I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2782

Even she herself feels that the changes that have taken place in these years can be described as a dream, like a dream.

Long Lin of the ancient monks of Saruzen. Although it was a surprise to everyone, it was a real surprise. After seeing that nothing had happened, the leaders of the Bi clan also said goodbye, took the people of the Bi clan to leave, and went back to tell them what to do next.

However, the ancient monks of Saruchan and others temporarily stayed in the Fatian League.

Nichen time is difficult to determine the origin of Yuanchan Dianmon: I will only wait and see if Zhu should deal with this calamity.

Soon: This matter also caused a lot of waves in the real world of Daochen and quickly spread to Yushen Tiaoka.

When the Tiao Clan began to prepare, they could see that there was murderous aura among the chief judges of the Tiao Fang.

Many armies dressed in liqing and armed with various weapons stepped through the starry sky, like a torrent, rushing out from all over the place, preparing for the war.

A dignified atmosphere on the eve of the Great War haunted the hearts of all ethnic groups. Many people saw that outside the end of the sky, there seemed to be a layer of foam-like material approaching, bleak and empty, as if it could swallow the light.


Among the islands of the gods in the depths of the territory of the various ethnic groups, there began to be bright doors of light opening, and the fairy mist was surging. The power of teleportation pervades!

Old soldier: rush out from the door of the light: it seems to be killed from the land of corpses and blood.

The mighty Immortal Soldiers who once fought illustriously in the ancient wars have monstrous blood to the sky, and they have assembled again to fight the calamity together!


the rest of the remote area. In the sky, a large number of ancient warships and flying boats were assembled, alien beasts galloping, fierce boxes flying in the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, the divine light burst out, making it look incomparably magnificent.

In addition, there are many knights and soldiers coming, densely packed, full of hundreds of millions of giants, this gold is all the disciples and warriors trained by the forces of the various races in the real world of Daojing!


There was a whistling sound from the sky, and huge ancient copper warships stretched across the sky. Galloping fast, rushed to the vast battlefield in the fairyland, Hengdou was there.

On these ancient copper warships, there are a large number of soil repair and battle soil gatherings, murderous, and air cushions are exposed. All of them are led by strong leaders at the level of true immortals. Go to the vast battlefield.

There are mountains and rivers in the mountains and rivers, the vast dotted forests are insects, and countless strong dotted beasts are galloping, covering the sky and the sun. Casting a lot of shadows, it is very powerful, with a wild and old atmosphere.

on these ancient beasts. There is a line of people who are too tall to sit in shadows. Wear animal skins. The muscles are knotted, the flesh is strong, and the blood is surging, like a demon.

This is a group of people who migrated from the very remote Baomu ~ with the characteristics of the ancient gods, and there are traces of stars between the eyebrows.

One after another, the ancient stars of life are constantly showing divine light in the main city, and the powerful aura...like the eruption of Jiebai's volcano swept across the square.

The ancient immortal clan, Tiandao Sect, Zhenxian Academy, Changsheng Qin family, Changsheng Chen family, Daoji Academy, many immortal forces and supreme teachings are gathering the most powerful forces.

After the Forbidden Era.

Continuing to Lingtian's many epochs, many of the powerhouses who were born either in seclusion or cultivating on weekdays are now rushing to the past.

Many ethnic groups from the age of innate mythology, such as the Jinpeng Phoenix Bird Shilong Clan Shiqi... are also dispatching strong men.

This catastrophe is no trivial matter. Once the Daozhen world falls, no clan will be spared.

Everyone knows this truth, there are no eggs under the nest.

In the depths of a treasure electricity, a fairy light passed by, and Gu Xian'er, who had rushed to Xiancheng from the upper realm, had not had time to go to the headquarters of the Tiantian Alliance, and when she asked Gu Changge's whereabouts, she learned that the Taizhan Jiang had started. News Yang.

Now in the realm of Taoism, all ethnic groups are preparing to assemble the Taijun to respond to this Taiji.

When she arrived in Xiancheng, she saw many ancient warships, galloping past her, forcibly pressing Baoshen, and rushing to the depths of Xianyu.

On these ancient warships, there are at least the existence of the true immortal level, and the number of monks who are cultivated is uncountable.

This also made Gu Xian'er have to temporarily change her purpose. Whether she wanted to find Gu Changge or rescue Chotian, she had to get through this difficulty.

Otherwise, when Daochen's real world is destroyed, it will be difficult for her to save her life, let alone do other things.

"The direction that these ancient warships and the army are going is the place where the vast battlefield will be. There will be outposts where the enemy will come. The servants are constantly sending strong men to guard them."

Gu Xian'er quickly heard the news.

Although her current strength cannot be said to influence the situation in this battle, she can still play a small role.

983 The Great Tribulation Begins

The warships are like clouds covering the sky and the sun.

Tens of thousands of ancient warships of Chengyu lie in the treasure mu, hundreds of millions of people repair soil, rush out of the ancient star of life, quickly gather in the starry sky, and get ready to go.

At the same time, there are also Immortal King-level existences who have opened up a cosmic tunnel, allowing these ancient warships to descend directly.

Among the many chief judges on the boundless battlefield, one could see the deep and wide tunnels of the treasure judge, which were torn apart by one big hand.

There are too large tracts of soil repairing and black clouds like a torrent, covering everything and rushing out to the edge of the vast battlefield, arranging troops.

Gu Xian'er followed, and among the ancient warships, they also rushed to the battlefield.

Her emotions are heavy, this catastrophe is definitely a difficult threshold for the Daochang real world today, and it will take a long time to fight, not a few years, a few

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