I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2954

: Ruled by the Immortal Emperor.

In the vaster territory: even the Taoist realm exists: it often haunts: it will cook and spread the Tao for the practice.

Cultivation resources are also unmatched by ordinary civilizations.

Tong is rude to say that the Xeon civilization is in the vastness, and the forces with the right to speak can truly live and die, and control the life and death of all spirits.

Of course: compared to its golden civilization and Xeon civilization: the cushion force is more complicated: the roots are connected wrongly.

After countless years of inheritance and development, the Dao lineage groups that have stood still have the power and heritage that cannot be underestimated.

Some powerful Dao Lineages can completely control the lifeblood of some ancient real worlds.

Such as the Yuxian Fuling God Grotto in Zixue Mountain, the immortal Chu Haotu, and the endless demon city of Guangming Temple.

These are the truly immortal and ancient forces sitting and watching the sea of ​​dust from the endless era. After the sea of ​​thunder for billions of years,

_As long as there are practitioners in the Xiyuan civilization, there is no one who does not know the horror and horror of these forces.

Of course, the most ancient and sacred pad of the Xiyuan civilization is the Xiyuan Church.

It is reported that this is the force established by the pioneering cooking of the Xiyuan civilization: it has experienced all the calamities and settlements.

This founder not only established the Xiyuan Church, but also divided the authority of heaven.

He has deduced many cultivation systems covering various paths of cultivation and evolution such as immortals, demons, ghosts, etc., and has also left a path for future generations, and has a special Taoist cultivation method.

There are even more rumors that the cultivation of Xiyuan Church only needs to be practiced step by step, and the weakest achievement can reach the realm of Dao.

This practice method: It has also been cooked for the countless practices of Xiyuan Supreme Law and longed to see it.

Various ancient rumors have shaped the supremacy of the Xiyuan Church today, with believers covering countless acres and time and space, but the Xiyuan Church is too mysterious and detached.

So many practitioners have only heard of its rumors but have never seen practitioners who came out of Xiyuan Church.

Xi was born from the last practice of Xiyuan Church: it was still a few epochs ago.

An enterprise "madman" from the Outer Domain of Chaos Star suddenly appeared, and the news of the ancient civilization under the jurisdiction of Tu Xiyuan civilization caused anger.

At that time, in the Temple of Eternal Sun where Xiyuan Church was located, a flawless white jade hand reached out.

Across endless time and space and distance, it protrudes toward the outer domain of the chaos star, covering the sky and the sun, covering the universe.

All the practitioners and living beings were heartbroken, and the palm was slender with a white back and had no time to recommend the most perfect immortal jade hand.

Each finger seems to control the endless rules of the Great Dao, so powerful that it is breathless.

With just the palm of his hand, across endless time, space and latitude, the "madman" who was in chaos was shot to death.

The news shook the Xiyuan civilization, even if it had entered the ancestral realm: it was heartbroken.

And after the incident of Liangna, no one saw the practice of Xiyuan Church.

Countless people suspect that the person who shot is the saint of Xiyuan Church, who has achieved the existence of Taoism since ancient times.

She is known as the most amazing genius before and after all ages. She bears a lot of brilliance, counts the past, the present and the future, and there is no one else in the endless time and space.

Of course, this is also a rumor, no one has really seen the true face of the person who shot, let alone his interest.

At this moment, in the most mysterious Eternal Sun God Unit of Xiyuan Civilization.

White mist, a piece of film hazy, here is like a mirror without clothes, there is no sky, no ground and no border.

The misty white zero air lingers in this space. It seems that there is no concept of time, but it can clearly see the traces of time.

You can even detect the change of every breath of mist.

"That wisp of black zero is here again"

"Even the Xudan civilization has already detected the maliciousness in advance. Does the ancient prophecy of the arrival of the dragon mean that the darkness is coming back?"

"Master once said that he can't be killed."

A soft whisper echoed, and suddenly it sounded here.

A splendid and boundless bronze mirror, Jiali stands in this palace treasure, ancient and mysterious.

The edge of the mirror is blurred, with some slight broken traces and some traces of swords and swords.

And the shadow of Dao Xi, who is wearing a white gauze and a slender figure, walks slowly, and the skirt is like water: ripples appear on the mirror surface.

Her face looks ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that it is amazing and dreamlike.

Then it turned into a sack, as if every breath was changing, experiencing the overlapping rules of the years.

"The mirror of reincarnation, deduce the simulation again.

This graceful shadow: walking to the ancient mirror, reaching out and touching it, the tone seems to have come from the ancient times.

The moment her words fell, the ancient mirror in front of her began to show many changes.

A mysterious power pervades the old, hundreds of millions of lines converge, orderly divine light intertwines, and something is repeating.

"The first year: calm and calm, you are uneasy watching the long river of Qi Yun from the insects to the turbulent fragments of the future."

"In the second year, you received the warning from the Rising Sun Realm again and became suspicious and thought about the omens left by the master, and decided to go to that place to see the seal. Unfortunately, the darkness filled the air, blocking your way and making it impossible to approach.

"In the third year, you watched the long river of qi fortune, and saw the black dew in the bag again. Worrying about the loose seal, you decided to join forces with Xudan Zhenjie to fight against the drastic changes in the future."

"In the year of Di Shi, you suddenly felt that the fortune of Xiyuan civilization had changed, and you were shocked. You decided to find out the truth, but it was a pity that the truth was revealed.

Zero air push

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