I Am the Fated Villain

Reading by Volume 1780

Every day, many Taoist forces are paying close attention to the situation here.


If Da Yu Xianchao can't handle it well, the forces that will attack him will definitely not be able to handle it.

Just a few in front of you.

And just when many powerhouses were discussing this matter, the frontier land of the Great Yu Immortal Dynasty, the sky

Suddenly there was a vast coercion.


The sky trembled, the wind and clouds changed color, and a terrifying crack suddenly felt at ease.

It appeared above the sky, as if torn apart by a pair of invisible giant hands.

In this crack, endless rays of light and chaotic energy rushed out, filling the air instantly.

All over the world.

This place seems to be torn apart by an eternal light, all kinds of runes rush into the sky,

The child illuminates the sky, and even the depths of the cold and dark universe are as bright for a while.


An ancient and majestic ancient warship came crashing down, as if from the vast

The ground broke all the rules and order, draped in blood, and killed him.

"This is.

This is my Da Yu's ancient warship

"How can you rush out of this bcoh, no, it seems to be heading there

Great army of the world.

Such a big momentum and movement shocked all the people nearby at the first time.

monk life. \u003e;

One after another divine rainbow swept through the sky and fell towards this place.

Of course.

What happened in the great world of Jianxuan has not yet been completely spread in the territory of Da Yu.

It's just a lot of gossip.

Therefore, many monks are not aware of the loss of the Taoist forces in the lower realms of all parties.

Seriously, it can be called a bloodbath.

what happened, what happened

"Send back the news here and tell His Majesty Yu Huang, the ancient battle of my Da Yu.

The ship returned safely.

In the dark, many Da Yu Xianchao's eyeliners reacted immediately after being shocked.

Come, quickly spread the news here.

Really came back, this familiar atmosphere of heaven and earth

On the ancient warship, Princess Yu Feiya's face is a little complicated, and she has some heart.


But she still knows that things seem to have settled down, but more is the next

many troubles to face.

Because Gu Changge won't come forward, and she is a young man who went to the lower world as Da Yuxian.

The leaders of the first generation are naturally the first to bear the brunt of the anger and the anger of all parties.


It was for this reason that Gu Changge chose to let her go.

The realm of Nirvana, also known as the realm of enlightenment, entering this realm, although there are subdivisions for junior high schools

In the later stages, but in fact it is only above this realm, the difference between whether you go far or not

Just a distance.

In a palace deep in the ancient warship, Gu Changge sat cross-legged with a calm expression on his face.

Body like a rock.

Threads of black light hung down above his head, and then followed every

Pores drip down, like billions of stars intertwined.

After devouring and refining the world origin of Jianxuan Great World, his cultivation level is higher than before.

It's really grown a lot.

In the past, it could only be regarded as the early stage at most, but now it has reached the point where it is close to the later stage.

Of course, from the perspective of strength, the improvement is even more obvious.

Even Gu Changge didn't know how powerful he was now.

The unparalleled figure transformed by the ancestral talisman in Jianxuan Great World, although possessing the power of immortality

But after all, it is just a phantom, not the real body, it is difficult to be compared with the real immortal.


However, compared to Canxian, it is still much stronger.

Tianxin Brand and Kendo Sacred Heart

"These two things are really of little use to me now, but they are also

is better than nothing

Afterwards, Gu Changge watched after killing Tuoba Xiaoyao and Lin En, the two sons of luck.

The Heavenly Dao reward that fell out.

This is what he opened the Heavenly Dao treasure chest to check after he left Jianxuan Great World.

The imprint of Tianxin is similar to the imprint of Tiandao. It is golden and bright, and it is extremely blurry. It needs to be used in conjunction with the small world without a master.

The incarnation of the world of the body, in charge of the authority of heaven.

However, for Gu Changge, this is still extremely tasteless.

He intends to give this thing to Yue Mingkong when he has time.

The Unparalleled Immortal Dynasty itself is good at the way of the space world.

In the upper world, it can be said to be unique.

As for the Sacred Heart of Kendo, it is a kind of kendo talent that can be used to train disciples or

younger generation.

For Gu Changge, this is even more useless, but if you keep it, you will keep it.

can be used later.

With such a big thing happening in the great world of Jianxuan, it is impossible for the upper realm to avoid it.

will pay attention.

I still have to avoid the limelight for a while, if there is anything, let Yu Feiya bear it first

Gu Changge put away these two things and came to the ancient warship, his eyes fell.

Now that he is in the territory of Dayu Xianchao, he will be able to return to the imperial capital soon.

There are five enlightened people who have fallen into the great world of Jianxuan, and they are involved in a total of five.

The five immortal religions and Taoist traditions.

Therefore, once this kind of thing is not handled properly, there is a chance that a war of longevity will break out.

The fall of a person who has actually become enlightened is a serious matter for any force.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, let Yu Tianzheng start, this big

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