The big deal is to think of other ways to deal with the extraterrestrial demons. The big deal is that he takes his wife and all his masters and wives to move overseas.

Better than dying here.




At the same time as the spiritual power in the body replenished the fake pill, the night sky had lightning flashes almost instantly, and golden clouds formed and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After that, there were only hundreds of golden thunders left in this world.

Jiang Lin had already swallowed the material treasure and the cold marrow into his stomach, and quickly refined them with the true fire of the sun.

At the same time, he also let the corpse poison enter the flesh and blood again, teleporting recklessly and escaping outside the sea of ​​thunder.

As for the behavior of breaking the realm, he has already stopped, otherwise, if he really broke the realm, even if he has these treasures of heaven and earth, even with the strength and luck, he will be dead.

This time, the punishment was far more violent than the last time. The movement caused by the fate of the human race last time was almost the same as that of playing a family.


In addition to the sound of thunder and lightning roaring within a radius of one mile, there is also the miserable cry of Shiba Bimo.

In any case, she never thought that Jiang Lin would actually be able to trigger the punishment from heaven.

Even gods or immortals dare not allow themselves to be punished like this.

Eighteen Bimo could not have imagined that Jiang Lin could imprint his own breath on her body.

Now she has been slashed wildly by dozens or hundreds of golden thunders, and the immortal power in her body has long been dissipated. These golden thunders contain a strong power of divine punishment, even if she is an immortal, she has been knocked out of consciousness. , let alone mobilize immortal power to eliminate the brand behind it.

"You said you were a fairy, why bother me."

"It's alright now, even the sky will hack you."

Jiang Lin teleported three miles away, sat on the ground, panting heavily, looking at Jin Yun in the distance, he sighed.

If it wasn't for Shiba Bimo who was chasing after him, intending to obliterate her, he would not have let her be struck by lightning.

Lightning Fairy.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty chapters

Hold the grass, Nima!

Jiang Lin rolled back and forth on the ground, and many boulders fell towards him in midair.

These huge stones were bombarded by golden thunder and the ground crashed over.

And these stones are like red-hot brick embryos taken out of a brick kiln, exuding a terrifying high temperature.

Jiang Lin is really glad that his luck was overwhelming this time, and he was not struck by the thunder. Otherwise, even if he had protective measures on his body, it would have no effect at all.

Even a stone with a large head was struck by lightning and flew three miles away. This kind of power is no joke.

However, although the power of thunder is terrifying, it can no longer last.Because Jiang Lin had stopped breaking the boundary, the punishment from the gods three miles away had begun to cease gradually.

After all, the reason for the punishment was Jiang Lin breaking through the realm. Since the source was gone, even if Shi Shi Bimo still had Jiang Lin's breath, he could not continue to induce Jin Lei to land.

Go see how it goes.

When the thundercloud disappeared completely, Jiang Lin stood up and returned to the place where Shiba Bimo was robbed.

The center of the original thunder can no longer see the appearance of the ground, and there are stones and gravels everywhere.

Even the mountain that fell before has completely disappeared.

Eighteen Bimo was disheveled and charred all over, lying in the pile of stones, no longer looking like a fairy.

She was not obliterated by the punishment. After all, after Jiang Lin initiated the punishment, he stopped after only a few breaths.

But the Eighteen Bimo was not much better.

Jiang Lin can now sense that her current cultivation has dropped to the equivalent of forming a pill, which can be said to be the weakest immortal in history.

Shiba Bimo looked at Jiang Lin and struggled, but now she couldn't move.

"What? Are you afraid I'll kill you?"

Jiang Lin sat down and continued: "You can rest assured, I don't have much strength now."

Escaped under the eyes of an angel, although Jiang Lin was only seriously injured, [*]% of the spiritual power in his body was also consumed. In addition, he continuously teleported after releasing the ruthless Yang Xuanguang, and now his body is also very uncomfortable.

In his current state, it is impossible to kill Shiba Bimo.

"I said, why are you doing this? Do you know that you can wake up because of my spellcasting? Do you know that the extraterritorial demon in northern Sichuan has been broken, and in order to save the people of Shu, I took out How many treasures from heaven and earth, just to make you reappear in the world? Are you immortals so high above? I wonder, aren't all the bull-headed and horse-faced people in the underworld all demons and ghosts become immortals?"

Although Jiang Lin couldn't kill people, he still wanted to stab Shiba Bimo's heart, making her feel that it was only right that she was struck by lightning.

"You don't want to ask, what major things have I done these years? A while ago, I didn't sleep for seven days and seven nights, just to ask for rain for the people of Shu. You should be glad that you didn't kill me, otherwise, you are probably the first in history. The first fairy to be reviled by the people."


After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Shiba Bimo was speechless.

Although her cultivation has dropped dramatically, she can still sense whether Jiang Lin is lying.

Jiang Lin looked at Shiba Bimo and said again, "Do you know why Lei struck you this time?"


Eighteen Bimo blinked his eyes with a bitter expression on his face.

Jiang Lin continued: "Also, I said that you have my blood in your stomach, that's a mouthful of anger, and the lotus root body you are attached to is all the marrow and hard work I provided! Kindly wake you up, you But if you want to kill me, who is not angry? You are better, you don't even give me a chance to explain. "

"Look at how good I am. If you want to kill me, I am still here to talk to you in a good voice."

Jiang Lin lied without blushing, he had no ability to do that, or else he might be ruthless, and he would really kill an immortal.

Eighteen Bimo's heart was stabbed by Jiang Lin again and again. Now, how can she decide whether Jiang Lin is lying or not? She thought that what Jiang Lin said was true, her nose fluttered in shame, and she was about to cry.

Almost made a fairy cry, Jiang Lin is probably the first.

Seeing Shiba Bimo's attitude, Jiang Lin couldn't help feeling a little gloomy in his heart, he said, "Don't leave the grievances there, if you still want to kill me, I will fight my life not to, and I will also perish with you, you sigh. Say it."

Eighteen Bimo sat up, wiped the dust on her forehead, hesitated several times, and finally said, "It's my fault."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Yo, the dignified fairy, will you admit your mistake?"

He really didn't expect this fairy to admit his mistake to him.

"Since this is the case, then we can still cooperate and deal with the extraterritorial demons together."

"I...I...I have no way to deal with it. My immortal power has been scattered by the thunder, and there is not much left, and my strength has dropped greatly. It will take at least ten years to recover. Now I, It's no match for it at all."


Jiang Lin almost held a big grass. He thought that Shiba Bimo was just a temporary slump, but he didn't expect the almost semi-permanent state to fall.

"Who do you blame? Who do you blame? It's up to you to carry the blame! You scapegoat fairy!"

Jiang Lin was so angry that he took a black pot from the ancient mirror in his arms and threw it to Shiba Bimo.

Take the blame for you!

There was nothing at all. With him and a group of monks and Taoists, and with the Eighteen Bimo, it should not be a problem to seal or even destroy the extraterrestrial demons.

But now, the Eighteen Bimo is useless.

He even sacrificed the time spent with his wives, and spent a lot of cold marrow and unicorn blood, but it was all in vain.

Eighteen Bimo: "..."

At this moment, Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle rushed over, and they were stunned when they saw that there was a super-large explosion in this area.

"My identity as a zombie is basically unknown, and I don't want people to know. You should know what it means."


Eighteen Bimo hurriedly turned his face to one side, and cast a spell with the little immortal power left in his body, so that he was no longer disheartened, and changed into a new clothes in an instant.

" this a large-scale domestic violence scene?"

Zhang Han looked around, his eyes fell on Jiang Lin and Shiba Bimo again, and such a sentence popped out of his mouth.

"Jiang Lin, are you all right? What's going on? Does she really have your child?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was safe, Uncle Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that Shiba Bimo seemed to be a little daughter-in-law who was wronged. He really didn't know what was going on.

Jiang Lin explained: "Don't talk nonsense, I was rude before. She was struck by lightning because she wanted to kill me."

"Tianxian was struck by lightning?"

Ninth Uncle and the others all widened their eyes. They had never heard of such a thing.

"Lin Zi, why did she want to kill you?"

Zhang Han can't figure it out now, why is a goddess going to trouble Jiang Lin, saying that he is a monster.

Jiang Lin spread out his hands and responded, "This is because I have a plague demon on me. She is blinded by her eyes, or can lightning strike her?"

"Oh, Shangxian, it's fortunate that you didn't make a big mistake!"

"Where is Daoist Li Yang a monster? He spreads money to relieve disasters, kills blood demons, and wiped out hundreds of billions of locust plagues in the northwest. He is still praying for rain for the people of Shu during the severe drought. Saints are just like that."

"Yeah! This time, in order to deal with the extraterrestrial demons, he worked hard to enter Shu again, just to wake you up, Immortal."

The high priest of the Yi nationality and Daoist Ziyun all looked at Shiba Bimo, and the reverence in their eyes dropped a lot.

They didn't know the real inside story and took Jiang Lin's words seriously.

Today, they still feel that Jiang Lin, who has been fighting side by side with them, is more cordial than this angel they have never seen before.

Master Hong Jinbao said: "Don't talk about this, let's listen to Fairy's plans now, the extraterritorial demons can't stay away from the sealed land now, this is a good time."

"See that pot?"

Jiang Lin reached out and pointed at the black pot not far away. Master Hong Jinbao shook his head blankly, not knowing what Jiang Lin meant.

"This cauldron fairy said that she fell from the realm of being struck by lightning, and even lost the ability to seal the extraterrestrial demons. Do you think she can bear this cauldron?"


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