I Am the Fated Villain

Sectional Reading 2711

is repair ten

The sudden appearance of such a terrifying figure in a small mountain village shocked him beyond belief, and he also had a feeling of staring at the sky.

The general feeling of the great earth change.


The world is in turmoil, and there are still many mysterious and unsolved things in this vast world

Originally, he thought that he was already standing on a certain peak, but now he suddenly realized that this is not sitting in a well and looking at the sky?

The appearance of Gu Changge, in a real sense, let the old Taoist understand this.

Know the sky from outside the sky, know people from outside the people

Everything that happened in Qingshan Village spread to nearby places at a fast speed

many villagers



after high 1

If someone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would dare to believe this, the immortal was by his side?

During this time, those who have been in contact with Erchangge

All shocking, it feels like a dream.

pass him

Melon, at that time, he even made a joke, saying that if he looked like him, why would he sell melons?

waiting for him to marry

Looking back now, they were shocked and even smiled wryly.

For a while, Qingshan Village was also covered with a veil of mystery.

So many people with mysterious origins appeared one after another, making people guess whether this is a good landscape, or is there some secret hidden?

Some nearby practice sects also tried to inquire about the Kongtong Immortal Sect, but they were horrified

This is a super giant force that straddles the fairyland and the upper realm. It has only emerged in these years, but it really exists for a long time

Can't be considered

This is no longer a level they can imagine and touch.

In the next period of time, Qingshan Village gradually recovered from the shock and bustle at the beginning to its previous tranquility.

Although many villagers knew that Gu Changge's identity was extraordinary, they found that he was no different from before.

Just do what you have to do.

Daily life is very regular, work at sunrise and rest at sunset

just give him water

The food delivery person has changed from many young girls in the village to the girl Su

After learning of Gu Changge's identity, basically all the young girls gave up thinking about it, including Chen Ya, the tofu seller in the village.

The huge gap in status, in their view, Xi Jinping is an insurmountable gap.

But there are still people who will be in the dark

Peeking quietly, you don't know your worries when you are young, but who is not young when you are young?

Time passed quickly, and Wang Xiaoniu was finally taken away by the old Taoist.

His mother is not complete

But I also understand that from now on, their child will become a real cultivator, so what is the test?

There are more Guangzong Yaozus who take the number one scholar

Wang Xiaoniu has too many burdens, with a smile and expectation, he watched him go away


The old Taoist left a lot of good things for the couple, not to mention making them immortal, but prolonging their lives for decades,

Hundreds of years is still easy.

He had to do this no matter because of Gu Changge or Wang Xiaosheng.

how many years

Wang Erniu and his wife are somewhat reluctant, because they don't know that Wang Xiaoniu will have to cultivate at this high level.

When will the next time I see him

Of course, apart from Wang Erniu and his wife, there is someone who is very reluctant to give up to Wang Xiaoniu.

The youngest daughter of the Chen family is Chen Yi, but this is just a nickname for the place, and the name of the tree is Chen Xiaoya.

Wang Xiaoniu came to see her quietly, and gave Chen Xiaoya the jade pendant with the sword pattern that the old Taoist gave him, saying

After the practice is successful, I will come back to see her and bring her delicious food and fun.

People are not very old, although still


In fact, there is already a hazy feeling.

Moreover, Chen Xiaoya did not accept his jade pendant, but just wiped the warmth and asked him to practice hard. At the back, the two children hugged each other directly.

and began to cry.

Gu Changge knew about this, and it was Chen Xiaoya who took the initiative to approach him and tell the story.

Because, thinking that Gu Changge is also a monk and the old Taoist respected him, she wanted to know if she had a fairy fate.

Gu Changge did not answer this question, but Su Qingge told Chen Xiaoya that she and Wang Xiaoniu would definitely meet again in the future.

This thing, Mo Zhong has already been doomed.

For Yusu Qingge, everything today is her destiny.

She doesn't know why Gu Changge went through such a thing, but God let her meet him here again, that is the best gift

Before Wang Xiaoniu left with the old Taoist, Gu Changge moved out from the Wang family and lived with Su Qingge

Of course, this was mentioned by Su Qingge on his own initiative.

For Qian Erchangge, this is even more natural, and it should be like this

Although the two were not married, they had a tacit understanding as if they had been husband and wife for many years.

Su Qingge understood his habits and preferences, even the temperature of the tea was clear.

Gu Changge is also used to the life with her by his side, which is simple and comfortable.

Outside the courtyard, he opened up a few plots, which were not too big, but planted some bean sprouts, melons, fruits and vegetables.

Hard work every day, weeding and watering, until the harvest

When it was finished, it was sent to the market for sale on the cart of the Wang family.

Because the nearby villagers know his identity, these melons and fruits are particularly easy to sell.

Su Qingge also seemed to have abandoned his status as a monk, and changed into coarse linen clothes, wearing a hat

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