I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2684

Even in a dream, it is impossible to carry that terrifying cause and effect.

Backlash, across the long river of time.

This made Gu Changge suddenly think that Chan Hongyi and Tao Tian, ​​who had been trapped by him for a long time, entered.

Why are they not practicing in the past years now?

Well, I might be in retreat for a long time, and I don't know how I'm going to wake up. \u0026;amp;quot;Yuemingkong whispers.

Then you can practice with peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about anything.

Gu Changge just smiled, walked over, and gently embraced her.

Then don't think about me. "Yue Mingkong leaned his head on his shoulder and suddenly smiled playfully.

will miss you. "Gu Changge held her Rou Yi with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yue Mingkong went to retreat, as she said, even she doesn't know 377, when will she wake up

Although she created the Da Meng Hui Xian method herself, there are many mysteries in it that even she herself has not fully understood.

A big dream may return to eternity.

Gu Changge sent his puppet, Ada, to the outside of the cave to protect the law for Yuemingkong.

Although Ah Da was born in the Demon Burial Abyss, he was born with the evil spirit transformed by the true blood of the Demon Lord.

But his own aptitude is no weaker than those of the Immortal Kings.

Over the years, Gu Changge has fed many resources intentionally or unintentionally, and the true strength of Ah Da has grown to

Comparable to the level of the fairy king.

It's just that Yue Mingkong's retreat made Gu Changge think about other things.

Although he is not worried about the catastrophe that Shanhai Zhenjie will encounter in the future, the people around him are different.

Including his parents and family in this life, in fact, the same is true.

After learning that his true identity was the former Demon Lord of the World Destruction, the Changsheng Gu family was still somewhat intimidated by him.


This is something that cannot be changed or avoided, and Gu Changge didn't care about it originally.

It's just that now, Yue Mingkong is going to retreat, but he has to think about these things, maybe he should let him

People around you, improve your strength or something

Gu Chang ccdg song is naturally capable of protecting them, but there is no guarantee that when the net is finally closed, he will still be able to protect them.

Keep everyone around you safe.

After all, the other two True Ancestors he planned were really unpredictable and unspeakable existences.

Even now, Gu Changge is not completely sure that he can really succeed in the end.

The secret of the 938 family is not enough for the ancestors to die with one finger to subscribe

"If my son is alone, why should I care about this?

"This plan, after all, still counts myself into it.

Gu Changge shook his head gently and rubbed his brows.

At the same time, within the territory of the Changsheng Gu family, deep within the clan.

One of them is a holy scene like a pure man, with towering ancient trees, majestic mountains, and rich fairy spirits, like an independent

Outer universe.

The clouds are steaming, the clouds are shining, and the silver waterfall is falling. Even in this great world that has changed dramatically, it still shows a detached appearance.

At this moment, many ancestors of the Gu family gathered in the ancestral hall of the clan with dignified faces.

This is a quaint and simple courtyard, not like a grand palace, but there are flickering crosses of terrifying divine patterns everywhere.

Weaving, filled with the meaning of Cang.

"My Gu family has been established since its establishment, in fact, it has spanned hundreds of millions of epochs, even before the taboo era, and even innate mythology.

At the beginning of the era, there was also a figure of me taking care of my family

An old man with a vicissitudes of life, dressed in a wide black robe, is standing in this ancestral hall, speaking to everyone.

He was wearing a black robe with some fallen leaves embroidered on it, covering his body and even his feet.

When Ren Nian took a look, he could not see the figure inside the robe, but only saw such a large black robe.

But many of the ancestors of the Gu family here have great respect for this person.

Even the unruly ancestors such as Gu Lang stood quietly and listened to these words quietly.

Beside the black-robed old man, there are several existences with the same vicissitudes of life, surrounded by fog and chaotic light.

Exciting, heart-pounding.

They came from Xianyu, to be precise, the Gu family from Xianyu.

After the Taboo Era, the Gu family was divided into two parts.

The rest of the clansmen stayed in the upper realm, guarding the homeland of the clan.

When Gu Changge was in Xianyu, he actually knew about the other line of the Gu family, but he never went there, nor did he


The black-robed old man in front of him was the founder of the Gu family in name.

Many clansmen call him the first ancestor, but he himself calls himself the ninth ancestor.


Many ancestors thought that he had disappeared and disappeared in the past years, but they never thought that he would appear again in this life.

Now, and led many clansmen of the Gu family in Xianyu to come.

In terms of ancient times, in front of my Gu family, the real world of mountains and seas is nothing.

The voice of the black-robed old man was vicissitudes, just standing there, it gave people a feeling of time passing.

The time and space around are distorted, and even the rules of heaven and earth are whining.

Inside the ancestral hall

Please pay more attention to the ancestors of the family, my heart is shocked, I was shocked because of the words of the nine ancestors, I didn't expect to hear it

to this fact.

About Gujialai

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