I Am the Emperor

Chapter 827: Fight again!

Whoohoo! ! !

There is a raging wind, like steel knives, containing the most terrifying sharp edge, flashing between the entire world, as if to completely pierce the entire world!

It's like completely destroying this world!

One can imagine how terrifying it is!

"What happened?" There was fear in Tianjiao's heart, and he still didn't understand what happened suddenly at this Tianjiao conference.

Li Mushen just stood up and looked at the Jiuhua Holy Son coldly.

In Li Mushen's eyes, a murderous intent emerged.

He didn't expect this Jiuhua Holy Son to actually use Ling Baobao's body to do things!

This made him extremely angry.

"Boss, I feel that this side of the world has been blocked, as if this side of the world has been controlled by the Holy Son of Jiuhua!" Tu Su said in a deep voice.

He was born in this world, and has the closest connection with this world, and can feel the changes that have taken place between this world.

"You want to save her?" Jiuhua Saint Son said.

"If you have the holy fruit of coagulation, then you can naturally save her, but if you don't have the holy fruit of coagulation, then no one can save her." Jiuhua Holy Son spoke slowly.

Hearing the words of the Jiuhua Holy Son, Li Mushen's expression was extremely cold and ugly.

It seems that because Tu Su occupies the body of the ancestor of the Holy Spirit Clan.

When the Holy Son of Jiuhua saw that Tu Su, he probably already had suspicions in his heart.

It is suspected that Li Mushen has a great relationship with the Holy Spirit Race.

Now that the Holy Spirit Clan has been exterminated, and the ancestor of the Holy Spirit Clan is following Li Mushen, it seems that he is his guardian.

So, is the coagulation holy fruit in the hands of Li Mushen?

Or, will the purple light armor in the Holy Spirit family be on this Li Mushen?

He didn't know whether all the conjectures in his heart were correct, but he was going to see if the thoughts in his own heart were still correct.

Li Mushen did not hesitate, he stepped on Xiaoyao Cong Yunshu.

Stepping out one step, the void trembled, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

As if crossing a long river of time, he appeared in the ring again.

He wants to take away Ling Baobao's coffin.

At this moment, the baby spirit, that is, the rosy saint, from her body, the vitality has been exhausted, and the soul aura follows his body.

If it continues, Ling Bao will surely die!

Therefore, he must take the blood clotting holy fruit for the spiritual baby.

He is going to take Ling Baobao away and bring her out of the array!

However, Li Mushen wanted to do this, but the Jiuhua Holy Son would not let Li Mushen get it.

He smiled coldly.

I saw that the sky in front of him was completely shattered at this moment, and he took the coffin of the spiritual baby, as if he and Li Mushen had divided the world!

When Li Mushen made his move, he couldn't get close to the Jiuhua Holy Son at all.

Jiuhua Holy Son was expressionless, he looked at Li Mushen quietly, no one knew what was thinking in this Jiuhua Holy Son's heart.

In the end, he planned to use Ling Baobao as a guide, and what did he want to do at this Tianjiao Conference!

In the entire Tianjiao Conference, no one knew about it!

Especially the terrifying waves of air, like turning into a blood-colored cage, completely covering the entire Tianxu!

On the sky, those terrifying air waves directly covered the blood-colored cage!

Under the cover of the blood-colored cage, everyone felt an extremely dangerous aura.

If you want to escape from this blood-colored cage, it is not easy!

What is this Holy Son of Nine Flowers doing!

What the **** is this **** trying to do!

They don't know all of this, it just adds infinite fear to their hearts!

Make their hearts seem so uneasy!

As if something big is about to happen!

This is absolutely terrifying!

Xuantian Buddha looked at Jiuhua, his hands clasped together, Amitabha.

"The actions of the Holy Son of Jiuhua are contaminated with cause and effect, and there will be endless troubles."

Jiuhua Holy Son did not answer Xuantian Buddha's words.

And that Miss Caiyun, who could see that her complexion had changed, felt a power that strayed between the heavens and the earth, as if she knew what the Holy Son of Jiuhua wanted to do!

Even Chu Changming frowned when he saw this scene.

Chu Changming murmured: "Master originally thought that the Jiuhua Holy Son would wait for a while, but I didn't expect to take action now, but it was beyond my surprise, so I can't wait any longer."

Saying that, there were rays of light flashing in Chu Changming's eyes, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared from the Tianjiao Conference. No one knew where Chu Changming was hiding at the moment!

I don't know what this Chu Changming wants to do!

Those protectors appeared beside Tianjiao who wanted to protect the way.

The strength of these guardians, their cultivation base is even stronger, and they can feel the danger hidden in this world!

Therefore, their expressions are extremely solemn!

Li Mushen is still taking action against the Holy Son of Jiuhua, and wants to recapture the rosy saint in the crystal coffin.

I saw Li Mushen raised his hand and waved, and ten thousand sword qi shot out directly from Li Mushen's fingertips.

Every sword qi seemed to contain the divine might to destroy the sky and the earth, smashing the heaven and the earth.

Around the Jiuhua Holy Son, there are stars and the Milky Way hanging down, protecting his body and protecting his safety!

Li Mushen's face became even colder.

He has no time to drag on now.

Now in this celestial ruins, with the fleshly body of the rosy saintess as a guide, it is drawn to the whole world, to integrate the whole world into one, and then show the slaughter of the gods!

In the hands of Li Mushen, the Chengying Divine Sword appeared.

He held the Chengying Divine Sword and used the unique skill of the 'Great Demon Heavenly Sword'.

Demonic energy surged across the entire world!

The power is monstrous, and it can shake the world!

He raised his hand with a sword and slashed at the Jiuhua Holy Son.

Holy Son Jiuhua just raised his hand and grabbed it.

The Chengying Divine Sword was caught by the Holy Son of Jiuhua.

However, the terrifying power in the Chengying Divine Sword couldn't help but make Jiuhua Holy Son's eyes a little surprised.

"As expected of the Shura Sword Emperor, every shot is truly extraordinary."

"Looking for death!" Li Mushen's eyes shot out that icy cold light!

He strikes again!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Demon swords appeared in the whole world, as if they were demon peaks with murderous aura, suppressing the universe!

That magic sword kills everything!

The entire world was simply unable to withstand the power contained in it, and it collapsed directly at this moment!

Everything is destroyed, and there is no life!

At this moment, Li Mushen really showed his strength!

Feeling the terrible swordsmanship performed by Li Mushen, Jiuhua Holy Son's expression became solemn.

With his hands swiping, stars evolved in front of him!

The radiance of the stars flickered, and each star was a killing light that could slay everything in the world!

The two of them are both top-notch magic showdowns!

Judging from the power at the moment, the battle with the previous two people in the arena, I don't know how many times stronger!

I don't know how shocking it is!

The power is still surging, still galloping!

When this Li Mushen and Jiuhua Holy Son's spells confronted each other!

The aftermath of that terrifying power turned into a mountain torrent, surging in all directions, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

Even those Taoist guardians felt the horror of this technique, and they couldn't help but feel the shock in their hearts!

Quickly use all means to protect the arrogance of the Taoist!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sky is torn apart, and everything is destroyed!

Under the collision of this top-level technique, everything in the Tianjiao Conference was destroyed!

Then Huo Tianjiao was dodging, and her Taoist protector also appeared.

The Taoist hurriedly protected Huo Tianjiao and stepped back quickly, trying to take Huo Tianjiao away from the Tianjiao Conference.

But at this Tianjiao Conference, it's not a place where they can come and leave when they want!

For example, now, it is impossible for them to leave this Tianjiao Conference!

The entire Tianjiao Conference was completely blocked!

Under the force of terror, this place was sealed off!

Daoist Tianqing just watched this scene with a cold eye, and even at the same time, there were powerful warriors from Shenmen, who guarded this world!

This time, Shenmen had already planned it.

Today, everyone who came to this Tianjiao Conference cannot leave!

And today, they will help Jiuhua Holy Son to take that step!

So, everyone here today, they have to die!

With the death of these geniuses, the vast fortune that will be gathered will help the Holy Son of Jiuhua reach the sky in one step!

These arrogances present, they are full of anger!

At this moment, they all know what happened!

Everyone knows that this **** has no good intentions!

It turned out that before this, they only used this Tianjiao Conference to display their own plans!

And apparently at this moment, their plan begins!

However, they still don't know, what exactly is this God's Sect trying to do?

At this moment, Li Mushen and Jiuhua Holy Son had collided again and again.

Every shot is so terrifying!

So shocking!

Finally, as the two fought again.

At this time, next to the crystal coffin, Tu Su appeared silently at some point.

Tu Su smiled and hugged the crystal coffin in his arms!

The Holy Son of Jiuhua, who has been fighting all the time, never thought that he would bring the rosy saint to another world, and this Tu Su actually came in!

Seeing that Tu Su actually took away the coffin of Saint Lady Hongyan, the face of Saint Son Jiuhua changed immediately.

He hurriedly shot, trying to stop Tu Su.

But Li Mushen raised his hand and slashed with a sword energy that broke the sky, directly destroying a palace in Tianxu, and directly blocking the Jiuhua Holy Son!

Jiuhua Holy Son's face is so ugly!


Tu Su sneered, no longer hesitated, and left directly with the coffin with the red-faced saint.

He appeared beside Li Mushen.

"Boss, this is the coffin of the Lady of the Red Face." Tu Su said.

Li Mushen nodded, "You did a great job."

Tu Su laughed loudly, "It's still the boss who is very powerful. Go and hold off this Holy Son of Nine Flowers first, otherwise I won't get the coffin of this rosy saint at all."

The Holy Son of Jiuhua did not appear from the heaven and earth where he was.

He still looked at all this with cold eyes, and his expression was indifferent.

But fortunately, it is already established in the Tianxu, even if this rosy saint falls into the hands of Li Mushen, it will not have much effect on him.

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