Jiang Lin had made good friends with Mandrill before, and Jiang Lin was for this purpose.

Chapter [*]: Different Fruits

Mandrills are quite intelligent and can communicate with people, so Jiang Lin doesn't need to make more gestures.

He believed that the mandrill could understand what he meant.

There are mandrills in this Huixing Mountain. Every year, the extreme yin turns to the yang for one or two months, forming a mysterious yellow air. If there are fruit trees and the like growing around the extremely yin land, the fruit will be certain over time. The probability of absorbing the mysterious yellow energy and becoming an abnormal fruit.

I don't know how long this mandrill has stayed in the mountains, but near the water tower, he actually collected all these exotic fruits.

To be honest, Jiang Lin was very jealous.

If Yiguo was collected by a demon or the like, then he was not polite at all and grabbed it directly.

But he wants to be neighbors with Mandrill in the future, so there is no way to rob him, so he can only exchange.Anyway, he also had some ginseng and ganoderma lucidum in his ancient mirror, which could be exchanged.

No matter what Jiang Lin's strength is, Taoist priests are a high-risk profession after all, so he always carries these treasures that can heal wounds and save lives.

In case of serious injury, it can be used directly.

The mandrill snorted twice, as if it was weighing, but in the end it was no match for the temptation of Ganoderma lucidum, and took a brown-yellow apple from it.

Although the fruits it collects are extremely rare, any treasure that eats too much will become resistant to medicines. For it, the Ganoderma lucidum in Jiang Lin's hands is actually better than those exotic fruits.

"My Ganoderma lucidum is so big, so I'll change an apple with you?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. Although he had a lot of ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, he also used it frequently at home, and there were not many that could be exchanged.

Mandrill looked at the face-sized Ganoderma lucidum in Jiang Lin's hand, and then at the fist-sized fruit in his hand. He felt that what Jiang Lin said seemed to make sense, so he turned back and hugged it.

Jiang Lin threw the ganoderma lucidum, took the fruit in the mandrill's hand, and stuffed it into the ancient mirror in his arms.


The treasures in Jianglin's belt are not only ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, but also Cordyceps and the like, all of which have been taken out by him one after another.

Later, when Mandrill saw that his inventory was running out, he was unwilling to change it.

"We'll meet again in the future."

Jiang Lin waved to the mandrill, and then floated up.

When Jiang Lin returned to the cliff, Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Lin, is that orangutan-like monster a mandrill? I think you are trading items with it, using ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, etc. For apples, pears and yellow peaches?"

Before, she had been looking down from the edge of the cliff, and when she saw Jiang Lin exchanged ginseng and Lingzhi for a bunch of fruit, she felt that she was confused.

"Don't tell me that those fruits are also corpse pills. You actually exchange such precious medicinal materials for apples and pears. It's a big loss for you."

Zhang Xiaochuan didn't realize that she said that Jiang Lin's loss was the same as her own.

"Yeah, it's a big loss. If I lose more, I can lose money and become the richest man."

Jiang Lin laughed when he said that, if the fruit he got in exchange was sold, it would be a loss if there were more golden mountains in the family.

Although ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum are rare, they are produced in many places. As long as you have money, you can buy them even if they are thousands of years old.

But those strange fruits, no matter how much money you spend, you can't get them.

"Come here, the black leaves and white lotus you saw and the mandrill you found are all related to you. Don't say I'm stingy, I'll give you a bite."

Jiang Lin took out a brown-yellow apple and handed it to Zhang Xiaochuan's mouth.

I got it wrong again?

Isn't this Apple?Or the kind that was soaked in boiling water.

Zhang Xiaochuan was very puzzled. Looking at Jiang Lin's appearance, it seemed that something happened in Zhouji Jewelry Store before.

But since Jiang Lin had brought the apple to her mouth, she took a bite.

"What is this? Why am I sweating?"

Zhang Xiaochuan thought it was incredible. She just ate a mouthful of the pulp and was sweating all over her body. She didn't even feel tired and hungry for most of the day.

"Of course I'm sweating, and I'll get nosebleeds if I eat it again. One bite is enough, and I won't make up for the excess."

Jiang Lin smiled, even though this unusual fruit "appears mediocre", its medicinal effects are no less than thousand-year-old ginseng.

If you eat it directly, it is almost like eating ginseng dry.

Then he finished eating the fruit in a few bites, and then he tasted the taste.

I'm going!

Does it work so well?

As soon as the pulp entered his stomach, Jiang Lin felt a gust of air rising in his stomach and entering everywhere in his body.

And the corpse poison in his bones and the spiritual power in his dantian have a tendency to be attracted.

After finding a big rock, Jiang Lin jumped up and sat down, released his corpse poison, and then gradually activated the spiritual power in his body.

The corpse poison and spiritual power were attracted by the Xuanhuang Qi in the body, gradually converged in one place, and penetrated into the Xuanhuang Qi together.

A little more, a little more!

Jiang Lin felt the changes in the corpse poison and spiritual power in his body. Since he had the idea of ​​combining the corpse poison and the spiritual power, he didn't know how many times he tried to make the two slightly merge, but now he just Eating a different fruit, the effect produced is equivalent to his previous years of hard work.


Then eat it!

Jiang Lin took out three different fruits from the ancient mirror, and devoured them like the hungry wolf.


An hour later, he suddenly jumped off the boulder and pointed to a poplar tree the size of a bowl.

With a "bang", a pit was blown out of the poplar's trunk.

Then his body flashed to the side of the tree trunk in an instant, and almost at the same time, the Yang Zhiqi from his fingertips was released, and the tree trunk was blown off.

Finally, I can use Yang Zhiqi in the state of corpse!

Jiang Lin laughed loudly in the sky, feeling extremely comfortable.

Although the power of Yang Zhiqi was greatly reduced, it was incomparable to what he usually used, and he could only use one finger, but with this method, it was much more convenient.

Before that, he could only use the Yang Yan Whip in the state of corpse transformation, which could be used to assist himself, but the attack was insufficient. Even if he could use the palm wind, the damage to evil spirits would not be comparable to that of Taoism.

If there is further progress like this, maybe the corpse state can add spiritual power to the bone sword.

Jiang Lin really wanted to swallow the rest of the fruit, but he managed to keep his senses in the end.

Taking different fruit has such an explosive effect, and it can only appear after taking it for the first time. If you want to maintain the effect later, I am afraid you can only use the amount.

Right now, he can't waste it like that.

Jiang Lin made up his mind that this Huixing Mountain would be taken down no matter how much it cost.

With these mysterious yellow energy, the progress of the compatibility of yin and yang in his body is definitely faster than his own efforts.

Chapter [*] I even found the grove, tell me this?

Zhang Xiaochuan sat on a rock, resting his cheek with one hand, and looked at Jiang Lin quietly with a pair of beautiful eyes full of affection.

Even if Jiang Lin suddenly grew three heads and six arms now, she would not be surprised.

Jiang Lin withdrew the corpse poison and spiritual power in his body, and asked Zhang Xiaochuan to take pictures of the surrounding mountains.

Since he is determined to win this Huixing Mountain, he can plan ahead.

In the future, he may regard fruit farming as his sideline.

Jiang Lin took Zhang Xiaochuan around the mountain again, and it was almost dusk before he started to leave the mountain.

"Jiang Lin, I can't walk anymore, you... can you carry me on your back?"

Zhang Xiaochuan knew that Jiang Lin was going back soon, so he squatted aside and did not leave.

back you? ?

Oh, by the way, I have to ask what medicine is sold in this Nizi gourd.

Because all Jiang Lin thought about was Huixingshan, he forgot what was wrong with Zhang Xiaochuan.

"You asked me to carry you? But I will marry your sister Ning tomorrow."

"Didn't you guys get married a long time ago? She already told me that tomorrow you'll just have a formality."

Zhang Xiaochuan pretended not to understand Jiang Lin's words and looked at Jiang Lin with a blushing face.

Is this the point?

Jiang Lin was amused by Zhang Xiaochuan. Tomorrow he would marry Shu Ning, but today Zhang Xiaochuan let him hug him again and let him carry it on his back.

Does your sister know?

"Sister Ning told me everything, I know you are not only her wife, and I asked her again yesterday, and she said she doesn't mind. I have a good relationship with Sister Ning since I was a child, and my hobbies are very similar to hers. , I also like the style of clothes she likes, I also like the food she likes, she... the man she likes, I also... I also..."

Zhang Xiaochuan's voice became lower and lower, looking at Jiang Lin eagerly.

It turns out that the two of you sisters have been together for a long time, no wonder you are so bold.

Jiang Lin thought that when he and Shu Ning went to choose a wedding dress yesterday, he had been away for a while, and when he went back, Zhang Xiaochuan always took a deep breath.

I'm afraid I didn't plan to come with him yesterday.

"What are you?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaochuan being coy and cute, Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to tease her.

"That's...that's when you told me your fortune, saying that I would have a wishful husband soon, and Miaoshan also said that I would meet a noble person or marry someone. That time I went to the Guanyin Temple and asked for it. Sign, people also say that I am a red star. So I think you are not only my noble, but also my sweetheart. "

After saying this, Zhang Xiaochuan kneaded the corners of her clothes, her palms were sweaty. She had already said this for her sake. If Jiang Lin refused, she really didn't know how to meet people.

Jiang Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "So, you came out today, in fact, you weren't doing follow-up reports at all. You're not tired now, and the little girl is really pretending."

"I'm not pretending anymore, you... you're carrying me. You hugged me, hugged me, and you saw that night in Ning Jie's room..."

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