I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 1674

As small as an ant, the two have no

comparable possibilities.


Suddenly, the sound of wind breaking through the air came from behind, causing the girl's expression to change, and she hurried to go.

Hide in the bluestone corner on the side.

Although she doesn't have a cultivation base now, her five senses are still amazing, and she can hear it.

There was movement not far away.

Someone was chasing her in this direction, and there were quite a few

She hurriedly lowered her breath and didn't move, now she was just like a mortal

, In the face of a group of monks, there is no chance of life at all.

Now she can only pray that the group hadn't found her.

Hey, just now I clearly sensed that there was prey in this direction, why did it disappear suddenly?

lost? \u003e;

Am I feeling wrong

A group of gorgeously dressed young men and women came here riding on beasts, all covered with treasures.

Hui, very extraordinary.

The person who spoke was a brocade-robed man with decent features but a slightly gloomy complexion.

Holding a treasured bow in his hand, he seemed to be preparing to bend the bow and shoot the arrows to kill the prey.

At this moment, as if seeing the prey escape, with a surprised expression on his face, he was fighting everywhere.


Maybe our perception is wrong, why don't we look in another direction

Beside the man in brocade clothes, another cold-looking man sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Make a smile, ask deliberately

The rest of the people also laughed when they saw this, with a cat-and-mouse smile on their faces.

He said, "It seems that the prey escaped, what a pity, if we had earlier

Come here, maybe catch it

It's really a pity, forget it, or look in another direction. \u0026;amp;quot;

The man in the brocade also had a helpless look, as if he sighed, and then everyone rode

After the beast turned and left, he wanted to go to the rest of the area to find it.

The girl has been hiding behind the blue stone, her whole body is tense, extremely nervous, holding her breath.

I sucked, my whole body was wet with cold sweat, and I didn't dare to move at all.

Hearing the movement of everyone leaving at this moment, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, she was very cautious and did not show up directly, but continued to hide, intending to wait.

It was finally safe to leave.

After a few quarters of an hour, the girl finally felt that the crisis was over, and the group of young men and women went to the other side.

He went outside and found no trace of her.

She almost collapsed from behind the blue stone, and she was covered in sweat.

But just when she was about to show her figure from behind the blue stone and continue to run for her life,

A burst of laughter suddenly came from the other side.

It was extremely abrupt, like a thunder blasting in place.

At this voice, the girl froze all over, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Although there is a green house covered by dirt, she can still see her unease and difficulty


However, she is also very personable, and she quickly recovered herself, her eyes were extremely cold.

Quietly, he turned his head to look closely at the group of young men and women riding on the beast.

The little hand under the sleeve tightly grasped the short sword, which was less than an inch long, like a

The little cat that pounces on the enemy.

"Hahaha, this guy really thinks we didn't find her.

It's just ridiculous, I just love watching them go from hope to despair

The mood changes, one moment I thought I had escaped from heaven, but the next moment I fell into hell

, did not expect

It's really fun.

...for flowers...

The more desperate you are, the happier we are, this kind of watching prey dying

Struggling at times is simply one of the great joys of life. "

The man in brocade and the others appeared on the other side of the girl riding a beast, with a smile on their face.

playful smile

They didn't go away, they just circled in the other direction, and then came back

in place.

So they have been watching the girl's many changes in expressions, from the very beginning of the long mouth

Shocked and unbelievable, this is their favorite thing to do before they kill their prey


After all, with their strength, how could they not find the trace of the girl?

However, in the face of the ruthless ridicule and ridicule of the men in Jinyi and others.

At this moment, the girl showed an extraordinary calm and ferocity, with dark eyes.

The child can't afford the waves, as if he is outside the world, and there is no man in brocade clothes.

The fear, fear, despair that others want to see.

This expression made the smiles on their faces gradually disappear, and the brows of the man in brocade

Even more wrinkled, very unhappy.

"What a boring guy, he's calm when he's dying

The cold-faced man scolded in a low voice, and was also extremely unhappy.

Because the girl did not show any panic or despair as they wished,

Not to mention begging for mercy.

This made them suddenly feel that things became boring.

"If you want to survive, maybe you can kneel down and beg

please, we didn't

Will let you go.

The brocade-clothed man spoke lightly, with a high expression on his face, with a sympathetic attitude like charity.

If the girl knelt down and begged them at this time, she would cry bitterly and want to live

come down, then they can show a little bit more

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