"Cheng Bizhu?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing when he looked at the description on the label next to the beads in the cabinet.

This bead sells for four nines, less than ten thousand.

"What are you looking at? My God, you don't want to buy that bead, do you? What's your taste?"

Zhang Xiaochuan came to Jiang Lin, and she was speechless when she saw Jiang Lin staring at the ugly round bead on the counter.

If you want to buy this and go back, my sister will be furious.

"What do you know? This is real jewelry. I'll just buy it, and it won't be easy for anyone to talk."

Jiang Lin immediately greeted the clerk, and without saying a word, handed over the [*] Hong Kong dollars and asked the clerk to wrap the clear blue pearl.

He had never heard of Cheng Bizhu, but he only knew that the bead inside was a corpse pill, Mao Zong's corpse pill.

[*] Hong Kong dollars to buy a corpse pill, although [*]% of the corpse gas has already dissipated, it is still a guaranteed profit.

Chapter [*] I am poor and only gold bricks are left

[[Note: To explain, readers who are not serious can skip it. The content in [ ] is not counted in the word count.

During the Republic of China, a big ocean (silver dollar) could be exchanged for a thousand pennies (copper plates), two pennies for a bun. Because of the different purchase objects, the amount of ocean converted into RMB at that time was also different. In the novel, 1 ocean = 500~ 700RMB.

The Hong Kong dollar (Hong Kong dollar) appeared in 1845, and was used in Hong Kong in 1935. In fact, it was not a few years away from the background of the protagonist, and the book did not care about the time difference in these years.

In the early days of the Republic of China, 1 pound was about 4 US dollars, and it was about 16 Hong Kong dollars, and 2.4 silver dollars were exchanged for 1 US dollar.

That is, 1 ocean = 1.6 Hong Kong dollars.

Therefore, [*] Hong Kong dollars here is about [*] million RMB. In the plot of the first Zombie Taoist priest, if the amount appears again, it will also be indicated.

As for the comparison of gold, there are not many references. It was found that a small yellow croaker (31 grams of gold bars) at that time could be exchanged for about 20-30 oceans, while a large yellow croaker was 10 small yellow croakers.

Actually it doesn't need to be real.


Jiang Lin really did not expect to meet such a treasure in this jewelry store.

For Taoists, this is a rare thing that is many times more precious than coffin fungus.

Even if he doesn't know how much he is worth now, he still wants as much coffin fungus and corpse pill as he has.

Even buy Karma!

Zhang Xiaochuan didn't know what to say at all. For [*] yuan, Jiang Lin took [*] yuan to buy a small bead that was not as delicate as a glass marble.

And can't stop it!

A moment of silence for my sister Ning.

It's not ignorant at all!

Zhang Xiaochuan was very moved, even if Jiang Lin didn't have enough money in his pocket, he would come to Zhouji to buy jewelry for Shu Ning.

But when I came here, I bought a bead similar to the burnt glass marble, and I was happy.

"I advise you again. If you buy this thing with [*] yuan, you will be responsible for the consequences when you go back."

Zhang Xiaochuan frowned, and finally persuaded, she still knew Shu Ning's taste, she thought this bead was ugly and worthless at all, Shu Ning [*]% of the time was like her.

"Okay, I said buy it, just buy it and pack it."

For Zhang Xiaochuan's advice, Jiang Lin naturally didn't take it to heart at all. He would have to take away such a good baby, let alone [*] Hong Kong dollars.

"Quick, quick, Cheng Bizhu is going to be sold."

They had never planned to greet Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan's clerk before, but they moved immediately. They really didn't expect Jiang Lin to ask for that clear green pearl.

Cheng Bizhu is indeed invaluable, but if it is damaged, it will be seriously lost.

Because of the internal damage, no one bought this Cheng Bizhu at all, and no one knows how long it has been eating ashes in the corner.

Even their bosses don't expect to sell.

But the customer who came in actually bought it without saying a word.

This defective product is sold at this price, which is basically a net profit. If their bosses know about it, they will definitely give them additional rewards.

A few clerks changed their previous attitudes, all smiles on their faces, and quickly came to the back of the counter. They were afraid that Jiang Lin would go back on it, and those who received the money received the money, and those who took the boxes were too happy.

They are really happy, and when the New Year is approaching, someone sends money.

Jiang Lin almost laughed when he looked at the shop assistants who were making a lot of money.

You guys think that you have made a net profit, and I think that I can make a profit without losing it. So, who is the loser?

If this corpse pill, in the eyes of a knowledgeable Taoist priest, is more than ten or twenty times the price, then he is willing to ask for it.

Whether it's these shop assistants or the owner of the jewelry store, they just regard the corpse pills as jewelry instead of treasures. To put it bluntly, they still don't know the goods.

The conversation between Zhang Xiaochuan and Jiang Lin, as well as the unusual behavior of a few shop assistants, attracted the attention of other customers. Some of these customers were British, and some were local wealthy businessmen and celebrities. They approached the counter and joined in the fun.

"My God, someone would spend ten thousand on a tattered bead."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you have money to burn."

"It is estimated that it is a nouveau riche in the countryside, with no vision."

A group of melon eaters let out a roar of laughter, some whispered, and some did not control the volume at all.

Although [*] Hong Kong dollars is not a lot of money for them, they will never spend this money on a tattered bead.

Jiang Lin turned a deaf ear to these voices, and still had a smile on his face, thinking that the coming year must be an auspicious year.

"Sir, please keep it. This is change. Our transaction has been completed, and we will not return it."

The clerk handed the box to Jiang Lin. After Jiang Lin took it, he said, "It won't be returned, don't worry."

The transaction is complete!

After the transaction was completed, the eyes and expressions of several clerks changed a bit. Although they were still smiling, there was a bit of mockery in them.

In particular, the clerk who asked Jiang Lin for money felt a little sympathetic to Zhang Xiaochuan.

She thought that Jiang Lin and Zhang Xiaochuan were in a relationship, and then the lover who didn't know the goods bought a defective product for her girlfriend, and she couldn't stop it.

You boyfriend, you should eat more fish eyes.

Jiang Lin, I hate you.

Seen as a joke by the crowd, Zhang Xiaochuan really wanted to find a crack to get in.

"I think Ning Jie will definitely be angry. You bought her this rotten glass bead."

After the people around her dispersed, Zhang Xiaochuan pouted. She had already thought about it. After returning home, if Shu Ning was angry, she would never speak for Jiang Lin.

"Why is she angry, I didn't buy it for her."

"You didn't buy it for her, did you buy it for me? I just..."

Halfway through the words, Zhang Xiaochuan suddenly stopped, and his cheeks grew a little red.

"Can't I buy it for myself? Go, go there and have a look. Buy some for Aning."

Jiang Lin glanced at the [*] yuan area again, and then went to another area.

The rest of the things here, nothing can catch his eyes.

"Don't you only have [*]? Do you still want to buy it? You're out of money. You're almost like a poor man now, and you only have one Hong Kong dollar left. What else can you buy?"

Zhang Xiaochuan followed behind Jiang Lin. She really didn't know what jewelry Jiang Lin was going to buy with one Hong Kong dollar. He could still buy a few real glass marbles, but unfortunately, they were not sold here.

"Buy what you want to buy."

Jiang Lin was amused by Zhang Xiaochuan, is he a poor man without money?

The poor are only left with BRICs, okay?

Thinking of the gold bricks, Jiang Lin almost forgot, he had to be flexible, or take out a large piece of gold from his arms, which would scare the shop assistants into a daze.

He reached into his arms, moved the ancient mirror, and then walked to another counter, pointed to a necklace with many diamonds inside, and waved to the clerk: "Hello, that necklace is for I wrap it up."

"Sir, I'm sorry, this necklace is [*] Hong Kong dollars. We paid for it and delivered it."

The clerk smiled apologetically at Jiang Lin. She heard part of the conversation between Zhang Xiaochuan and Jiang Lin just now. Anyway, she knew that Jiang Lin had no money.

"I have no money, can I have gold? Can I exchange it?"

Jiang Lin took out a brick-sized gold brick from his sleeve and handed it to the clerk.


Whether it was the clerk behind the counter or Zhang Xiaochuan beside Jiang Lin, there were question marks all over his head at the moment.

"Gold...Gold...Golden Brick???"

The clerk who greeted Jiang Lin suddenly screamed, and then her colleagues not far from her turned their faces and looked over.

There were several more screams.

Almost at the same time, all the other customers in the store looked away.

A silence.

Zhang Xiaochuan opened his mouth slightly, and after a while, he pulled Jiang Lin's sleeve and stammered: "Jiang... Jiang Lin, you... aren't you out of money? Where are you... where did you get the money? brick?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhang Xiaochuan and said with a smile, "I'm out of money, I'm only poor and only gold bricks are left."

Chapter [*] There is no mine at home, but there is a home in the mine

The poor only have BRICs left?

Zhang Xiaochuan felt that her head was dazed. She thought that Jiang Lin only had one Hong Kong dollar left in his body, but now Jiang Lin took out a gold brick from nowhere.

"You... you can't use a trick, right?"

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