I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2466

, worship teacher, practice, go down the mountain

All these things were doomed long before she was born, but she didn't know it herself.

Afterwards, as a master, he gradually developed a "love" with her in the day and night with his apprentice.

As for the relationship between Tsing Yi and him, he is also a confidant and a confidant. Naturally, he is dissatisfied with him and secretly jealous.

Mian even pretended to be Gu Changge and sent a bandit to live in the village where Chan Hongyi was born, and lived with her parents.

Gu Changge is naturally not easy to deal with when this kind of thing happens, no matter which side he favors, it is very inappropriate.

So he chose to hide the truth about Chan Hongyi and cut off contact with Tsing Yi.

Tsing Yi was dissatisfied with his choice and wanted to kill Chan Hong Yi, but the two fell out and became enemies.

Later, it directly led to the destruction of the Asgard, the collapse of the heavens, and the annihilation of the era.

This so-called "truth" will be forever buried in the taboo era.

Guess that the truth will be so, it will be shocking and incredible

Of course, this is just an overall situation that Tsing Yi negotiated with Gu Changge in advance.

It is to make the war of catastrophe in the first war reasonable, leaving no flaws and anomalies.

Even those who stand in the extreme realm of the source world, it is difficult to see the abnormality through deduction.

This is what Tsing Yi can think of, let Shanhai Zhenjie avoid the second calamity cleanup, and leave a more stable and peaceful place for future generations

the only way to

Although the price of this is that the true world of mountains and seas will be exhausted, and the peak of glory will not be the same as before, and it will take a long time to cultivate.

In this process, it is also necessary to beware of the swallowing up of the rest of the real world, as well as various potential crises.

You must know that in the real world of mountains and seas at its peak, there have been several heaven-slayers who killed them all together to the source realm.

Everything seems to have already been arranged. But even you, Tsing Yi, are actually just in the play without knowing it 々"?

His eyes were deep, and there was not a trace of emotional waves in them, and he sighed softly.

In Tsing Yi's eyes, he is a sky-slayer from the endless vastness. He once participated in the battle to attack the source realm.

She saved her life when she was in a life-and-death crisis.

So Tsing Yi had almost no doubts about him.

And Chan Hongyi, after witnessing these truths in the fragments of the long river of time, I am afraid that he will no longer doubt him.

Feeling guilty for all these things


Gu Chang'ou's eyes were calm, he waved his sleeves, and a monstrous wave appeared in the long river of time in front of him again.

The vast fog surged away, covering the tranquil sea area, blocking the way for Chan Hongyi and Taotian to return to the world.

But for the follow-up plan, I can't let you back.

long song whispered

The flowers rise and fall, and the immortal boat of good fortune appears below, carrying him away from the long river of time

Inside the Temple of Destiny, a blurry shadow of a long river appeared, and then Gu Changge's figure walked out of it.

He glanced at Xiao Ruoyin, who was waiting here, and asked, "How long has it been?

Your Majesty, it's been a full month and a half

Xiao Ruoyin replied, somewhat surprised to take over the immortal boat of good fortune brought by Changge Trent, she didn't know why, she unexpectedly received from his

Between the layers, I saw a trace of fatigue.

Such an expression appeared on Gu Changxie's face, which made her feel incredible.

In her impression, Gu Changge is always calm, confident that everything is under control, as if this

There's nothing in the world that he can't do

Even if the sky collapses and the earth becomes ashes, it is impossible to see a trace of moving and discoloration from him.

But this time he traveled for a long time, what did he encounter that would make him show such a trace of tiredness

Are you mentally tired?

An Ruoyinjing did not see Taotian and Yang Hongyi, guessing that they may have encountered something, and disappeared in the eternal funeral.

In the long river of time?

She was silent and didn't know what to say at this time.

Is it only half a month passed?

Xiang Changge thought that this trek would take a long time, and it would be several years away from the present world.

The long river was blurred, and it was difficult for him to judge the passage of time clearly.

In the process of returning to this world, he saw thousands of light spots in the long river of time flying up, constantly floating, and spilling into various places.

Film River City.

Some are even taken by a vague path of light, disappearing into it

Your Majesty, do you want to return to the Shrine?

Seeing Gu Changge looking at Tianyu outside the hall, with Xiao Ruoyin's indistinct look in her eyes, she couldn't help asking softly

In fact, the color has already dimmed, but in the Temple of Destiny, near the vast sea of ​​stars, it is impossible to distinguish the day.

I will not return to the shrine tonight.

Gu Changge came back to his senses, rubbed his eyebrows, and wanted to go to Tao Village to take a look at Gu Xian'er, but after thinking about it for a while, let it go.

Although Gu Xian'er was born in the third life, she probably hasn't awakened the memory of the first life.

And for her, maybe she didn't want to accept the memory of the first life.

Just as she gave up the part of the memory of her second life named Daoxian

After the Upper Realm and the Immortal Realm were gradually connected, the speed of change in the environment of heaven and earth became faster.

some of the handwriting,

will reappear

Some people who lost their lives in the first battle to cut the sky and fell into reincarnation may choose to return in this life.

ancient english

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