I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 1796

turned into ashes and ceased to exist

As the lord of the Great Yu Xian Dynasty, he has a lot of life-saving things, especially the possession of the township.

Daojian protects the body, innately stands in an invincible position.

It's a pity that he met Gu Changge. This battle is already doomed, and there will be no chance


Thank you Mr. Gu for taking action.

Yu Tian's face turned red, because he was excited, and his whole body kept shaking.

Although he didn't kill Emperor Yu himself, he watched Emperor Yu die in front of him with his own eyes.

Fall, this is enough for him.

After so many years of hatred, it is finally over

Gu Changge's expression did not change much.

Killing Emperor Yu casually would not have any effect on him, except for his

In addition to the influence of identity, it is actually no different from pinching an ant to death.

Although Emperor Yu has a national road sword in his body, he is only in the quasi-emperor realm and has never entered the realm.

A group of enlightened people.

"The rest, don't let me down.

Gu Changge glanced at Yu Tianzheng lightly, and the figure quickly disappeared, as if

Never appeared in general.

The Dayu Rebellion, now is the beginning, he is just pushing everything in secret

With the fall of Emperor Yu, disasters are bound to endure everywhere, and it is Yu Tianzheng who stands tall and takes advantage of the opportunity.

Opportunity to control all directions.

Except for Yu Tianzheng, no one knows what happened tonight, let alone

Knowing that Yu Huang actually died tragically at his hands.

For the outside world, Gu Changge is now injured and has suffered an unknown

famous black man

How could it have anything to do with the murder of Emperor Yu?

No one would conjecture this matter on him.

"Young Master Gu, please rest assured, the next thing will be left to me." Yu Tianzhengwu

Bi Shen nodded and pointed in the direction where Gu Changge was leaving. Then, his eyes swept frantically at the many things left in front of him.

When Emperor Yu died, the swords and other things that were left behind naturally fell into his hands.

After all, he has the same origin as Yu Huangsu's cultivation technique, so he can naturally control this sword.

Therefore, other monks, even enlightened ones, will never try to take away the town of Dayu Xianchao.

The weapon of the country.

Gu Changge will definitely not take these things away.

On the one hand, he is not lacking, on the other hand, it is very possible to take away these things.

If he could expose what he did, the harm outweighed the benefit.

So the best, it seems that those men in black were arranged by Gu Gongzi.

In this way, it has also fulfilled me. Many people will definitely guess that it is

Yu Huang arranged, there is no proof of death. Yu Tianzheng's eyes slowly swept through the fog.

Below, with a sneer.

The fluctuation of war here has already been smoothed out by Gu Changge, so even if it is

The enlightened person personally backtracked with the secret method, and it was impossible to detect anything.

In this way, it can give everyone the illusion that he is through some kind of terror.

By means of this method, Yu Huang was killed.

Chi Chi Chi

In all directions of the world, the fog is still permeating, rolling turbulently.

It came from nowhere, knocked on the sky of the imperial capital, and blinded the five senses of the monk.

At this time, it is difficult for even enlightened people to see the scene clearly.


The rest of the soil repairers have long felt that they have fallen into darkness, and they can't reach their five fingers.

I just wanted to run away, not knowing what was going on.

However, when Emperor Yu fell, after all, a vision emerged, and there was blood rain from the depths of the sky.

Many terrifying sights are reflected in the sky above Da Yu, gods and demons cry together, and immortals and Buddhas kowtow.

The star destroys the moon and sinks.

As the emperor of Da Yu's generation, his own life will be repaired by the billions of Da Yu's immortal dynasty.

The spiritual beliefs of the scholars are closely related to each other, and the magnitude of the involvement is simply unimaginable.

At this moment, countless monks and souls in the imperial capital were stunned, and even doubted.

What you see is a hallucination

All the princes and princesses of 1.3 are also dumbfounded, their heads are buzzing

This... how is this possible

Your Majesty, has he fallen?

The ministers who responded were sluggish, their voices trembling, containing fear and

Sad, can't believe it's all true.

In their opinion, there will be no suspense in this battle, even for Emperor Yu,

It can also easily kill Yu Tianzheng.

What's more, Yu Huang, he also arranged a back-up

how did he fall

For a time, there was a mourning voice in the former imperial capital, and everyone couldn't believe it.

, their invincible emperor actually fell into this battle, and was defeated by hundreds of years of

When a competitor is killed, life and death are eliminated, and both body and spirit are destroyed.

Many people were shouting, deploring to the extreme, and even nearly passed out.

The monks and spirits of various Taoist forces were also shocked, and their moods were extremely complicated.

Who would have thought that the outcome of this battle would turn out to be like this

How could the father fall? It's impossible

Yu Feiya's face turned pale, her five fingers clenched tightly, because she was too hard, she let out a clear expression.

Crispy sound.

Although Emperor Yu was extremely selfish, he only valued the interests of the royal family and regarded her as a bargaining chip.


But he is still her father and emperor, and now he has fallen like this, it is really shocking to her.

Dizzy, almost unsteady.

661 The Great Chaos

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