I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2693

Can offend the Kingdom of God and Heaven.

In addition, during this period of time, many old monsters have recovered, and some ancient characters even once lived at the same time as Gu Changge.

Era, experienced the dark catastrophe of the Forbidden Era.

So they are more aware of Gu Changge's horror, and they all hide in their respective territories where they dare to act recklessly.

Count the time, maybe it's been a long time since I saw that girl Xian'er

Gu Changge's figure appeared in the Sifang Temple in the Heavenly Court.

In the magnificent stock, it looks extraordinarily cold and quiet, without any human habitation

It has been a long time since no one has appeared here.

After Yue Mingkong fell into retreat, Gu Changge also gave orders.

Many affairs of the heavenly court were handed over to many ministers, including the major immortal king families in the fairyland, to be handled by them.

Therefore, there are almost no figures in the vast center of the heavenly court.

Even those strong men who once followed Gu Changge, his confidantes who were highly regarded by him, did not get permission, and dared not

Set foot here.

He shook his head slightly. In the empty hall, only the hanging curtain was swept by the wind blowing from afar.

Gu Changge stood here alone, without moving for a long time.

Since the last time I came back from the fairyland with the big red bird, I took a look at Gu Xian'er, and the two may not have seen each other for a long time.

According to the big red bird, Gu Xian'er is the reincarnation of Jiezi from the real world of mountains and seas, who once fell while fighting against the calamity in the real world of mountains and seas.

It's just that Gu Changge's memory of Jiezi in the real world of mountains and seas is very vague, and there are very few

At the beginning, he never cared about it, and more thoughts were put on the real spirit Tsing Yi in the real world of mountains and seas.

It still lacks the smell of human smoke. Even though I am used to the loneliness of the ages, I have not seen this venting bag for a long time.

Still a little unaccustomed to ah.

Gu Changge felt a little emotional, knowing that Gu Xian'er should have experienced and become stronger somewhere with the help of the big red bird.

Therefore, no means were used to deduce her whereabouts.

After a long time, he walked out of the hall, the void in front of him was blurred, and he walked slowly in it

In the Temple of Destiny, Xiao Ruoyin, who was wearing a plain long dress, was sitting cross-legged on a futon with her eyes closed, motionless.

She also fell into some kind of deep retreat.

It's just that the Temple of Destiny has always been quiet, and there are not many living beings in the star field with a radius of nearly a million miles.

Xiao Ruoyin also dismissed all the maids in the temple, and stayed with the fairy boat ancient lamp.

Gu Changge's arrival did not wake her up

He just watched from the side without making a sound. After watching for a while, he left quietly.

Gu Changge also didn't know why he came to the Temple of Destiny

And why did he want to take a look at Xiao Ruoyin.

Is it because the people around me have retreated one after another? Feeling lonely? Want to talk to someone?

Or do you feel a little guilty towards Xiao Ruoyin?

Gu Changge felt a little hard to understand these emotions.

He is not a ruthless way of practice, but whether it is the body of the devil lord or the body of the true ancestor, he is destined to be with him

ordinary people are different

It is impossible for him to follow the steps step by step, experience all kinds of mundane things and experience the various states of beings like ordinary people.

"Will I have this kind of emotion? Is this the internal review telling myself that my emotion is incomplete?

Gu Changge shook his head lightly, never feeling that he could be regarded as a loving person.

In order to achieve his goal, he can use any means and use all the means he can.

In his view, the result is more important than the process.

So when thinking about many things, he will first consider the result, and then consider what means to use to achieve the result.

can achieve this result the fastest.

This is a natural habit, which has been deeply imprinted in the soul like a brand.

In Gu Changge's eyes, all kinds of things in the world, no matter people or things, can be regarded as tools.

The only difference that depends on them is the value.

So many times, it is difficult for him to develop real feelings for these tools.

Maybe I should also, in a real sense, realize once, as the seven emotions and six desires of sentient beings, the real emotion

Gu Changge looked inside himself, and then meditated.

At his level, if many things are felt, it is not groundless, and it may mean that it is a genius.

Big opportunity.

The more seemingly simple problems, the easier it is to get to the essence, return to the basics, and get close to the source of nature.

He discovered this problem when he reunited with Tsing Yi on the moon in the boundless sea.

He also had some doubts at the beginning, why he felt guilty and couldn't bear to Tsing Yi.

This was impossible in the past.

As long as Tsing Yi can help him complete his plan and achieve his goals, he can abandon her without hesitation.

Therefore, there is no so-called soft-heartedness and compassion at all.

But when Tsing Yi hugged him, took him as his only reliance, and never doubted him from the beginning to the end, he

still have some heart throbbing

This made Gu Changge think of Yue Mingkong, Gu Xian'er, and Jiang Chuchu.

During this period of time when he was refining that drop of true blood, Gu Changge was also thinking about this issue.

How does he view the relatives and confidantes around him?

a tool? or a plaything?

The way he practiced was not ruthless, and before he completely awakened his past memories, he really did experience with them...

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