I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2756

"If this person is a variable or even an odd number, then he is bound to become an incredible figure in the future, and maybe he will really make him overthrow the rule of my Lingxu royal family and change the world...

"Such a character must be used by me. If it can't be used by me, then I must find a way to destroy it, and let him grow up, otherwise it will be too troublesome."

Linghuang and the light flickering have already made up their minds. …

The variable that hasn't grown up is that the ants naturally cannot pose a threat to her.

But she can't underestimate the variable, who knows what kind of chance the variable may encounter or the power that can threaten her...

..."Miss, we brought him..."-,

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When she was thinking a lot, the voice of the two beautiful women interrupted her thoughts from the carriage.

"Please come in this gentleman."

The Emperor Ling held his mind and sat in it, with a dignified and elegant smile on his face, looking like a lady

971 Planning variables, two people are available for dispatch

Chu Lian was cautious and cautious. I saw this lady who was like a lady from a family, sitting in the carriage.

He also didn't know if the words he and Shi Mei said were overheard by these people.

However, from the outside, the origin of this group of people is unusual. They belong to the kind of people who are either rich or expensive.

"This lady doesn't know that you asked the beautiful girl to stop me and Shi Mei because of official duties?

Chu Lian cupped his hands and took the initiative to ask with a calm expression.

This person's unfathomable strength is definitely not something he can compete with before.

Even if he has the ball of shame and ambition in his hand, he can't fight for the front.

However, judging from the current situation, there should be no ill will towards him and his junior sister, otherwise it would not be as simple as letting him come over to see him.

Thinking of this, Chu Lian still breathed a sigh of relief, many things that he could not deal with at the moment before he really grew up.

The moonlight flickered slightly, and he smiled and said, "I was in the carriage just now, and I heard that the conversation between the young master and the girl was quite to my liking. The king wanted to see, which young master would dare to say this at the risk of being too unreasonable. In other words, I hope this gentleman doesn't mind.

Before she could figure out whether Chu Lian was a variable or not, and what his origins were, she didn't expose her frugality.

Although he is the emperor of the soap clan in Lingxu, his strength is extremely strong, and he is only below those ancestors.

But she has always been meticulous in her actions, and after learning that Chu Lian was probably a variable, she was even more moved.


Hearing this, Lian was completely shocked.

Originally thought the woman was joking, but seeing the serious and sincere smile on her face, she was stunned.

He thought about a lot of possibilities, but he didn't expect the other party to hear what he said, and he agreed and appreciated it?

But on second thought, it is normal for the Wu clan in the world to suffer from the rule of the Lingtang royal family, and it is normal to have complaints.

This woman seems to come from a big family with an extraordinary heart. The family heart behind her must have been exploited and squeezed by the spiritual royal family.

When I heard that someone dared to talk about the Lingxu royal family behind their backs, they couldn't help but feel curious... Xintang.

Ma Dongwai, who was riding on a horse, did not know what was going on in the carriage and was full of worry.

However, the two beauties of the Emperor Ling were staying by her side and did not reveal much.

"You don't have to worry about our young lady, girl, there is no malice."

The two maids moved their ears slightly, as if they heard the Spirit Emperor's message, and immediately smiled, and by the way invited Mingxiu to the carriage.

And when Mingxiu came to the carriage, her senior brother Chu Lian. There was also a smile on his face, and he was talking to the amazingly beautiful woman in front of him.

The words that he talked about made Ming Xiu feel frightened. This was too bold and could be said to be disrespectful to the Lingtang royal family.

It can be said that Lian is complaining about what he has seen along the way and his hatred and hatred for the Linghuang family: he said it all at once.

If this kind of words were heard by the Lingxu royal family, or the ethnic group that supported the Lingxu royal family, it would be more sinful.

However, this amazingly beautiful woman, Xiping quite recognized her senior brother's words, nodded frequently, and her face was full of joy.

This scene made Ming Xiu feel dizzy... If his heart is not strong, he may be scared to death.

Even her senior brother has been rebelliously talking about the current emperor of the Lingxu royal family, and it looks like he intends to overthrow the rule of the Lingxu royal family.

"I didn't expect that Young Master Lian thinks that the spirit of the Lingxu royal family coincides with my thoughts."

The Emperor Ling smiled. While talking with Lian, he tried to deduce it again, but his heart was actually very cold. He never thought that one day, he would talk about this with such a strange man and listen to him slander him.

However, this made Lingzao confirm one thing, this man named Chu Lian... does indeed carry a huge and rich luck.

In the vastness, it is indeed a variable that is endless and rarely encountered, and there are infinite possibilities in the future.

Zhu Lian didn't notice anything unusual during the conversation with the Emperor Ling, but felt that this woman spoke well, and that many theories and ideas coincided with him.

He was still a little wary at first, but gradually calmed down afterward.

It seems that in the near future, he will overthrow the rule of the Lingtang royal family.

Zhu Lian is not too old, he is young and vigorous, especially

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