I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 137: Finally completed

Lin Feng hung up the phone and smiled. It wasn't his ingenuity, but the purpose of the United States was obvious. Why did they get involved in the Middle East?

What is it for the people of the Middle East to live a good life?

I never can.


This is the ultimate goal.

目前 And now it is the same. It is nothing more than the cutting-edge technologies of Lin Feng. The election has just ended and many policies need to be introduced to revitalize the economy. The new leadership needs merit.

Alas, Lin Feng did not intend to license the technology to the United States.

Of course, with these authorizations, Lin Feng could well be mixed in the United States, and any request could be realized, but he gave up on his own initiative. It was simple. Economic penetration could have little benefit and the United States would resist Economic penetration, to put it plainly, did not contain the other's throat.

At the beginning, Lin Feng relied on the rise of the media, and then mastered domestic manufacturers, and then relied on domestic manufacturers to forcibly improve his position and play a game with the government. Existing resources in hand.

Eliminating aliens (three stars and little apples) is also an enhancement of the resources in your own hands.

As for the attitude of the US side, he does not need to think about it. When your strength is stronger than others, even if the other party is unwilling, they will obediently obey.

The disobedience is the villain. The villain's end is being beaten by the protagonist, his face is lost, and the routine is naturally familiar.

If the United States wants to be a villain, he doesn't mind slap.


Suddenly, the CTM Alliance buckle group sounded a group announcement.

Tong Linfeng took out the phone and looked at it.

The above wrote: "Three stars were squeezed out of the top ten sales list, please mobile phone manufacturers to step up the time to **** the three star market and give the three stars a serious blow."-Xiaomi Leijun


This is the top ten sales list?

Lin Linfeng could not cry, Lei Dong, Lei Dong! There is also a rhythmic day.

He had to give Lei Jun a thumbs up. It was this kind of rhythmic people that made his plan better. Sure enough, the Chinese people are the cutest people.

Lin Linfeng sighed, and his expression was stunned again.

冷 A cold voice sounded in his head, and the rewards for the side missions were issued!

The reward is--

总 "General Lin, the large-scale power transmission device is installed and can be started at any time!" Gao Yang hurried into the office, too late to wipe his sweat, and hurriedly reported.

After hearing the report, Lin Feng raised his lips. He is now in Dongzheng Electronics Factory and knew that the large-scale power transmission device would be completed today. He was waiting here early.

The moment of completion was the beginning of a truly brilliant New Territories technology company.

"The order of the people is well maintained, and the reporters also arrange it."

Lin Feng was too late to check the reward, he stood up and walked out.


An outdoor press conference was held.

On the road, Lin Feng explained some important things to Wang Qiqin, and hurried to the vicinity of the large power transmission device ...

At this time, the large power transmission device was surrounded by people, local people, media reporters, and law enforcement officers who maintained order, looking like armed police.

On this weird shape of the tower, the public commented.

"The lower part and the Eiffel Tower are carved out of a mold, will it infringe?"

"You are so funny, don't you see that the first half is butterfly-shaped?"

"I didn't understand. Why is this ugly iron tower covered with a layer of milky white ceramic, should it be ceramic?"

"Ivory ..." (some people think)

"Concerned about Rouszi's broken tower, might as well think about what products will be released today?"

"My son works for a company in the New Territories and only pays 50,000 a month. I persuade him to change companies, too few!"

Uh ...

The parents are short and pretending to be cool. People in the world can't do without these, and reporters have no time to say anything else, either holding a camera to take pictures or reporting to the camera.

"Here is the CCTV comprehensive channel, the 30th column of the news. We got the right to interview at this press conference. Next, I will make a detailed report for you at a close distance ..."

"This is Jingbei TV Station. I received a report from the reporter on the spot. The Xinjie Technology Press Conference officially started."

"I am the anchor of the live broadcast platform of salted fish. Today I broadcast the conference of New Territories Technology ..."

"Ladies-and-Gentlemen! NBL ..."

"Ani Hashey!"


Uh ...

The scene was very noisy, but after Lin Feng arrived, he gradually quieted down. After Lin Feng waved his greetings to everyone, he boarded a large power transmission device.

There is an elevator!

人们 Just when people were wondering, the big horn on the playground sounded Lin Feng's voice.

"I once said that to realize long-distance wireless power transmission technology and let the world enter the era of wireless power, today the big guys will witness the miracle with me."

After hearing these words, people gradually appeared shocked on their faces. This joke was not funny at all, and they were shocked at once.

"Did it really happen?"

Even if Lin Feng said, they couldn't believe it was true.

绮 Wang Qiqin, who followed Lin Feng to the tower together, looked at the sluggish masses across the elevator glass ~ www.readwn.com ~ She silently removed the shock on her face.

She didn't believe it was true, but whether it was true or not was immediately revealed.

The elevator door was pulled out, and on the front was a closed platform. In the center of the platform, there was an iron box, like a safe, with a cold metal luster on the surface.

White steel?

Wang Qiqin frowned.

It is definitely white steel. White steel has high hardness, high wear resistance and high heat resistance tool steel. Then, what can be loaded with white steel?

"Open it!"

As Lin Feng said, he squatted up and opened the box he carried with him. He took out a translucent cube from the box, and he could see the dense thin lines inside the cube.

It is metal metal circuit package!

Relevant staff hurriedly opened the giant "safe". After a series of complicated operations, a "click" sound opened the door, and the scene inside was unexpected by everyone.

Is not a circuit, not an air switch, nor is it a wire, but a colorful, translucent object. These objects are stacked together and glow halo.

"Is it a three-dimensional circuit?"

King Wang Qiqin looked at her, and saw the 3D lines distributed in these objects, and she guessed right.

"Give a shot." Lin Feng said to Wang Qiqin carefully, holding the metal-hydrogen circuit package carefully, and inserted it into a square groove in the center of the three-dimensional circuit.

A magical scene happened.

At the moment when the metal-hydrogen circuit package is inserted, the entire three-dimensional circuit emits a dazzling light, as if unknown energy flows through these three-dimensional circuits. As time passes, it becomes more and more dazzling.


Suddenly, an unknown buzzing sounded.

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