I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 100: After 1 month

The time elapsed as Bai Ku passed the gap.

A lot has happened in this month.

Lin Feng was called the "Father of Electricity" by the Chinese people. The wireless power transmission technology made the people know Lin Feng. Nowadays, electrical appliances with wireless high-power transmission functions have entered millions of households. While enjoying convenience, people are deeply grateful to Lin Feng. All these are brought to them by Lin Feng.

Some people also like to call Lin Feng the "flash king" without it because of holographic flash chips.

From the beginning, Lin Feng said that chips can change the market structure of mobile phones and computers. Now it has been realized. Mobile phones and computers with holographic flash memory chips are sought after by even people around the world.

星 Three stars, Micron, Toshiba and many other flash memory vendors have also launched "3D-NAND stacking technology" flash memory chips, the same storage size, popularity is incomparable.

For one reason, read and write speed!

With the same capacity, foreign manufacturers can read and write at most 5G / s, and the holographic flash memory is 50G / s. This ten-fold gap is destined to sell the holographic flash chip to the world.

Fast reading and writing is an improvement in overall speed.

After all, the bottleneck of a computer is not the heap configuration, but the hard disk.

的 Foreign flash memory manufacturers who were full of confidence, but helpless, 3D-NAND stacking technology has fallen to the low-end market, and some people bought it only after the clearance.

Compared to these two titles, people prefer to call Lin Feng the "God of Programming".

Lin Feng's exclusive programming method has been recognized by the world. Many research institutes have acknowledged that Lin Feng's programming method cannot be cracked. It has been abandoned domestically, and only foreign ones who are still reluctant are still cracking.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, a mobile phone system called CTM reported in the news, saying that this native system was developed by Lin Feng, but only the name, not the specific function.

After the domestic mobile phone manufacturers got the system, they kept it secret. Like no one else, they never mentioned it to the outside world, but the public knows that these manufacturers must be planning an astonishing plan.

After all, one month has passed since Lin Feng declared war on Little Apple, and the days of war will not be far behind.

Gao Huaguo's relationship with the United States has also been reconciled and has become the most cordial "friend".

Before the two countries clashed with each other, both the WTO and the UN made conciliations. No effect was seen. The United States looked dissatisfied with its fingers and asked China to give an explanation.

I will not give up until I confess,

Therefore, China explained to reduce the export volume of rare metals, especially the supply of "钐 149".


The United States is gone.

Plutonium "149" is an indispensable material for nuclear power plants. China controls 85% of the world's supply. The United States cannot find such a material and will face price increases or blackouts.

I do n’t want the people to explode like that. She does n’t even use electricity, and dare to exploit it even harder.

Don't think about the next result, Little Apple fought alone.

However, Cook is still strong, ruled out public opinion, and stood up. At the same time, he also announced that he would launch a version 7xo of Love Madness, which was very mysterious and the configuration was not explained.

It is said that Fushikang is already producing for Apple.

People are still looking forward to it. Whether Lin Feng wins or Little Apple loses ...

One thing I have to say is that the New Territories Technology Company is in the limelight. In the past month, the company has faced the world and has played more than 200 lawsuits around patents. The company has visited the courts of various countries. Although the judgement has not been obtained for the time being, this attitude of positive confrontation has won the favor of the people.

For this reason, a wave of snapping up wireless chargers has started in China.

Amazingly, she supports Lin Feng.

As a result, sales of New Territory technology companies have doubled.

The “competition mechanism” developed in advance by Lin Feng also started to play a role. Mobile phone manufacturers saw the sales of external wireless chargers booming, and naturally increased orders. Many wireless chargers were built into mobile phones.

For these large orders, Lin Feng gave 20% discount to domestic manufacturers.

As a result, Lin Feng made a lot of money.

This large amount of money was naturally used to acquire companies around Dongzheng Electronics Factory, with a total of 640,000 square meters. All of them were acquired and brought under the jurisdiction of Dongzheng Electronics. Chen Zhichao was also upgraded to No. 3 in the company.

During the acquisition process, the Beijing government strongly supported. As long as it was not an excessive request, almost all gave a green light. Lin Feng could not be called a brother or brother with Mayor Wang. On the occasion of the New Year, Lin Feng did not have a handy gift. Give Mayor Wang a few sets of wireless chargers to talk about his heart.

It's not corruption! Just a charger, only tens of thousands.

The mayor of King Wang laughed, and went home.

There are three other incidents that shocked the nation.

One is that Xiaomi company has developed a full-featured waterproof mobile phone with Xiaomi's MIX technology. The waterproof grade reaches ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Xiaomi Mi MIX does not have a handset, it transmits sound through ceramic vibration, and then uses a built-in wireless charger, plus a wireless headset from Lin Feng provided by Lin Feng.

The mobile phone has no exposed interface, and then uses some cutting-edge technology to make Xiaomi Free3 have excellent waterproof function.

浸泡 Soak in the swimming pool for three hours without water ingress. For this reason, Lei Jun also applied for the Guinness Book of World Records. At a time when it was hot in China, sales exceeded Huawei for a time.

Another thing is that during the negotiation and negotiation with Grandpa Ren, due to the unreasonable request made by Grandpa Gu, Grandpa scolded Guge and vowed not to use Gu's Android system in the future.

Mr. Ren Zhengfei got angry. The news reports were all about him. The applause for Huawei suddenly sounded in the country, saying that Huawei is a conscience enterprise, and it has supported Huawei.

This incident reminded various companies. It seems that only swearing can solve some things, so OPPO scolded Gu Ge, Xiaomi scolded Gu Ge, and even some unknown mobile phone manufacturers also scolded. Google.

There was a tide of scolding in the country.

The last thing is OPPO ’s super-large-memory mobile phone with 3TB of memory, which can be used as both a hard disk and a computer system disk, which is equivalent to taking a computer to move around and plugging the phone into the computer, which is the C drive.

手机 This phone is called the Gospel of the Data Party, and it is very popular.

Everyone got fired again, but Lin Feng was quite low-key in this month. He had nothing to swim in Zhongnanhai, he was quite familiar with the chief, and then he had to eat pork ribs, and the eggs that were free all day were painful.

But today, Lin Feng is quite excited, because the long-awaited Little Apple conference has finally been held, and Cook has appeared.

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