After that, Jiang Lin's body moved one after another, and every time he paused, the corpse of a magician or ninja was separated.

One-sided slaughter.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless.

Within a few seconds, the magicians, ninjas, and dancers gathered here were all killed by Jiang Lin.


Just then, gunshots erupted in the distance.

In the team led by Kuang Guohua, someone was discovered by the patrolling soldiers.


Then, there was a continuous explosion.

The guerrilla squad directly detonated the placed explosives.

When Jiang Lin arrived at Kuang Guohua and the others, there was smoke and dust in the hall and passage. In addition to the smoke and dust, there was also a large amount of poisonous gas.

In addition to placing a lot of explosives in the ammunition depot, Kuang Guohua and the others also put a lot of explosives in the gas chamber of the headquarters.

And the strange poison in the Jianglin Institute is also stored in the gas chamber.

As soon as these strange poisons spread, ordinary people would die within two or three seconds if they did not hold their breath immediately.

A large number of riben soldiers were killed by the poisonous gas and poison they brought, and many people on Kuang Guohua's side were also poisoned.

"Hold your breath!"

Jiang Lin shouted at Kuang Guohua and the others, and then released his own yin fire and yang flames to cover them.

At the same time, ten yin fire whips sprang out from his ten fingers, entangling the guerrillas and dragging them away from the poisonous gas.

"Father, father!"

On the opposite side, Kazuo Yamamoto looked at Chief Yamamoto, who was smoked to death by poison gas and turned into bones. His eyes seemed to be able to eat people, looking at the backs of Jiang Lin and Kuang Guohua.

Before Kuang Guohua fell into a coma, he turned his face to look at Kazuo Yamamoto and shot him, but unfortunately, it was no longer accurate.

This time the two looked at each other, forging a period of sixty years of cause and effect.

Jiang Lin didn't care about those soldiers. What matters now is to save these righteous people who are defending the land of China.

And when the gas chamber exploded, the strange poison in it spread, and none of the army here could survive, so he didn't need to do anything anymore.

However, Jiang Lin is still a wise man, and it is inevitable that there will be miscalculations.

Since the magician and the army built the gas chamber and put the strange poison in the world, they must have taken protective measures.

Many officers, including Kazuo Yamamoto, wear paper royal stickers similar to magic talismans, which can prevent the invasion of strange poisons.

Chapter [-] Seed Causes (Part [-])

Jiang Lin drew a few magic talismans on the palm of his hand and hit Kuang Guohua and the others in the air to prevent them from inhaling more poisonous gas.

Seven or eight people had just been taken out of the headquarters building by Jiang Lin, and they were basically dead. Except for Kuang Guohua, who had practiced martial arts and knew some methods of holding one’s breath, everyone else had inhaled a strange poison.

Their faces were dark blue, and they gushed blood.

Jiang Lin looked at their bodies and found that the internal organs of these people had dissolved.

Totally helpless.

"Daoist Li Yang, we don't think we can do it anymore. Captain Kuang was shot in order to cover us, but looking at his face, he shouldn't have been poisoned like us. Take him away!"

The tall young man pushed Jiang Lin away and set the fuse of the bundle of explosives in his arms.

The other guerrillas, like the tall young man, ordered the explosives they were carrying and rushed to the exit, blocking the soldiers who were chasing after him.

"Pindao will make your souls return to your hometown."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then flicked his fingers a few more spiritual energy shots at these heroes, and then he dragged Kuang Guohua away from the school grounds.

Now the guerrilla captain's face is beginning to have black air, and he needs to find a quiet enemy immediately to remove poison and heal his wounds.

If it is delayed any longer, the only surviving righteous person may also die.

Jiang Lin ran for a few miles and stopped in a half-open mountain hollow.

After arranging some defensive circles around him, he began to detoxify Kuang Guohua.

Jiang Lin himself has a physique that is far beyond ordinary people, and he has the true fire of the sun to make the strange poison ineffective, but it is still difficult for him to detoxify this kind of poison in others. Can save people.

I hope Madonna didn't rush over so quickly.

Jiang Lin hoped that Ma Dannuo would come later, otherwise he would not be able to take care of him.

In fact, Madonna will take four or five days to arrive.

She was flustered that day, and ran out of Fuxi Hall directly, but she forgot to ask Mao Xiaofang to borrow it.

After walking for two days, she realized that the magic tools and talismans she brought were not enough, so she went back the same way.

Jiang Lin worked all night and day, and used a lot of rare materials and treasures to save the man.

It's a problem.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but press his eyebrows. The guerrilla captain estimated that he would still be in a coma for a day or two, and he had his own business and needed to wait for Ma Danna, so he couldn't stay here to take care of others.

When he was worried, a pair of father and son happened to be walking towards him in the distance.

So, Jiang Lin carried Kuang Guohua on his back and greeted him, but halfway through, he suddenly felt that the spiritual power he had left on the tall young people fluctuated.

"Do you still want to arrest their souls?"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly and formed a seal on his hands, but the distance was too far, and the other party seemed to be a capable person who was not shallow.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin put Kuang Guohua on the ground, and put the identity certificate in his pocket in his hand.

Then Jiang Lin ran towards a high mountain behind.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he cast a spell to steal the heroic souls of the six or seven people.

At this time, the father and son that Jiang Lin saw had already reached the place where Kuang Guohua was lying.

If Jiang Lin hadn't left, he would have found that among the father and son who came, he knew each other.

The father and son were He Weilun. When Jiang Lin was chasing and killing the descendant of the first general he met, he had been to the vicinity of Hongxi Village. At that time, He Weilun was a young man who was taken as a hostage by a blue-eyed zombie.

In the end, Jiang Lin killed the blue-eyed zombie and saved him.

Now that more than ten years have passed, He Weilun has entered middle age, and that eight or nine-year-old child is his son, He Fusheng.

"Dad, look, there's a lot of blood."

He Fusheng, who was carrying a fish, found Kuang Guohua and tugged at his father's sleeve.

"Ri himself?"

When He Weilun saw Kuang Guohua wearing a Japanese military uniform, his nerves immediately became tense.

"I...I'm a Middle-earth."

Kuang Guohua heard the sound, woke up, said a word, and he passed out again.

He Weilun stepped forward to check on Kuang Guohua's situation and found the identity certificate in his hand.

"Fusheng, he is from the anti-Japanese guerrillas, hurry up, let's help him back to the village together."

"Guerrilla, is our hero, Dad, we must save him."

The father and son helped Kuang Guohua up and took him back to their village.

Jiang Lin saw this scene on the mountain and did not go there again.

He would not have thought that he saved Kuang Guohua and left him on the only path of He Weilun and his son, but thus changed the fate of the three people.

Kuang Guohua, He Fusheng, and Kazuo Yamamoto.

Not long after, the three were bitten by the generals and became immortal zombies.

Besides Jiang Lin, Ma Danna was the one who caused this result.

If Jiang Lin hadn't gone to the Guangxi headquarters, Kuang Guohua would have died there, and he would not have been taken to Hongxi Village, and if Ma Danna had not insisted on dealing with the generals, there would have been no future events.

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt..."

Jiang Lin recited a spell on the mountain to save the few heroic souls in his hand, and sent them back to their hometown by way of heaven.

No one who died in the war could be reincarnated immediately, whether it was the righteous side or the unjust camp, but since Jiang Lin met, he used the power of his underworld to allow these soldiers who defended their homeland to reincarnate as soon as possible.

For the next few days, Jiang Lin stayed on the mountain, waiting for Ma Danna.

Five days later, on July [-], Kazuo Yamamoto, who led the team to find Kuang Guohua, went to the next destination - Hongxi Village.

On the same day, Ma Danna also arrived at the Liuzhou boundary. At six o'clock in the evening, she arrived near Hongxi Village.

Three or four miles from Jiangchen's cave, Madonna set up a corpse formation in an open space.

She also doesn't know if the generals are in the cave that Jiang Lin said. She heard about the horrors of the generals from Jianglin, so when she is not fully prepared, she does not dare to investigate easily.

"This corpse formation, are you kidding me?"

Jiang Lin looked at Ma Danna not far away, and could only shake his head again and again. The magic array that Ma Danna had set up might not even be effective against the Millennium Zombie King.

If Miao Shan hadn't said that he could not interfere with Ma Danna's actions, he probably couldn't help but show up and hit Ma Dannuo hard.

Ma Danna arranged more than one magic circle, and Jiang Lin followed her.

He is now wearing a night clothes, half of his face is covered with black cloth, and he has a hat on his head. Not only that, he has hidden patterns that are very effective all over his body, and his own breath will not be exposed at all.

Even if he is face to face with the generals, he is not worried that he will be sensed by the other party.

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-eight chapters feel that the IQ has been insulted

When Ma Danna and Jiang Lin went to Jiangchen Cave one after another, bloodshed had already occurred in Hongxi Village several miles away.

The villagers of Hongxi Village knew that Sergeant Liben came to their village, so He Weilun asked his son He Fusheng to take Kuang Guohua to the mountain to escape. Denies seeing any guerrillas.

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