When Zhuge Liang was puzzled, Liu Zhe said again, "This king knows that you have already sent people to Xudu, whether you can unite with the king of Wei, or incite the king of Wei to send troops to cut off this queen's path, this king does not care, nor does it matter. Worry."

Zhuge Liang was taken aback, he did not expect Liu Zhe to be so direct.

He sent people to Xudu to find Cao Cao. Liu Bei had already sent two groups of people, and the second time he sent Deng Zhi, the purpose was to persuade Cao Cao to send troops to deal with Liu Zhe.

But what Zhuge Liang didn't expect was that Liu Zhe would know, and what he didn't expect was that Liu Zhe was not worried.

If Liu Zhe is not worried, then there is only one possibility, Liu Zhe has a backer.

But when he thought of this possibility, Zhuge Liang was relieved. Who was Liu Zhe, he couldn't have come to Yizhou without any arrangement.

But at the same time, Zhuge Liang felt a bit of a headache. In this situation, Liu Zhe was simply unable to get in. No matter such a threat, Liu Zhe was not afraid, and Liu Bei's means of threatening Liu Zhe were so small, Liu Zhe could do it. One by one. ..

3141 , Liu Zhe's Retreat

Zhuge Liang faced Liu Zhe for the first time, and now the feeling Liu Zhe gave him was not how powerful or powerful Liu Zhe was, but the feeling that Liu Zhe gave him now was that he was very difficult to deal with.

Before today, Zhuge Liang had never been able to persuade anyone in the world, but now that he met Liu Zhe, Zhuge Liang's confidence was shaken for the first time, could he really not be able to persuade Liu Zhe?

At this moment, Zhuge Liang was not only his lord Liu Bei, but also sympathized with Cao Cao.

In the past, it was Cao Cao who faced Liu Zhe directly and fought against Liu Zhe.

Zhuge Liang could imagine the situation that Cao Cao suffered in front of Liu Zhe, and he couldn't help sympathizing with Cao Cao.

The opponent is Liu Zhe, which is not easy.

Zhuge Liang became silent again, thinking of other ways in his mind to persuade Liu Zhe.

But before Zhuge Liang thought of a way, Liu Zhe spoke up again.

He smiled at Zhuge Liang and said, "This king is not an unreasonable person. If the king of Chu can meet this king's conditions, this king can retreat."

"King Yan, but it's okay to talk." Zhuge Liang said.

He secretly concentrated his mind, and at the same time secretly warned himself that Liu Zhe's conditions were not so easy to accept.Zhuge Liang gave himself another shot.


Liu Zhe said, "This king doesn't have many conditions..."

Then he stopped and nodded to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia ordered, smiled and said to Zhuge Liang, "King Yan's conditions are few, there are three."

"The first one, withdraw from Yizhou, return Yizhou to Liu Jiyu, and King Yan will withdraw immediately."

"Second, hand over Jingzhou and hand over Jingzhou to King Yan, and King Yan will immediately retreat."

"The third one, give King Yan a population of [-] households and millions of grains of food, and King Yan will immediately retreat."

Having said this, Guo Jia paused and continued: "As long as King Chu meets any of the above three conditions, King Yan will immediately retreat."

After listening to the conditions stated by Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but show a wry smile on his face, while Ma Su next to him was more direct, glaring directly at Liu Zhe and Guo Jia.

The three conditions, no matter which one, will cost Liu Bei's life.

Both Yizhou and Jingzhou are indispensable to Liu Bei. Whether it is the loss of Yizhou or Jingzhou, Liu Bei has lost the qualification to dominate the world.

If you obey Liu Zhe's conditions and hand over Jingzhou or Yizhou, then what is the significance of Liu Bei's army to fight against Liu Zhe in Fucheng at the beginning?

If so, wouldn't it be enough to hand over Yizhou early?

As for the third condition, the same is true. If you agree to Liu Zhe, Liu Bei's strength will be at a loss.

There are [-] households and millions of Dendrobium forage, not to mention food and grass, the population alone is no longer enough.

For a prince like Liu Bei, the most direct display of his strength is the number of soldiers and horses under his command and the size of the territory.And the source of the soldiers and horses is the common people.

Without a population of [-] households, Liu Bei was not simply missing tens of thousands of soldiers.Without the cultivation and work of the common people, there would be nothing to talk about such as food, clothing, and weapons for war.

Zhuge Liang showed a wry smile and said to Liu Zhe, "King Yan, do you think the King of Chu can agree to such a condition? If it were you, King Yan, would you agree?"

"King Yan, the sincerity of the king of Chu is full."

Zhuge Liang said to Liu Zhe, "As long as the conditions are reasonable, the King of Chu will definitely agree, but the King of Chu will never be slaughtered."

"Well, that's what I said."

After listening to Zhuge Liang's words, Liu Zhe nodded. He touched his chin and said, "Well, lest people say that this king is unreasonable, this king will give the king of Chu one more condition. As long as he agrees, this king will withdraw immediately."

Zhuge Liang didn't say anything, he waited for Liu Zhe to say this new condition, but Zhuge Liang knew that this condition that Liu Zhe said was not a good condition.

"This king's condition is very simple."

Liu Zhe stared at Zhuge Liang and said, "This king's condition is you."

"As long as you are sure to take refuge in this king, this king will retreat immediately."

Zhuge Liang was dumbfounded, he never expected Liu Zhe's condition to be like this.

"King Yan, this..."

Zhuge Liang didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that his face would be so great that Liu Zhe would make such a request.

"This king says one thing or another."

Liu Zhe said to Zhuge Liang, "As long as you nod your head and agree, this king will withdraw immediately."

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