the people.

"I'm surprised, the Taoist invited you to provoke you?"

"You just said that the dead body will turn into a zombie, right? I'll let you go to the newspaper this time to let others know how your Taoist priests confuse the public."

Zhang Xiaochuan stopped interviewing Huang Zhao, and took pictures of Jiang Lin directly.


Jiang Lin rubbed the note in his pocket a few times and flicked it towards the camera in Zhang Xiaochuan's hand.

The camera was hit by the paper ball, broke away from Zhang Xiaochuan's hand, and fell on the table on the side.

"Boss Huang, let's go."

Jiang Lin ignored Zhang Xiaochuan who was so angry that he was about to cry, and left the police station with Huang Zhao.

The two took the rickshaw back to the antique shop, and Jiang Lin handed the drawing paper to Huang Zhao. Similarly, Huang Zhao could not see any news about Yu Jue.

However, Huang Zhao also promised that he would mobilize all forces to help find out.

"Okay, stick these magic charms on the beams of the store, and distribute them to the shop assistants, there will be no problem."

"Thank you very much, Chief Jiang."

"No need."

After taking a few talismans to ward off evil spirits and protect himself, Jiang Lin left the antique shop. He wasted a lot of time and was going to meet Shu Ning.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaochuan, who was annoyed, just returned to her newspaper office when a colleague told her that she had her phone number.


"Xiaochuan, I've come to Hong Kong, do you miss me?"

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