I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 110: New layout

The function of smart housekeeper is shocking, its outstanding is too amazing.

The first batch of people who used smart housekeeping can't wait to experiment on the ground in the zoo, and some people went to the History Museum to see if its ability to translate ancient characters is so bad.

The answer is inevitable.

Moreover, according to the latest news report, military dogs in a certain military region use smart housekeepers in large quantities. It is possible to put mobile phones on the necks of military dogs and translate them when the dogs bark.

The training effect is unknown, but it will not be too bad.

However, it is also because of the intelligent housekeeper's ability to translate beast words. There are suddenly many stray pets on the street. They can only eat garbage and live miserably. Then they are forcibly dragged away by the dog meat restaurant and become a Chinese meal.

I have to say that Lin Feng created evil.

Of course, even if Lin Feng knew, he would just laugh it off.

Zhe Linfeng has a big plan for pets. Otherwise, he will not actively build pet shelters, so it is impossible to make evil, but the survival of the fittest. People who dominate the world are always people, not animals.

内 Inside the Zhongnanhai office.

"This is what you call enhanced wireless power transmission technology?"

Head Qiong pointed at the drawings in front of him and asked in suspicion.

图纸 You can see a huge tower building and a flat cylindrical device of the size of a manhole cover on the drawing. This is a large wireless power transmission device.

"of course!"

Qi Linfeng nodded in a chair.

"Does it have a transmission radius of 30-50 kilometers?"

The chief is solemn. In the first impression of the chief, this technology is applied to the defense construction of coastal areas. This remote power transmission function can provide great convenience for charging drones.

In addition, the chief thought of the US destroyer Jupiter. The destroyer was powered by electricity. If such a large transmission device can be used for long-distance charging, this destroyer is even more powerful. The chief is considering whether it will also be built in China. Several such destroyers.

Zhe Linfeng explained truthfully: "A place with good natural environment will reach 50 kilometers, but if it is like Beijing, it can reach 30 kilometers."

Putting a large wireless power transmission device on the schedule is also planned by Lin Feng in advance. After all, the weather is getting warmer and construction is possible, and Lin Feng will also try to see if it has commercial value. If it does not have commercial value, it can be used for military purposes. It is also very good. Today, I will discuss with the chief executive to see what the chief executive's attitude is.

The head can't help breathing down. What is the concept of a radius of 50 kilometers? Covers the entire Jingbei city. Once this device is activated, the entire Jingbei city can use wireless power. Should it be so fantasy?

However, the head did not express his position, but drew his head and groaned for a long time, calming down and saying, "How much does it cost to build such a device?"

This is the most critical. The cost determines whether it can be popularized.

Lin Feng took a tea cup and took a sip, and did not speak.

At this time, Anyou God next to him stood out. Today, Anyou God is wearing a formal dress, and before the cynical disrespect, the expression on his face was always tense.

Facing the chief, you have to hide your character.

And Lin Feng brought him this time, Anshen felt very honored. After all, the man in front of him was the head and a figure admired by all people.

"To build a strong electricity transmission tower, a large amount of steel structure, superconducting ceramics and rare metals are required. After calculation, the cost of each tower is one billion yuan."

Anshen said slowly.

"What?" The chief's body was agitated.

Puppet secretary Xu Jize opened his mouth in shock.

$ 1 billion!

Qi Huaguo's military expenditure for one year is only 150 billion yuan, which is enough to build 150 towers. How many are needed in the country? Simple calculation:

1230 seats!

How much is it?

1.2 trillion!

I also built a woolen yarn.

At this price, even the chief executive will be discouraged when he sees it. The cost of the high-voltage transmission tower exceeds the actual meaning. Without the value of construction, I just want to build it, and I am powerless.

"This is just the cost. The labor costs add up, much more than one billion." Anyou God also remembered to make up for the knife.


The chief twitched the corners of his mouth, and was completely uninterested. He discarded the documents on the table and rubbed his temples.

Coupled with Bai's great joy, it is remote, high-tech, and cool, but it will eventually cost one billion to build one. The country ca n’t be built at all, is n’t it?

And the country can't put up so much money to build it. Who knows that technology has become immature and problems have arisen, and the country has suffered.

What a waste of expression!

Lin Feng looked at the head, and Lin Feng shrugged. At the beginning, he was shocked when he heard the price, not to mention the head. I am afraid that the head cares more about money than Lin Feng. After all, the country cannot have money.

He knows that the chief intends to give up.

"Will I build it myself?"

Zhe Linfeng originally wanted to find cooperation with the state. He provided the technology and the country paid the money, and he took advantage of it, but now the chief has refused, but it is good, so that he can develop independently and not let others interfere.

"Build it yourself?"

The chief laughed!

济 Xu Jize also laughed, with a little ridicule in his eyes.

One billion yuan in construction cost, say you build it yourself? Who wouldn't say that there are restrictions on how a company can make more money, and internal expenses are not used? Does it cost money to run a company?

I also built it myself! I am afraid that the company's funding gap will not be filled before the completion of construction, and the company is closed down alive.

I am not the head demeaning Lin Feng, mainly because the head really despise Lin Feng's economic strength.

"Oh! You are free."

The chief shook his hands impatiently and pushed the folder to Lin Feng.

The tadpole technique is very good, and it doesn't have eggs.

Love 咋 toss 咋 toss!

I heard that, Lin Feng laughed too, and his phone could record audio! At that time, the head regrets not to blame him Lin Feng.

"Head, the green light you promised ~ www.readwn.com ~ When will you give me?"

A word popped out by Lin Feng suddenly made An Youshen's eyes widened suddenly, lamenting that Lin Feng really Nima was a monster, and she dared to say anything to the head, no one.

Xu Jize snorted coldly to see Lin Feng's discomfort.

The corners of the heads of the puppets also drew a bit of fierce, and still others dare to ask for a green light? The thick-skinned machine gun couldn't get through.

"I think this is the real purpose of your coming!"

The chief laughed and cursed.

Then the leader said, "Here!"

Uh ...

When Lin Feng came out of Zhongnanhai, his mouth hummed in a minor key, and the small eight-character stepped forward.

Lin Feng didn't care about the green light or anything. He just hoped that some forces or individuals wouldn't come to the house to find trouble. He wasn't afraid, mainly because he wasted face and wasted time. For those times, it is better to read two books!

"Go, do something with me!"

Qi Linfeng put his hand in the car.

There was still a little sluggishness on the face of Wu Anyoushen. Obviously, the scene just shocked him too much.

He couldn't help asking, "What is it? Do you need to go in person?"

Yes, the name is "you"

Don't look at An Fengshen who respects Lin Feng very much when he is working, but in private, An Youshen does not regard Lin Feng as a billionaire or something. They are all human beings, on any level, and he is also a rich second generation. Born with pride.

"what's up……"

Lin Linfeng's eyes were bewildered. At first, his parents left a large house. Later, Lin Feng sold the house. It was neither used to pay tuition fees nor to spend it by himself, but ...

"When you arrive, you will know." Lin Feng leaned on his chair and closed his eyes to raise God.

An Youshen shrugged helplessly.

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