I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2836

Some people want to endure for the time being, offending "Wang Wushang" is not a good thing to be an official.

They are not afraid of Wang Wushang"... but they are afraid of the figure standing behind "Wang Wushang"

But at this time, someone thought of something flashing and took the initiative to say

"Speaking of this matter, there may not be no solution. I must have seen Miss Xian'er's fearless and courageous performance in this battle, and she has sublimated in the extreme realm. This time, you only need to stabilize the Taoist fruit, and you will definitely become a quasi-immortal emperor. "

One "This kind of talent, compared to that Wang Wushang, I'm not too arrogant."

"Also, Miss Xian'er is young, but she's all on her own to get to this point, and her future potential is bound to be great. You've seen her temperament. Even though she was in danger in this war, she didn't forget to help those around her. companion.

"She is more qualified than that Wang Wushang to be the Daozi of my Daochang real world.

When these words came out, a huge wave of Wang Ran was immediately aroused in the hearts of the leaders of the Bi clan.

Many people looked over and began to think about the meaning of the words.

"Indeed, Miss Xian'er's pure heart. You have also seen the pure and good life. She was born to be the Daozi of the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

At the moment, some people also echoed that, thinking that Gu Xian'er being the new Daozi is far more suitable than "Coin Wushang".

For all races, the pros outweigh the cons.

And, judging from the prestige Gu Xian'er has accumulated in this battle, she just needs to raise her arms, and there are bound to be countless people who will support her.

The most important point is Gu Xian'er's identity!

"That's right, the old man is also in favor of establishing Miss Xian'er as the new Daozi.

"If everyone agrees. Then after the war is over, we will jointly go to the headquarters of the Alliance to impeach Wang Wushang. Presumably the deputy leader and others will acquiesce and agree."

Soon, the leaders of all ethnic groups reached a consensus.

Just wait until the end of this war to start action.

The Tiao people have long held grudges against "Wang Wushang" and are eager for him to step down.

"I seem to understand that the leader of the alliance wanted to make Wang Wushang the Daozi.

"Haha, it is naturally more suitable for Miss Xian'er to be the Daozi.

In the distance, Gu Wuhao, Ming and others in Yuzhong also noticed this admiration.

Gu Wu, as the deputy leader, is not good at talking about official duties.

However, I have been dissatisfied with "Wang Wushang" for a long time, just waiting for a suitable opportunity to take action against him.

This time, the negotiation between the leaders of various ethnic groups was exactly what he wanted.

On the Yi side, Ni Chen didn't know that Taizhan outside the vast battlefield was about to fall into a surname mark.

When he was at the critical moment of winning Jin Daochang's real world, most of the seven, seven and forty-nine lights above his head had been extinguished.

Although the true spirit of Daochang True Realm is no longer in this realm, the seal left at the beginning is not so easy to erase.

When the true spirit of the Taoist realm is at its peak, its strength surpasses that of the ordinary Taoist realm, which is comparable to the existence of the second intention of the Taoist realm.

Nichen began to think that the true spirit of Daojing real world, at most, touches the level of Dao realm.

But I never thought that its strength had reached such a level, and it was a big surprise to read him.

Bi Yi's original Daochang real world was just born and belonged to the new real world. How could the background be strong?

Ni Chen guessed that this should be the true strength of the true spirit of Daochang Zhenjie today.

This residual imprint also has a great connection with the original breath of the true spirit.

"What about the second decline in the Dao Realm, since it blocks me, I have to erase your mark..."

Ni Chen's eyes showed madness, and he kept biting the tip of his tongue, using his original blood essence to activate the secret technique of talent, turning it into the soul fog of Qing Gongbai. to erase this mark

At this time, he can no longer care about the outside world, and all his energy and thoughts are put on it.

Moreover, Ni Chen could clearly feel that the connection between the true spirit of Daochang's real world and the real world of Daozhen was becoming weaker.

This shows that the true spirit of Daochen True Realm is not in a good state now, and is very weak.

Otherwise, the true spirit of Daochang True Realm, after sensing the imprint of someone moving the ground, will definitely not sit still and let someone erase it.

boom! ! !

In the complex space that no living beings can see, the imprint of the origin left by the true spirit of Daochang's true world is constantly dimming.

The soul spread in the sky is like life, and it makes a cold whistling sound: erase its light.

Nichen's eyes were full of ambition and heat difference, and he spewed out his original blood again.

Jie's soul dew, with a touch of richness, drowned away like a tidal wave.

"It's almost a success..."

"When I succeed, I will transform into a new true spirit in the Daochang real world. At that time, I will transform into a Dao realm existence in one fell swoop, and I will be invincible and fearless of anyone in this realm.

Ni Chen's eyes were full of bloodshot and madness, the red soul above his head quickly extinguished, supporting the consumption of his vitality.

There are a total of four soldiers and nine pieces of real gold, and now most of them have been consumed, which shows Nichen's determination to go all out.

"It's just the last line and it's a success"

Ni Chen growled in a low voice, both excited and impatient.

He can already feel the majestic power belonging to one side of the real world, the heavy worship, the boundless vastness

The life level of the whole person is also undergoing a bad transformation, and there is already a hint of Taoism!

If you look at Cong Daochang's real world at the moment, you will find that Pang Tai's boundless hooded souls are rising from all directions, and the unknown space worms are spreading out to completely occupy this world.

This is what Nichen has been working on over the years

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