I Am the Fated Villain

Sectional Reading 2745

I couldn't stop saying these words almost suddenly, full of hatred


These heavy words... also convinced the girl next to her at once... and then thought of Shimo, her expression became sad.

After all, who would have thought that the place where they lived for generations... was just a cage.

All ancestors and descendants are forbidden here forever, and the formations are built for the Linghuang family from generation to generation to fill in the gaps.

In order to prevent them from spreading the truth, the Lingxu royal family even spared no effort to slaughter all the people who repaired the formation.

Even the Ghost Axe Clan and the Tiangong Clan built a sacrificial formation for the Lingxu Royal Clan without knowing it, and they didn't know when it would happen, all the creatures in this world would be reduced to the nourishment of the sacrifice.

I don't know when that day will be, but it will definitely not be very far away.

"This is our family's doomed fate, and we cannot get rid of it."

Hearing this, the burly old man also showed sadness and sadness on his face, and shook his head.

Get rid of the arrangement and manipulation of the Lingxu royal family?

As the strongest boss of the Ghost Ax Clan, he knows how terrifying the background of the Lingxu Royal Clan is.

Among the ancestors who have discovered the truth for so many epochs, who is not the strongest cook in the epoch, but what is the result?

_It is still like a stone thrown into the deep sea, not even a single ripple can be turned over.

Knowing the result of all this: so what? It is almost impossible to resist the Lingxu royal family.

"Chu Lian, it's not that I don't care about it for the teacher, but that I can't do anything." The strong old man sighed.

Ji Lian is his adopted disciple: his father is the master of Taizhu from the Fu clan; his mother is the master of Taiye from the Tiangong clan.

It's just that the two were forcibly taken away by the Lingxu royal family many years ago, and there was no trace or news of them.

Hearing this, Qing Lian could only fall into deep powerlessness and helplessness.

Even the strongest cook of the Ghost Cauldron Clan is helpless.

That really means: They can't get rid of the manipulation of the Lingxu royal family and can't get rid of their doomed fate?

"No no... I still have that sphere of light that tells me that if I do things a million times, I can open it and become its master to gain all the power of a civilization"

"Now it's only a few thousand times away."

Suddenly, Chu Lian thought of Shi Mo, and hope rekindled in his eyes.

966 Real or Illusory? The Fear of the Bone Patriarch King

Chu Lian's mood was hard to calm down, full of deep unwillingness.

He wanted to avenge his parents, bring justice to the entire Guiweng clan and Tiangong clan, but even his master, who is the strongest ghost clan clan, was helpless.

He has only practiced Taoism for thousands of years, so what can he do? Fight with your life? There is no qualification to connect to the imperial family of Chulingtang.

Not to mention that there are still many unknown ancient figures hidden in the Lingxu royal family, who have lived for a long time. …

Even the strongest cook in the era was easily suppressed by those ancient figures, without making any waves.

Now Zhu Lian can only accept his last hope, pinning it on this mysterious ball of light.

He didn't know the origin of this thing, nor did he know what it was used for.

That night in the dead of night: he missed his parents: he walked out of the courtyard alone and wandered in the back mountain.

Then I suddenly saw a shooting star passing by, and then the mysterious light ball landed on his breath and merged into his mind.

Chu Lian was shocked at first, but after calmly reacting, he didn't make a fuss and regarded this mysterious light group as a mysterious gift from heaven.

Moreover, this mysterious light group also told him that as long as he repeats one thing a million times, he can open it and gain the power of a civilization.

So during this period of time: Lian has repeatedly tempered the weapon: now it is only a hundred thousand times.

He is also looking forward to what kind of power he can gain when he opens this mysterious light cluster after tempering it a million times.

Does the power of a civilization mean that he can quickly rival the entire Lingxu royal family?

Although Chu Lian is still not very clear, the past of the entire Lingxu royal family is secret.

But in his opinion, the power of a civilization in this vast world should be regarded as the Tibetan peak of all living beings, which means invincible

"If you do well, you will benefit the world, but you will be good for yourself. Facing the Lingxu royal family, there is not much we can do. If you want to protect the entire group, then you must have the power to fight against it."

The burly old man shook his head and saw that Chu Lian was silent and thought he couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help sighing.

His name is Tianzhizi, who was once the strongest chef of the ghost clan in the first era, but he has long since retired to the king's city as a worm, but he doesn't care about things on this land.

If Mo is not Chu Lian's parents, and he had some friendship with him, it is impossible for him to adopt Chu Lian.

Facing the conspiracy of the entire Lingxu royal family, what's the use of knowing it?

What can be done now is to protect the people of the ghost lottery clan around them.

"Master, you said that the Lingxu royal family set up those big formations, what exactly do they want to do? They have been doing this for so many years. As long as I can remember, I heard grandpa and the others say that the Lingxu royal family

I have been planning for a long time, a shocking event..."

The delicate girl next to her regained her innocence before, and couldn't help asking.

She is also an apprentice adopted by Tian Zhizi, and she is younger than Chu Lian.

His parents were also the well-known grand masters of the Ghost Ax family.

From these names: it can also be known that their ethnic groups come from.

God gave them the best

The talent of refining and casting can refine the strongest in the world

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