I Am the Fated Villain

Sectional Reading 2915

Some echoes out loud.

Seeing that the headmaster seemed a little angry, all the disciples of the Scavenger Sect had no choice but to shut up and dare not mention it again.

They didn't know what happened to Wang He. In the past, he seldom used such an oppressive tone.

"A practitioner of the true Dao realm has survived at least five catastrophes, but he is just someone else's old servant"

"What your disciples say is true."

But at this time, a very indifferent, seemingly inaudible words suddenly reached the king crane earworm.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he couldn't help showing an expression of surprise on his face.

However, Wang He was not the kind of person who showed emotion and anger, so he quickly recovered, and after waving his hands to let the disciples go down, he answered the voice just now with his spiritual thoughts.

"What my disciples said is true. Why don't you have some understanding of this matter?"

he asked calmly.

"Hehe, a practitioner who has survived at least five Heavenly Tribulations is an old servant"

However, this indifferent voice did not answer Wang He's question.

Just sending out a specious smile that has always been plausible.

Wang He frowned slightly, he was actually used to the indifferent attitude of Qi Ling, the book of scavengers, towards him.

This time, I thought she was interested in asking him about things.

But I don't want to be so indifferent, and don't say much.

This made Wang He think that maybe the calculation that could make her surrender by this matter was directly broken and reduced to nothing.

[I didn't expect that I just woke up from a deep sleep and heard such an interesting thing. "

"However, I still advise you, a pack, don't ask too much about some things, it won't do you any good"

The spirit voice of the Book of Scavengers was still very indifferent, as if sensing Wang He's intentions and reminding him not to die.

But upon hearing this, Wang He's frown relaxed slightly.

"Are you caring about me by saying that?" He asked with a smile.

In his opinion, it is rare for Qi Ling to say so much in the book of scavenging. If he hadn't been worried about his safety, he would not have believed it.

"Be passionate."

However, the words of Qi Ling in the Book of Scavengers are still indifferent and ruthless.

After saying these four words, she fell silent.

"Sooner or later you will surrender."

Wang Goose shook his head and the smile on his face disappeared.

The book of scavenging and the spirit of the book of scavenging are actually two separate individuals.

It's just that the existence of the spirit of the weapon can affect the book of scavenging in a certain way, which also caused Wang He, as the owner of the book of scavenging, to be unable to truly control this treasure.

Fortunately, now, the spirit of the Book of Scavengers is no longer what it used to be.

Thinking of breaking away with the book of scavenging at any time, it seems to be resigned to fate.

But today, Qi Ling of Scavengers' Book is often behaved when he hears these words, so he still pays attention to it.

The ultimate battle in the world ended in Luomu, and big stars fell like rain.

One piece after another (Zhao Zhaohao) the sky disintegrated and collapsed, and the terrifying energy subsided, but there were still many places, which dried up and returned to the ruins.

This is only caused by the leaked fluctuations. If you are in the central area of ​​the battlefield, it will cause a terrifying scene, which is unimaginable for ordinary people.

However, no one in the outside world knows how tragic the outcome of that battle was, and it is impossible to know who will win and who will lose.

Hunyuan returned to the territory of the Zhuo Clan, and it looked the same as before.

But the Turbid Wind Department found that his complexion was not good-looking and his breath was not stable.

Obviously, in this battle, Yuan Jun didn't get any advantage and probably suffered a big loss.

"Tomorrow morning, you follow me to visit that Mr. Gu and apologize to him."

Hunyuan Jun Bingmo and Zhuo Fengxie said much that his figure disappeared in a flash, feeling that this battle was very humiliating to him.

Hearing this, Zhuo Fengxie's face also became heavy, as if he had beaten all the invincible hairs in the past and present, but he couldn't do anything to the old man in black robe.

If he fights against him, the result will probably be similar.

"Things are getting more complicated and tricky." Zhuo Fengxie frowned and sighed inwardly.

The Bone Patriarch also returned to Gu Changge's side at this moment.

Compared to Hun Yuanjun, he had a strange smile on his face.

"This, the first battle is really comfortable. That guy's methods are really good, and he can barely reach my superior strength."

"However, in front of you, you can easily suppress the demon with just one finger."

He felt that this battle was quite enjoyable, and it was the most exciting battle since he woke up.

Mo Tong looked at the Bone Patriarch in front of him with a soft expression.

This is the first time I have come into contact with this kind of existence so closely.

She was shocked by Wang Baiguzuqian's previous words, but she never thought of his next words, which directly made her completely dumbfounded.

1038 Something About Wang He, Another Eternal Artifact

Yimotong almost couldn't believe her ears, she looked at Gu Changge in a daze...

This kind of expression appeared on the originally indifferent face, but it seemed a little cute.

What did the invincible being who fought against the ancestor of the Hun people just now say?

Gu Changge can suppress the first ancestor of the Hun with a simple finger?

Mo Tong couldn't find the words to describe her

A moment of shock is obviously something that sounds unbelievable in the Arabian Nights.

But Gu Changge's expression

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