I Am the Fated Villain

Volume Reading 2950

: After all, there will be days when it will only be broken.

Who is the devil? Why did the devil come?

Gu Changge always likes to act without leaking, and these are before: he has a deeper arrangement and planning.

The depths of the zero clan: it is a vast and endless big zero, tired all the year round and covered by zero air.

Under the anger, the buildings and pavilions are reflected, there are high nets, lakes, Wangyang sea, and green trees on the top of the sky.

Ordinary people come here, and the Ministry will lose their way.

If there is no correct orientation, it will be difficult to find the exit.

The people of this clan are just like their name, and their body is a kind of zero-gas-like substance. constitute a very strange life form.

However, the Zero Clan practiced in the same way as many ethnic groups in the fairy civilization: specializing in spiritual power and abandoning the flesh.

This family is good at simulating the shape can be described as ever-changing.

At this moment, in the most magnificent and ancient hall, many people of the Zero clan are gathering together to hold the ancient sacrificial ceremony of the basic species.

On one side, the ancient altar, which is full of light, is made up of various magnificent materials, and it is located in the center of the hall treasure.

Around this ancient altar, there is a vast world of ancestor worship music looming, as if a god of respect and long, sitting on its worm.

The entire clear sky and myriad worlds respect this god, and they continue to worship and report.

The glow is still flowing, as if it can penetrate endless time and space, please multi-latitude, Long has come to another place outside the underworld.

"The catastrophe of the fairy civilization is imminent. I pray for the protection of the Xiyuan civilization. Otherwise, my zero clan may suffer a terrible catastrophe and be in danger of annihilation."

"The Hun and Zhuo people have suffered drastic changes, and now they have abandoned Xiyuan Wenzui. I implore the supreme gods to punish the gods, and send the envoy Longlin."

These figures of the Wu people knelt around and muttered words, praying to tell the crisis of the fairy civilization today.

1052 The wishful thinking is very good, the decision of the treasure of civilization

The Wu people have always been huge and mysterious, and there are many space-time and Yushen on the edge of the trail. They are not the creatures of the fairy civilization.

But in the ancient times, suddenly Longlin took root here.

This family has a deep connection with the Xiyuan civilization.

There are also many rumors that the Zero Clan actually came from the Xiyuan civilization, which is a branch of one of the ancient ethnic groups.

However, such rumors have never been confirmed, and few people know the truth.

At this moment, the many shadows kneeling in this hall are all elder-level existences with names and surnames within the Zero Clan.

Their cultivation base is profound, and they have cultivated the Tao for many epochs, and they are comparable to the elders of the Hun and Zhuo clans.

Everyone's faces were extremely pious, and they kept posting: they were chanting old sacrifices.

Pieces of text, shining like stars, appeared: Then lighted up: To the worms that fell on the altar.

The center of the altar glows like an ancient mirror with a crystal clear face, and the brilliance reflected is enough to penetrate time, space and latitude, and convey to unknown and distant places.

The God of Mohu standing in the middle: After hearing these prayers, he slowly turned his breath.

Deep rolling and the light fell: overlooking the people here calmly and indifferently.

Xiu couldn't see his face, and couldn't tell his gender. There was a cracked gap on his forehead, and his vertical pupils were tightly closed.

The faint golden rosy pattern around it seems to contain all the mysterious secrets from the world.

"Why did you wake me up again?"

Xiu opened his mouth to look at these elders of the Mist-raising Clan: Gu Ao's tone was strict and did not contain any emotion.

Seeing this breath, all the clan elders were even more excited.

Those who were kneeling at the front: even more bluntly said, "Go back to the emperor."

"The Hun and Zhuo people have violated their original covenant and oath, and betrayed the Xiyuan civilization. Now they are secretly contacting outsiders and are ready to show their teeth to us at any time."

"I suspect that outside the fairy civilization, there are forces stationed and waiting, ready to take action based on this world..."

"The immortal civilization is likely to have a catastrophe. For my zero clan, it is a disaster + I beg your honor to send the envoy Long Linqing to this disaster + restore the peace of the immortal civilization."

They are all watching the eye bugs about the changes of the Zhuo and the Hun people during this period of time.

There is no airtight wall between heaven and earth, let alone these two big clans.

The eyeliner that the mist clan placed in it had already passed the news back.

Now they are taking great risks to contact Xiyuan Civilization, and I am afraid that they have been detected by the eyes of the Zhuo and Hun people, and they are passing the news back.

Next, it is very likely that there will be a fight between them and the turbid clan, and the entire fairy civilization will be in chaos.

As the most powerful four super powers of the fairy civilization, once the battle, the scope that will be swept up is absolutely unimaginable.

All time and space and the universe will be covered by cages, and no ethnic groups or forces can escape from the world.

At this time: the only way is to contact Yuan Civilization.

Bi Yi Xianling Civilization is a subsidiary civilization of Xiyuan Civilization. It is impossible for Xiyuan Civilization to sit idly by when turmoil occurs here.

However, this is still caused by external forces intervening in an attempt to occupy this world and cause chaos.

For the Xiyuan civilization, this is even more tantamount to a provocative move.

If you don't deal with it, once it spreads in the vast world, how can you get a foothold and be known by the rest of the Xeon civilization without losing face?

"How many epochs, there are still forces that dare to ignore my Xiyuan civilization and do such an offensive act."


I came because for so long, I hoped for Yuan civilization, too much

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