I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 134: Market allocation

"Meizu and Lenovo!"

Gao Linfeng announced that he chose these two companies because Meizu and Lenovo have more amazing fighting power, not losing to the strength of Xiaomi and OPPO.

Lenovo acquired the Motorola brand, which has no restrictions on patents, plus the protective film of the computer industry.

Meizu is undertaking the wireless headset business. All "wireless headsets" in the world are produced by Meizu.

无线 "Wireless headset" is a new type of headset developed by Lin Feng based on wireless power transmission technology. The transmission distance can reach 30 meters, which is better than Bluetooth headset.

In the future, Lin Feng wants to cultivate Meizu as the largest headset manufacturer, while Lenovo is the beginning of Lin Feng's desire to reach into the computer industry. Now it just gives Lenovo a little sweetness.

The two companies were named, and they were naturally excited.

Lenovo Yang Yuanqing blinked his eyes, very afraid that Lin Feng could not notice him. Originally, Lenovo could enter the American smartphone market, but it was very hurt and hurt. It may cause Lenovo to fall into a slump, and now enter the US market without injury. Anything good?

Of course, Yang Yuanqing thanked Lin Feng very much.

Similarly, Meizu President Bai Yongxiang also looked at Lin Feng with a grateful face, but then he turned his attention to Huawei. Of course, it was authorized, and Huawei's related authorization can enter the US market.

"I give this authorization." Ren Zhengfei suppressed his anger. There was no wave in his heart. It was fair. He had nothing to say. Supporting the weak and strong did not affect Huawei's business in the world.

对于 For the top two of Xiaomi and OPPO, Ren Zhengfei has always been exclusive.

"Thank you! Really thank you." Meiyong Bai Yongxiang thanked Lin Feng and Ren Zhengfei for worshiping Buddha.

Xi Leijun looked at this harmonious scene, his face changed, and Chen Mingyong was not much better.

"No reason! There is no reason at all. Why do two such strong companies nest in China?" Both thought in their hearts. For the first time, they questioned Lin Feng's decision.

CTM platform alliance, Lin Feng should not speak up.

"Mr. Lin, I ..."

Lei Jun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at everyone. He slowly said: "Authorization is not random authorization (referring to Huawei authorization). Of course, it is not casual to develop the market outwards. development of."

Speaking of words, Lin Feng emphasized to Lei Jun: "Who will take the three stars in the domestic market? Who will take over the shrinking market for Apple?"

Successive questions made Lei Jun and Chen Mingyong dumb.


After entering foreign countries, the focus will be on foreign countries. Xiaomi and OPPO will definitely not care about the domestic market. At that time, foreign countries can no longer develop. Such consequences are no different from death.

Lin Feng's arrangement can not only ensure the maximum development of Xiaomi and OPPO in China, but also lead other manufacturers to develop abroad.

Do not delay or harm anyone's interests.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I almost misunderstood you." Lei Jun, who had an ugly face the previous second, smiled like a flower the next second, exuding a dog leg breath all the time.

"Uh!" Lin Feng really admires Lei Jun's ability and can admire him. This is the real characteristic of a businessman. It stands to reason that he is really not a businessman.

Of course, he is not a businessman, but a godfather of technology.

"Let's disband!" Lin Feng intends to leave.

However, Yang Yuanqing stood up and stopped, "Wait, Mr. Lin, how can we enter the US market?"

Huawei was building a bridge in the United States because of the "Freeldrode" bridge? Yang Yuanqing was curious and worried.

Lin Feng stepped on his feet, pressed his hand on the table next to him, and the other hand subconsciously touched the non-existent ring. He said, "Then you don't need to worry about it, I will let you enter the US market."

After saying that, he has just taken a step and turned back suddenly, saying, "Please remember that you are a member of the alliance, and do not question the decisions made by the alliance."

Lin Linfeng took a meaningful look at Lei Jun, knocked the table twice with his hands, and left chicly.

As soon as Lin Feng left, everyone was relieved. "Lei Dong, that's enough. In the future, the three stars in the domestic market will not be inferior to those in the United States. You are cheap."

Listening to the words of VIVO's president, Lei Jun laughed twice and left his head down.

"Don't question the decision made by the alliance ..." This sentence echoed in Lei Jun's heart repeatedly. Just now, his actions almost made Xiaomi fall into despair.

Xi Leijun smiled bitterly. The electronics industry was developing too fast, and he was a little nervous.

"Should I learn Lin Feng and set the rules for the company?" Lei Jun looked dignified and felt it was necessary.


As soon as Lin Feng returned to the company, he ushered in the long-awaited result.

"Mr. Lin, superconducting ceramics have been produced and are currently being installed, and they are expected to be installed in seven days."

Wu Gaoyang reported in detail.

"How about the three-dimensional power production of that large power transmission device?"

Lin Feng wanted to run directly after the superconducting ceramics were installed.

"Chen Dong has already thoroughly understood the principle and produced it using a production line ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gao Yang revealed a signature smirk. Chen Dong was so efficient that he urged him every day.

"OK!" Lin Feng patted the table.

When Lin Feng got the unlimited power transmission technology, he knew that the company wanted to rise to only this technology, and the large-scale power transmission device strengthened his idea.

CTM system and holographic flash memory chip are just for fun, and the large-scale power transmission device is the foundation of the company.

抓 "Grasp quality, don't go wrong at this time."

Although Lin Feng was excited, he quickly calmed down, and there was more important work to do, so he didn't have time to be happy.

"Bring me the contract of three stars." Lin Feng commanded.

Before long, Gao Yang came over with a stack of thick documents.

"What are you?" Gao Yang was puzzled.

Tong Linfeng did not answer. He took the contract, briefly flipped through a few pages, grinned, and then "stabbed" a few times, torn apart by him.

Gao Yang's face turned wild, and unilateral tearing of the contract required paying a huge liquidation penalty. Lin Feng's behavior would only cause huge losses to the company.

"Mr. Lin, if you break the contract ..."

"It's okay, use the three-star order payment to pay liquidated damages."

Lin Linfeng didn't care at all. He calculated that only a fine of more than 2 billion yuan in liquidated damages had not been put in his eyes. You should know that he made 15 billion yuan on three stars.

"It's a real trance." Gao Yang pursed his lips, speechless for a long time, he has not adapted to Lin Feng's attitude of not caring about money.

In a continuous sound of exclamation, Gao Yang left.

Lin Linfeng got up and looked out the window, could not help but be lost in thought. He was thinking, how to get Lenovo and Meizu into the US market?

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