Jiang Lin and Eve immediately went to the temple to look for Immorton and the others. Although no one was found, they found the mark left by Alex and a small sand pile.

"Oh, it's Philae Temple Island, this is the message that Alex left us."

Eve herself is an expert in archaeology, and she saw the iconic buildings stacked in sand and recognized them.

"Their speed is not slow. It is possible that they will arrive at Amshe first and wake up the Scorpion Emperor. In order to prevent this, I will notify the entire Zoroastrianism and let them gather their troops and follow us. In case of Anubis' army Resurrected, it is up to them to deal with it.”

Adebe put a messenger bird to inform his congregation, and then boarded the airship again with Jiang Lin and the others, heading to the next destination.

"Why do you have this tattoo on your wrist?"

On the airship, Adebey was quite surprised when he discovered the tattoo pattern on Jiang Lin's wrist.

Jiang Lin asked, "Do you also recognize this kind of tattoo?"

"This is the sacred record of ancient Egypt. It is only found on guardian warriors and guardians. In ancient times, this pattern represented the warriors of pharaohs and gods."

"It was originally on Eve's body, but for some reason, it was transferred to my wrist."

Jiang Lin looked at Eve, who was standing by the railing not far away, and he was startled by the sight.

Eve screamed and fell off the railing.

I drop baby!

Jiang Lin rushed over instantly, wrapped Eve's body with the yin fire whip, and pulled it up.

"What the hell is going on here? Are you in an illusion again?"

Jiang Lin hugged Eve tightly. During this period of time, Eve had not been in the state. In the medical terms of later generations, she was a little schizophrenic.

But he couldn't find the reason and couldn't solve Eve's situation.

"Lin, I understand. I just saw what happened in ancient times, and I also saw myself, I... I used to be the daughter of Seti I, no, my previous life was the daughter of Pharaoh, Nafidiri, ancient Egypt. princess."

Eve told Jiang Lin about the illusion she had seen before. More than [-] years ago, Seti I got the bracelet of death, and wanted to choose one of her princesses and daughters to guard this holy artifact. In the end, she In his previous life, he became the guardian of the bracelet of the god of death.

"You mean you just awakened the memory of your previous life? So are you Eve or Nefidiri now?"

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. The ghosts of Nima's underworld were reincarnated, didn't they drink Meng Po soup?

His wife now has two personalities.

Not even my husband shouted.

"Don't tell me, you still remember something that shouldn't be remembered."

"Husband, I didn't have a man in my previous life, and I haven't been touched by a man."

Looking at the expression on Jiang Lin's face, Eve laughed. Fortunately, Seti I's daughter, who was never married in her previous life, did not love any man, otherwise there would be discord between their husband and wife.

"I finally understand why there are tattoos on my body. When I started to have strange dreams, it was the year of the scorpion in ancient Egypt. I was the person who guarded the bracelet of death, and the Great Scorpion was destined to wake up this year. My mission It is to destroy him. As for the tattoo on you, it is naturally because you are my man. With you, I don't have to shoulder this heavy responsibility. We must not let the Scorpion Emperor wake up, even if he wakes up. , and it must be eliminated. According to the memory in my mind, the army of death gods owned by the Great Scorpion is no less than one million. What we encountered before were only a few guards. If the army wants to appear in the world, it must be Awaken the Scorpion Emperor."

Eve told Jiang Lin about the seriousness of the matter. If the troops that were sleeping underground could wake up and destroy everything, even the human army with hot weapons would not be able to deal with them.

Moreover, if the Demon Scorpion Emperor is resurrected and wants to kill him, he can only use the spear of judgment, but she doesn't know where the golden spear is.

"Let's wait until the place. Now that you have recovered your memory, you should not enter the illusion or have some strange dreams again. Rest early. As for Alex, you don't have to worry too much, that little guy is so clever, he must not Something will happen."

Jiang Lin nodded between Eve's eyebrows, causing her to fall asleep.

Another battle.

Jiang Lin held Eve in his arms and fell asleep leaning against the railing.With Immorton here, it is estimated that the resurrection of the Scorpion Emperor is a certainty. He also needs to adjust his state to face the huge situation that will appear in a few days.

In the next few days, Jiang Lin and the others were chasing Immorton and the pagan crowd. Unfortunately, those people were led by Immorton, and they were so fast that they never caught up.

Now that Immorton has recovered his human form and his mana has gradually recovered, he can easily discover the hands and feet that Alex was doing in secret.

On this day, Jiang Lin and the others sailed in a large canyon in an airship, and below them was the Blue Nile River.

"Come on, watch your aunt, uncle and father die in my hands."

Immerton was half-submerged in the water, laughing at Alex who was on the shore not far away.

As soon as he held his hands, the water of the Blue Nile River swelled, and the water level almost exceeded the cliffs of the canyon on both sides.

Imorton pushed with both palms, and the mighty river rushed forward.

The entire Blue Nile River has bottomed out, and the river water is driven by Immorton's mana, rushing towards the river forests in the canyon with the power of the mountains and the sea.

"My goodness!"

The black man noticed the change in the canyon, and when he looked back, his eyes almost fell out of fear.

"Don't be stunned, turn on the injector!"

Jiang Lin roared at him, condensing the spiritual power in his body, and shooting Yang Yan towards the back of the airship.

In an instant, the speed of the airship was almost comparable to that of a Boeing [-].

"Find a way out, you can't stay in the canyon all the time!"

Jiang Lin shouted again, and the river behind the airship was chasing after him. If he was flooded by the millions of tons of river water, even he couldn't stand it.

Eve pointed to the big crack in the distance and shouted: "There is a crack in the mountain ahead! Oh my God, it's the Amse Oasis!"

Behind the big crack, there is a vast oasis surrounded by mountains. In the center of the oasis, there is a golden [-]-meter-high pyramid.

"One hundred times turtle qigong!"

Jiang Linmao used all his strength, and his palms spurted a pillar of fire that was seven or eight meters wide. The airship suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the crack.

But this modified airship could not withstand the huge thrust, and it almost fell apart and crashed as soon as it broke out of the crack.

Rick and the others shouted down below, and thousands of goblins in the oasis climbed up the treetops one after another.

The legendary Amse oasis is actually a goblin kingdom.

Chapter [-]: Spiritual power is sealed, corpse poison is locked

Jiang Lin grabbed Eve's waist and turned into a yin fire whip, entangling Jonathan, Rick and the others, making them land smoothly.

As soon as everyone touched the ground, a large group of goblins rushed over.

Jiang Lin waved his arm, and the eight-meter-long Yang Finger Sword slashed nearly a hundred of the charging goblins to death.

Mouse and Xiaobai also manifested their bodies and roared at the front.

The goblin rushing up from behind immediately held his footsteps and kept retreating.

After that, they turned around and bowed to the huge pyramid in the center of the oasis, making a very unpleasant sound.

This sound wave spread in the direction of the pyramid. When the sound arrived, the huge Anubis statues on both sides of the pyramid suddenly exhaled a black gas from their mouths and rushed towards the diamond at the top of the pyramid.

The pot-sized diamond erupted with dazzling light, and then a golden light fence centered on the pyramid quickly spread outward, faster than sound.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin quickly released the yin and yang flames in his body, and protected Eve and the others behind him.

After the light wall arrived, it swept across Jiang Lin and the others.

At the same time, Jiang Lin's flames scattered outside his body immediately returned to his body, not only Yin fire and Yang Yan, but his spiritual power and corpse poison also seemed to be frozen at this moment.


Jiang Lin frowned, and quickly mobilized his spiritual power and the corpse poison in his bones, but he found that his connection with the spiritual power and the corpse poison had been cut off.

Spiritual power is sealed, corpse poison is locked.

"Master, my spiritual power can't be mobilized!"

"So is my demon power."

Not only Jiang Lin encountered such a thing, but the power of the Flying Mouse King and Xiaobai was also imprisoned.

"This should be a ban under Anubis, this is trouble."

Jiang Lin's expression became solemn. He finally knew why Alexander and Julius Caesar in history never got the army of Death.

There have been so many capable men and women throughout the ages. It is not difficult to find this oasis, and it is not difficult to wake up the Great Scorpion to kill it and take over Anubis' army, but the army of the Great Scorpion and the God of Death has never awakened. This shows that those people in history have all failed.

And the reason for the failure, [-]% of the time, like him, was blocked by the prohibition of the Golden Pyramid.

When the surrounding goblins saw Jiang Lin's flame returning to his body, they attacked again.

"Jerry, you're here to protect the black buddy and let him fix the airship. If we want to get out of here, we have to rely on it."

After explaining the Queen of the Flying Mouse, Jiang Lin snatched the submachine gun in Rick's hand and swept towards the goblins.

"Rush in! These goblins are attracted by the sound. As long as we rush into the oasis, they are not easy to find."

Jiang Lin pulled Eve with one hand, and shot with the gun in the other, rushing towards the dense bush.

Adebe and the others also followed Jiang Lin to break out of the encirclement. Because Jiang Lin and the others had drawn the hatred of the goblins, and although the Flying Rat King was imprisoned, his demon body was still there, so the goblins went after Jiang Lin and the others. persimmon".

There was almost no road in the dense forest, Jiang Lin and the others were walking very slowly, and they only walked halfway at night.

It didn't take long for them to hear gunshots, and Immorton and his party also encountered goblins.

Jiang Lin and the others stepped up their speed and rushed to the front of Immorton and the pagans, dormant on trees and mountains.

When those people arrived, Jiang Lin rushed down with Rick and Adebe while they were tired of dealing with the goblins.

With Eve and Jonathan assisting at high places, and Immorton's mana was also banned, it was no longer possible to summon the guards in the bracelet of death. After a firefight, Jiang Lin finally rescued his eldest nephew.

The group rested in a small open space, and Alex pointed to the white sky in the distance, and said, "Uncle, let's reach the pyramid in the center quickly. If I don't arrive before dawn, I will die. Those undead guards in the bracelet will also appear again, and you are not immune."

"Whether there is this incident or not, we have to get ahead of Immorton and the others."

Jiang Lin took a breath, and then without further delay, took Eve and the others onwards.

Now they can't retreat. Once the sun comes out, the Scorpion Emperor and the Death God's army will be resurrected. Immorton and hundreds of heretics are behind them. When the Death God Army rushes, there is no hope.

There is still a chance of survival.

Because Adebe wanted to command the Zoroastrian monks to fight against the army of the god of death who might be resurrected, he sent a signal to summon the giant falcon in the religion and took it out of the oasis.

Just before the sun came out, Jiang Lin and the others finally arrived at the golden pyramid in the center of the oasis, and the bracelet of death also fell off Alex's wrist.

But almost at the same time, Immorton and the pagans also arrived, and the two sides exchanged fire again, but this time in a head-to-head confrontation, Jiang Lin and the others were short of manpower, so they could only enter the pyramid to avoid the firepower of the other party.

The bracelet of death was also stolen by Immorton because Jiang Lin went to protect Eve.

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