I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 112: Rushed in 1

The car stopped at the door of the company. Lin Feng got out of the car and pointed at the high-rise building in front of him. Now. "

Lin Linfeng trusts Zhang Long very much, it is the trust of character.

With the direction of his fingers, Zhang Long looked up at Linlidi Skyscraper, with a strange light in his eyes, maybe it was a new beginning ...

After all, no one likes living a poor life.

"give it to me!"

Zhang Zhanglong's face is so solemn. He attaches great importance to commitment. This is how he has cultivated qualities for more than ten years.

"it is good!"

Lin Lin Feng said secretly.

At first, he sold the house to pay tuition fees and solve daily expenses. However, he accidentally saw the Zhang Long family kneeling in front of the hospital. After inquiring, he learned that Zhang Long's daughter had leukemia and needed blood urgently. Stem cell transplant.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Lin Feng. After all, it often happened in Hua Guo, but Zhang Long's identity attracted Lin Feng.

According to observations, Zhang Long is not ordinary. After a visit, Zhang Feng further confirmed Lin Feng's idea. Zhang Long was a veteran, but the special forces may have retired.

Special forces, the value can be imagined.

So, the scene before us happened.

Lin Feng gave the money to Zhang Long's daughter, and Lin Feng gained trust, loyalty, etc., of course, based on Zhang Long's character.

Fortunately, Zhang Long's character can be trusted.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng subconsciously touched the ring finger, uh, forgot, the ring was thrown into Zhongnanhai. This habit has to be changed.

Now, he no longer needs luck and power, Lin Feng itself represents everything, don't forget the green light of the chief, as long as he doesn't mess up, Lin Feng can toss.

Of course, to get Zhang Long's help was not luck, but Lin Feng seized the opportunity in advance.

When Zheng Zheng Lin planned to take Zhang Long into the company building, the beggar at the door attracted Lin Feng's attention. If he remembered correctly, he had seen this beggar.

I used to have trouble at the door of the company.

Footsteps, Lin Feng walked towards the beggar, seeing that the beggar was wearing his own clothes, he smiled, took a dozen tickets out of his arms, and handed them to the beggar, "Near the opposite There is a delicatessen on the street. You can buy some meat to eat. If you are happy, you can drink some wine to warm your body. "

I looked at Lin Feng's cheek, and the beggar was touched. This young man, he will never forget.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The beggar made a lot of work, thanking Dade.

Qi Linfeng waved his hand indifferently.

里 Eric Schmidt was blasted out by the New Territories Technology Company, and he was arguing with security guards angrily.

However, the scene in front of him made him look at it for a moment.

The beggar is obviously deceiving people. How could anyone be fooled? Do Chinese people not know the logo of Anima dress? You know that Anima is a world-renowned luxury brand.

"The Chinese are as ignorant as Cook said."

Schmidt was extremely disappointed with this trip. China was a defeated country with oligarchy.

(Cook: Nima, I was shot lying down.)

When Schmidt was secretly annoyed, in the dark corridor across the street, there were a group of people pointing at Lin Feng.

"Jiang, Lin Feng is here."

Lin Feng reported to Liang Jianhui with his five fingers, and he filled with indignation. Last time, Jian Ge took them to the smashing ground, but a young man drew his mouth. When he saw Wang Wu in this scene, his lungs exploded.

Brother Wu Jian is his most respected and worshiped man, and the young man trampled on this respect. At that time, Wang Wu vowed that the young man must be given his due retribution.

However, the sudden appearance of the police at the time scared them to death for a while, thinking that the young man was also a police officer. Wang Wu once gave up revenge, after all, the identity gap could not be crossed, unless his suspicion grew.

But one day they suddenly found the young man in the news. Then they knew that the young man was not the police, but the boss of the New Territories Technology Company.

Suddenly, a fierce fire raged in their chests, and the opportunity for revenge came.

Moreover, the New Territories Technology Corporation is so hot that it must have made countless amounts of money. If you can extort the last sum and revenge by the way, wouldn't it be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

After all, they did a lot of this kind of thing, without psychological burden, remembering the respect that the little bosses had shown to them before, they felt pride in their hearts.

This is their job, a fearful and frightening profession.

Qi Liangjian heard the words, and a slap of light appeared in his eyes, and that slap hit his face and hurt his heart, which he remembered for a lifetime.

The next moment, Liang Jian's anger finally couldn't be suppressed.


A group of more than a dozen people took their caps and went straight to the door of the New Territories Technology Corporation.

I walked in front of Liang Jian, imagining Lin Feng kneeling for mercy in his head, a plea of ​​pleasure emerged in his heart, and this was his offense.

"Go Nima!"

Halfway along, a beggar blocked the road. Liang Jian said nothing and went up to fly.


When a dozen hundred dollar bills floated in the air, the younger brothers' eyes brightened, and they did not forget to put a few feet on the beggar while picking up the money.

"Oh! Beggars are so rich."

"Mad, this silly beep must be the money I picked up."

"Beggars **** it!"

Liang Jian also picked up one, and hesitated directly into his pocket without hesitation.

"Ah! My money, my money, please return it to me."

Lao Mai's voice growled weakly, and the beggar lay on the ground, struggling without standing for a long time, but finally kneeled on the ground, begging Liang Jian and their party.

"Please, please."

I looked at him kneeling and begging for beggars ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liang Jian covered her nose, full of disgust, "grass!" Raising her legs and kicking them, paralyzed the beggar to the ground.

"It's not easy to call dad."

Lin Liangjian screamed angrily, and led his brother forward, Lin Feng was their target.

Soon, a lot of people gathered around, people took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and busy forwarding the circle of friends.

The beggar groaned while lying on the ground, but no one managed it.

He not only ignored, but some people also stopped those who were ready to help.

喂 "Hello! Friends, you better not go, those gangs are hooligans at first glance, and you will only provoke you if you mess around."

"Do you know how to touch porcelain! So be careful!"

别 "Don't hit an ambulance. Can the beggar see the disease? By the time you die halfway, you share the responsibility."

"Wait for the police, we can't control it."

Uh ...

Tong Linfeng looked at the dozens of people who came over, and looked at the beggar lying on the ground, his face glum.

"Who is so bold? Come on, get rid of it."

As soon as Lin Feng's words came out, Zhang Long stood forward in front of Lin Feng, and his body made a defensive posture. At the same time, he took out a short arm guard from his own bag. outside.

Zhang Long, who had always been calm, became sharp.

十几 These dozen people are here for help.

The first time he felt it.

"Brothers, give me 揍 him."

Qi Liangjian pointed at Lin Feng loudly.

"Revenge Jian Jian."

"The rich man is amazing, he pumps him."

"Revenge, resentment!"

While the younger brothers were waving their fists, Zhang Long also tightened his arms and darted toward a man who was running ahead.

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