I Am the Fated Villain

Volume Reading 2510

The demise of the Buddhist kingdom is just around the corner. Although they don't know the truth, they also know that something must have happened in the southern fairyland.

Got a big deal.

The next day, outside the palace of the King of the Moon, the light was transpiring and the celestial spirit was surging.

To entertain many immortal kings in Xianyu

In the Moon King's Mansion, there is a vast dojo, where the Moon King once preached.

However, she has now vacated it as a venue for feasting the immortal kings of all ethnic groups in Xianyu.

There are many immortal islands, a scene of holy land and immortal homes

In the place near the Taoist platform, there is also a large piece of immortal bamboo. The pavilion and futon have already been placed, waiting for the immortal kings of all ethnic groups in the immortal region.

The Moon King is dressed in a cage-colored gauze, standing on the bluestone, his figure is blurred, and there is a rhythm around him, like a flawless moon god.

Sit and wait for the immortal kings of the world to come to worship

She stood here with her hands behind her back, and her eyes swept across this Taoist platform, with a bit of an unparalleled meaning to the net, and her whole body was carved and cast like immortal jade.

The Moon King's mood is not very calm. Although she is also an Immortal King, she has never thought that she will let the world's Immortal King come.

Such a day of worship.

If it wasn't for the power of Gu Changge, the rest of the Immortal Kings would not care about her previous orders.

The entire Southern Immortal Slope is moved because of today's events. Many ordinary creatures only know that the Moon King is going to entertain various immortals.

The fairy king of the domain, but I don't know the reason

Compared with the rest of the Immortal Territory, the overall strength of the Southern Immortal Territory is actually not high, and there are only one or two Immortal Kings on the bright side.

Now that the good king has fallen, the Taoist law has disappeared from the heaven and the earth, and the moon king is the only ruler.

The Southern Immortal Territory has been around for thousands of years, and no immortal kings from other Immortal Territories have set foot there. Compared with the other Immortal Territories, the Southern Immortal Territory has

The domain can be said to be incomparably barren

It can be said that the most lively field like today is the only time in countless epochs.

One after another, Shenhong can see these figures almost every moment, the world is rumbling, and many ancient chariots come across the universe

Tuoba ancient people come to worship

Hidden Immortals come to worship!

Infinite Immortal Mountains come to worship

The servants outside the Moon King's Mansion continue to meet important people of all ethnic groups

The existence that came here, the weakest is also successful

In addition to this, there are ancient true immortals who have already stood in Immortal Dao, and they can be regarded as the true characters of various ethnic groups.

After all, not every faction has an immortal king, just like the huge southern fairyland, there are only one or two immortal kings.

However, the number of true immortals is quite large. As long as the ethnic group has a slightly longer inheritance, there will be time and resources to build it up.

A real fairy came out

The existences outside the Yuewang Mansion now are all the major ethnic groups in the Southern Immortal Territory.

Some of the true immortal ancestors came over in person after taking them with them. They were very respectful and did not dare to ask too much. They could only walk into the mansion.

Under the leadership of the servants of the Yuewang Mansion, I came to the Immortal Bamboo Forest.

Can we really see that legendary taboo existence today?

I heard that he is the new owner of the Southern Immortal Territory, and even His Majesty the Moon King must obey his orders.

Some young people were very courageous, followed behind Chang Xing, and couldn't help but curiously looked into the depths of the Taoist platform.

However, there is a vast chaotic energy surging there, covering all directions like a thick fog, and it is impossible to see the scene clearly.

They couldn't even see the Moon King here, only the busy servants of the Moon King's mansion and a group of maids.

Hearing their words, the expressions of all the old people changed slightly, and then they scolded them for being silent.

Although it was said that before this, the Moon King once appeared and said that the new owner of the Southern Immortal Domain will not embarrass them now.

But if you offend at will, it will only bring disaster to the family.

They came here just to understand the attitude of that one, and then choose in the chaotic situation that follows.

Just as all the guests speculated, at the end of the Tiangong in the distance, there was a vast sea of ​​terrifying pressure swept over.

However, when he was about to approach this place, he abruptly converged.

walk around

He was dressed in a black robe, with dragon horns on his head, and his eyes were so deep that even a true immortal would not dare to look at him.

But around it, time and space are distorted, and the rules are broken, which makes people shudder and connect.

The Immortal King Ao Di of the Eastern Immortal Region is here!

With the origin of Tongjing, the servant at the gate of Yuewangfu

Many Binrong also reacted suddenly, with extremely moving expressions, this is the first time they have witnessed the true face of this Immortal King

The Immortal King Ao Di is said to be related to the true dragon lineage, and he rules the boundless seas of the Eastern Immortal Territory.

It is the most not to be despised force in the Eastern Immortal Territory.

And behind this Immortal King Ao Di, there are also several true immortals, several young men and women who look very young.

That is Princess Fangling. It is said that she is the outstanding genius of the Eastern Immortal Domain, who has the capital of the Immortal King. I didn't expect to release the enemy fairy king

Even brought this descendant.

I thought he would be like the rest of the forces and let the descendants move away

Over the years, the guests watched and followed behind the Immortal King Ao Di, a strange looking man with a pair of crystal small dragon horns.

moving girl

With a slight smile on her face, she was wearing a light blue liu xian long dress, smiling beautifully, with the serious and serious people around her.

A very sharp contrast was formed.

However, several clansmen around her protected her, as if following behind Immortal King Ao Di, not leaving three steps away.

many people in the afternoon

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