Two days later, on the day of the court, Wang Yun proposed to the court that the emperor had reached the age of marriage, and it was time to find a good family to marry.

Emperor Xian said: Situ, you have to make up your mind

Wang Yun replied: There is a daughter Fu Wan in the waiter, who is dignified and graceful, who can be the queen, and the mother of the world.

The rest of the court looked at Cao Cao unanimously. They were used to it. Cao Cao would object to Wang Yun's suggestion, whether it was right or wrong. Anyway, if Wang Yun proposed, Cao Cao would oppose it.

Therefore, everyone was waiting for Cao Cao to come out and oppose it. However, Cao Cao stood up, but what was surprising was that he actually agreed.

Cao Cao said: The emperor Situ was a good choice, she was the one

Cao Cao's actions shocked the eyes of the civil and military people of the dynasty. Except for Wang Fen, everyone could not believe that what Cao Cao saw (Nuo's good) would actually agree with Wang Yun's opinion?

Even Emperor Xian Liu Xie was in shock and wondered what Cao Cao was doing.Usually Wang Fen and Cao Cao would like to change their sleeves in the courtroom, but today it is so peaceful

Cao Cao and Wang Yun ignored the surprise of the others. The two of them joined the king, and the imperial court was already in their hands.

The two joined forces, and the matter was quickly passed, and then quickly proceeded, the day was chosen, and everything was ready.

Immediately after that, Cao Cao Wang Yun issued a large number of invitations, inviting princes from all over the world to come to attend the ceremony of the Emperor Xian.

However, the cooperation between Cao Cao and Wang Yu made one person dissatisfied. △

513. Liu Zhe's response [5/5 for subscription]

After Liu Xie returned to the harem, his face was gloomy. The union of Cao Cao and Wang Fen made him feel a sense of crisis. Once the two men united with the court, they would be in their hands. puppet.It can no longer be like when Cao Cao and Wang Yun were fighting, both sides need to win him over.

Emperor Xian found Liu Zhe's letter to him. This letter was secretly given to him by Cai Yong, even Wang Fen didn't know about it. Looking at the words in the letter that Liu Zhe suggested that he secretly cultivate his own strength, the light in Liu Xie's eyes gradually became firmer

Want me to go to the imperial ceremony?

After Liu Zhe received the news, he was slightly surprised.

Liu Zhe has returned from Bingzhou to Youzhou, and the examination in Bingzhou is over. It may be a little lacking for the first time, but this has already satisfied Liu Zhe, and there are many people who have come to take the examination, and there are many people in the county. Come to participate, four or five hundred people

This is the first time to do this, Liu Zhe is very satisfied, and as long as he insists on going to 950 and gradually improves, sooner or later he will be able to return to Youzhou from Bingzhou as he thought. , he had just been with his family for a few days when he got home, when he received news from Xudu, asking him to attend the emperor's grand ceremony in October.

A little trick," Guo Jia said with disdain.

Guo Jia saw through what Cao Cao was thinking at a glance

That's right, Cao Cao thought we were all fools. "Yu agrees with Guo Jia's words.

This was not Cao's idea, but Wang Fen's. "Jia Xu corrected by the side.

Wang points? "Gou or was surprised at first, and then realized that Liu Zhe eliminated the Bingzhou Wang family, Wang Fen and Liu Zhe have become enemies and are no longer allies before.

"Master, pretend to be sick, as long as you pretend to be sick, even if you don't bbec) they can't help you." Jia Xu suggested

Cao Cao Wang Yun wanted to deceive Liu Zhe to Xudu, then imprisoned Liu Zhe, and controlled the four provinces of Hebei through Liu Zhe, but this strategy was too easy to crack.

Xun Yu and the others nodded, Liu Zhe's identity was too important to go to Xudu, if something went wrong with Liu Zhe, the power of his king would collapse.

No, you say, how about I go to Xudu to play?Liu Zhe had the opposite idea, a smile raised at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "But I'm going with tens of thousands of guards, what do you think Cao Cao will do?

From the beginning to the star, Liu Zhe has never paid attention to Wang, Cao Cao is more dangerous than Wang Fen

"Master?" The others looked at Liu Zhe in surprise

The corner of Liu Zhe's mouth turned to Yang Dao: "Isn't Cao Cao trying to imprison me so that I can control the four provinces in Hebei? Then I will let Cao Cao know my strength and let him know that this idea is unrealistic.

In fact, Liu Zhe's thoughts are very simple, just to scare Cao Cao, have fun, Cao Cao is a big stranger in history, but

In this day and age, he can't compare

Liu Zhe wanted to do this just out of bad taste and wanted to see what Cao Cao would do.

My lord, why don't you bring an army of a million people?" Guo Jia, who also likes to play tricks, was invigorated. He asked Liu Zhe to take a million people to Xudu to show off, which really startled the people in the room.

Everyone in the room looked at Guo Jia sideways, wishing to drag him out and beat him up.

One million people, Liu Zhe is not without them, but they are all scattered and stationed in other places.

Fengyi County, Guan Yu led a [-] army, Hedong and Hanoi had a [-] army led by Zangba, Bingzhou Huang Zhong led a [-] army, Jizhou Zhangbu led a [-] army, Qingzhou Zhao Yun Zhang Liao led a [-] army, Youzhou stationed [-], of which ten Wan was led by Chen Gong in Liaodong County. Outside the Great Wall, there were [-] Han Chinese mixed in a little more Baitan. Da Shici commanded [-] troops in Hanwai, Bingzhou.

There are already one million soldiers and horses in these places, but if one million troops are to be assembled, the defense in other places will be empty. However, everyone knows that Guo Jia has a lot of ghost ideas, and no one comes out, but waits for Guo Jia to follow up

Lord, from the point of view of the alliance between Cao Cao and Wang Yun, Cao Cao regards us as the main enemy, and his attention has always been on us. Only let Cao Cao know that his strength is so different from ours that he can't compete with us at present. , let him have a greater sense of crisis, so that he can temporarily put us aside and focus on dealing with other people. "Guo Jia said what he meant.

Liu Zhe nodded, he understood what Guo Xi meant

It is to let Cao Cao feel that he is not Liu Zhe's opponent at all, and let him understand that Liu Zhe can destroy him with just a touch of his finger.Cao Cao should understand that it is useless for him to focus on Liu Zhe at the moment. He can only go to other people to trouble him to eliminate others and expand his strength, so that he will be qualified to fight against Liu Zhe in the future.

To be honest, Liu Zhe is also very dissatisfied with Cao Cao's focus on himself all day long. The people around you are much weaker than me. Instead of looking for trouble with them, you stare at me all day and want to trouble me.

I really don't know how to die

514. Cai Yong's Worry [1/5 for Subscription]

When Liu Zhe and his subordinates were formulating development strategies before, they kept a low profile and let the princes in the Central Plains attack each other. However, except for the battle of Xuzhou, the other princes were contented and rarely fought each other. Liu Zhe was very dissatisfied with this plan.

You fight, how can you take advantage of the fisherman if you don't carry me

However, Guo Jia's strategy is good, but an army of one million is a bit troublesome

Liu Zhe raised his doubts, Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said, "This is easy to solve."

Guo Jia smiled and said with clear eyes, "My lord, there are countless alien races on the grassland. They have been skilled at bowing and horses since they were young, and they are natural warriors. They can be summoned to perform a play."

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