I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 155: Lu Yanshan of a certain science ...

As soon as Lin Feng walked to the door of the laboratory, the indifferent sound peculiar to the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Main Quest: The Development of the Godfather of Science and Technology, Now Completed (5/10)]

"Apple, Three Stars, Huawei, Xiaomi, and Meizu have acknowledged the identity of the host's technology godfather, and there are five well-known companies' strategies left, please host to continue ..."

When I saw this, Lin Feng smiled slightly, and his lazy eyes showed a faint light.

His strategy is right, and the well-known enterprises that he has cultivated can also be considered to complete the system tasks.

Meizu is the best proof.

毫无 This unknown company has gained a worldwide reputation through wireless headsets. Many electronic products use wireless headsets produced by Meizu to fully meet the system's task requirements.

Lin Linfeng was grateful for his little cleverness, but fortunately he made the right bet.

While grateful, he set his sights on the three stars and the apple.

He was wondering why these two companies were called dads, and they didn't do anything! In this way, if you do anything, you ca n’t call it grandpa!

Lin Feng certainly didn't know the suffering of the two companies. Now the three stars and Apple's products are really yelling, and the daily sales can't sell single digits. The fans have changed everything, and the only **** powder left There are only people in this country. It ’s really miserable ...

"If you have time, add fire!" Lin Feng made a decision.

Since he is half dead, let this bad guy do it! Help the two companies end their suffering, such a good person can't find a second in the world.

As for "thank you", Lin Feng is a generous "red scarf".

He wanted to stop. He pushed in. The laboratory was specially prepared for Lu Yanshan. Lin Feng appreciated such geniuses, and the company also needed such geniuses.


The next moment, Lin Feng rose suddenly.

Jairu Yanshan is in a daze!

Looking out the window, his eyes were dull, as if lost.

"what's going on?"

Today, Lin Feng saw too many things that made him incredible. He all doubted that he had entered a fake company.

In desperation, he followed Lu Yanshan's gaze and narrowed his eyes-it was a large-scale power transmission device, and the height of the device, even if far apart, could still be clearly seen.

"Lin Feng, don't you think it's charming?"

Suddenly, Lu Yanshan spoke.

I was so intoxicated, I heard Lin Feng's hair burst out, I went, this feeling reminded Lin Feng of a Soviet and Russian "graft madman" Vladimir, German "Death Angel" Joseph ...

These crazy and horrifying scientists have not been forgotten for centuries because of metamorphosis to heinous experiments and their crazy character.

Lin Linfeng's body leaned back. Ah, this world is too dangerous.

Jairu Yanshan smiled bitterly, but he did not expect that his unintentional words actually left such an uncomfortable impression on the idol.

内 "Inner one, I mean, it can lead a new era."

Lu Yanshan's face was serious, he said: "The city is like a circuit diagram, high-rise buildings are resistors and capacitors, and the government is the IC chip on the circuit, as well as other components, which can be found in real life. , I can't help but wonder, if the circuit can be made three-dimensional, can city construction also be made three-dimensional? "

Xu really deserves to be a school tyrant, and once he came up, he gave Lin Feng a big problem.

Lin Linfeng frowned, rubbing his horns with his palms, and couldn't help thinking.

Cities like circuit boards are well known, and circuit boards are indeed modeled on cities, but he never thought of pushing back city construction through three-dimensional circuits.

I now want to come, but I find it very interesting.

"If there is anti-gravity technology, the city will definitely become three-dimensional. Multi-layered transportation and multi-layered institutional settings can only be solved by anti-gravity."

Qi Linfeng said here, he suddenly stunned.

He seems to see a new world. He does n’t know about anti-gravity technology, but he knows magnetic levitation technology. If there is unlimited electrical energy, laying a magnetic levitation device on the ground will achieve the effect of levitation. And when he has biotechnology, The problem of electromagnetic radiation can also be solved, so that the popularization of magnetic levitation will not be a problem.

Lin Feng became a passerby and marveled at Lu Yanshan's thinking mode.

"The popularity of magnetic levitation." Lu Yanshan's words followed closely.

It really is the development model of the best CP. Lin Feng wiped the sweat from his head and will not discuss this topic again. "Let me see your wireless charging device!"

This is what Lin Feng wants to see most.

"it is good!"

Lu Yanshan was excited, hurriedly paced, opened the white cloth next to him, and exposed a large disc-like device inside. If it was anything like it, it was very much like the Ark reactor in Iron Man, and It's still large.

Obviously, it is a three-dimensional circuit technology, which has been greatly reduced in size.

Furthermore, I can see from the middle that these dozens of computer CPUs are embedded in the front. I want to calculate the transmission frequency. As for other configurations, Lin Feng also understands it.

Very deep look ~ www.readwn.com ~ After all, Lin Feng has only a graduate level in the traditional electronics field, which is not just a grade different from Lu Yanshan.

"These dozen CPUs are used to calculate the output frequency. Besides, it not only has wireless power transmission function, it also has another more anti-sky function."

Jie Lu Yanshan's face showed a mad look, his eyes were filled with bloodshot, and his emotions became excited.

Gao Linfeng obeyed, and secretly, he was right, but what is another anti-sky function?

林 When Lin Feng was puzzled, Lu Yanshan took out six liquid nitrogen cooling devices and mounted them directly on the CPU. His agile fingers were not contaminated with any liquid nitrogen.

"The magnetic storm function is the function I discovered recently. When the forward code and reverse code are cross-calculated, as the error rate of the calculation increases, the device will generate more electromagnetic force than the human body. When the maximum frequency is reached, it will directly destroy the biological magnetic field. , The blood circulation stopped instantly, and the biological nerves died instantly ... I experimented on the animal for 1 second, and it took only 1 second to kill it ... "

Listening to Lu Yanshan's narration, Lin Feng's heart was half cold.

Nyima, is this wireless power transmission technology? How do you listen to the feeling of an electromagnetic weapon? This stuff doesn't have to be wasted by the military. Imagine that when the two armies fought, they threw a bunch of this stuff at the other side. The battle didn't have to be fought, it ended directly and the other side died Already.

Looking at Lu Yanshan's insane state, Lin Feng had the illusion that this was a scientific researcher, and a magnetic storm make-up stood in front of him.

Magnetic Infantry Lu Yanshan!

Lin Linfeng didn't hesitate, he cut off the power directly, and joked, he didn't want to die here.

"Don't introduce! Mr. Lin, let me show you this feature!"

Wu Linfeng: "..."

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