I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2697

hatred, pity for the weak, empathy for misery, for the weather

Sunny and happy.

Gu Changge felt that he could really live like a mortal.

No, he is now a real mortal.

He didn't feel these in the way of reincarnation, but like starting a new life.

Gu Changge couldn't cross the starry sky like a monk and fly to heaven and earth.

Even if you just climb a mountain, you will be tired and out of breath, and you will experience hunger, dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, etc.

The feeling that many ordinary people will have.

His life will grow old with the passage of time, he can no longer stay in his youth forever, and he cannot stand tall in the world.

the realm above, can no longer overlook all the heavens

Even when he walked through a mountain, river and swamp, he had to avoid many wild animals so as not to become their full food.

After becoming a mortal, he will be sick, hungry, tired, and old

Gu Changge felt that his memory had become weak, he began to forget some things, and had symptoms of amnesia.

He seemed to have almost figured out what his purpose was and why he became like this.

Who was he? What did he want to do? Why was he walking

Where is his end?

Therefore, Gu Changge stopped, feeling that he was very tired and needed to find a place to stop, not to rest, but to rest.

I just want to take a break.

He was really tired, not physically tired.

This accumulation seems to have been accumulated for countless years, and then at this moment, it burst like a tide and broke his whole body.

People are completely submerged.

Qingshan Village, this is where Gu Changge left behind

This village is not too big, only a few hundred households.

However, there are many official roads in the mountains and rivers, which can connect to the nearest town.

Caravans pass by here every day, bringing all kinds of exquisite and cheap goods.

They come from distant cities, and there are even powerful monks who fly to the sky to guard them to protect the peace of the four directions.

I must go to the Lieyang Sect next year and ask the immortals of the Lieyang Sect to accept me as a disciple.

At that time, I can also become a flying fairy

In a slightly dilapidated blue-brick house, a little boy with patched clothes and slightly dark skin clenched his fists

, said with determination in his eyes.

The Lieyang Sect only accepts children with roots, you silly boy, what are you thinking? Why don’t you eat well?

Is it possible that a fairy is what you want to achieve? How many sons of rich families can't squeeze in if they squeeze their heads

The middle-aged man with a simple and honest face, stretched out his chopsticks, knocked on the head of the little boy, and cursed with a smile.

The woman next to her also shook her head and smiled helplessly.

This is a simple and warm family of three, and they are also taking in Gu Changge for the time being.

He walked all the way to Qingshan Village, intending to rest here.

This middle-aged man's name is Wang Erniu, a very simple name.

At that time, she brought her child, Wang Xiaoniu, back from the market, and Yiqiao met Gu Changge resting on a piece of bluestone.


Seeing that although Gu Changge looked dusty, even his clothes looked a bit shabby

But sitting there, Wang Erniu just took a look at it and couldn't forget it.

This is a very strange feeling, even the master in the city recently does not have this kind of bearing.

So, Wang Erniu tried to go up to ask, Gu Changge just felt a little thirsty, so he tried to ask for a bowl of water

Wang Erniu was very enthusiastic and simple, so he took him to the house, and asked his wife to heat up the meals, and put the dog that had been raised for several years

All the old hens were killed.

Gu Changge originally wanted to leave after drinking the water, but Wang Erniu's kindness was difficult to refuse, so it was difficult for him to shirk.

Why can't you be a fairy?

The elder sister of the village head in the west, isn't she a fairy? It's been so many years, I haven't seen her grow old, she will always be so beautiful

I don't care, anyway, I just want to become a fairy and marry a fairy sister when I grow up.

Although Wang Xiaoniu was scolded by his father, he still yelled that when he grew up, he would marry Sister Fairy.

Undoubtedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he received another chopstick on the forehead.

Wang Erniu became serious with a straight face, and said, you little rabbit Huizi, don't talk nonsense to me. "

That Miss Su is the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva. For so many years, she has not only treated the villagers, but also taught you to write

Reading books, if you dare to say this, see if I don't blow your ass open?

944 This is also a poor man, so simple and satisfied?

When Wang Erniu mentioned that Su girl, his face was full of undisguised respect.

They have no culture, but they also know how to be grateful.

When he was a child, that Miss Su appeared in Qingshan Village.

At that time, the village, as well as the surrounding villages and towns, encountered a ~plague that did not know why.

Many people died in it, floating oars and floating corpses were everywhere, and everyone was desperate.

Even the most famous doctors were infected by the plague, and finally chose to set themselves on fire.

Some practice sects in the distance are also helpless, in order to prevent the disaster from spreading, they can only find a way, plan to

Shot and burned this place.

When everyone was in despair, it was the passing Miss Su who rescued everyone.

It is clearly a plague that can harm people, but it fell into her hands, but

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