I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 182: Holographic Planetarium

内 Inside the Beijing Bird's Nest, a holographic conference is being held at this time.

The venue with 100,000 people is crowded and lively. Of course, people's faces are full of grievances and grievances, because you can never guess, Lin Feng in front of you is true or false.

This "true and fake beauty monkey king" trick has been performed countless times by Lin Feng. Every time when people think it is true, there will be a turning point in God, either into steel or red pants, and then to show. From the Six Veins Excalibur ...

I won't talk about what changes holographic technology can bring to life. With this special effect, making a movie can definitely be a big fire, much better than Rasta's Avatar.

"I'm afraid it's easy to make a fairy tale fantasy movie."

"In future science fiction movies, China will be invincible, we can add special effects."

"I want to know what it feels like to watch a small movie with holographic technology, in YY ..."

The following time, "Lin Feng" appeared around the bird's nest to demonstrate the scene of outer space to the audience. Due to the dim lights, there was indeed a feeling of being in outer space. Suddenly the scene changed, and someone really did not stand firmly and fell. On the ground, mostly underfoot has become void, extremely real.

Lin Feng did not show too much, but only showed you a general picture, because after the press conference, the holographic planetarium will open for business, when people go to the holographic planetarium to watch.

"You want to know more about the secrets of space, welcome to the Holographic Planetarium." Lin Feng went to the center of the stage with his mouth cornered.


一 The scene in the sky changes, and the scene in outer space disappears, replaced by several items, including mobile phones, blackboards, holographic projection devices, small black boxes, small balls, and laptop computers.

Lin Feng explained: "I will use holographic imaging technology on mobile phones, classroom teaching, and even movie theaters, billboards, etc. It will become the mainstream of virtual life in our lives."

"Holographic notebooks, holographic boxes, holographic brains, etc. will become indispensable items in our lives. Please prepare for the era of big data and wireless electricity. Do n’t say you wo n’t use it at that time."

This series of products are from the New Territories Research Institute. After Lin Feng and Lu Yanshan conquered the supercomputing processor, they started research and development. The process is not difficult and the production is not difficult because of the support of Dongzheng Electronics Factory .

The audience looked at Lin Feng on the stage. Although they were still doubting the truth, the things in front of them were even more attractive to them. Even if Lin Feng did not explain how to use it, he could understand it through a holographic demonstration.

"I rub it, and use the holographic technology on my phone!" Someone exclaimed.

In people's impression, the holographic imaging equipment must be huge, just like the ten "cannons" in front of him, because his principles are too complicated, but people never expected that they were used on small mobile phones. .

Holographic mobile phone is a mobile phone with a holographic function. It can see many dense holes on both sides of the mobile phone. By marking the content above, the audience knows that it is a "light transmitter" that emits light to form a holographic image.

A mobile phone is enough to explode the audience.

Holographic mobile phones have subverted their perception of traditional mobile phones.

Moreover, it is also known that holographic technology is more than just projecting images.

Just take out a "stereo communication function" marked in it! Are you projecting an image above your phone for viewing? Obviously not. If you think so, your understanding of holographic technology is too superficial.

"Three-dimensional communication function"!

It is used by placing the mobile phone on a glass desktop, and then displaying your phone's picture on the glass desktop, like a projection, but it is essentially different from projection and it is clearer than projection.

And as long as it is a glass-like object, imagine that when you watch a movie, you can put your mobile phone on the glass mirror of the window and use it as a TV.

As for the later products, people did not have time to digest at all, and Lin Feng announced that the press conference was coming to an end.

"Thank you for your participation. A holographic expo will be launched in Beijing soon. It will be hosted by our New Territories Technology Company. Please come and join us ..."

At the end of the press conference, the lights were on and Lin Feng disappeared. The audience did not know which Lin Feng was true from the beginning to the end. However, after some netizens repeatedly analyzed the video of the press conference, they learned that Lin Feng's true body ,This is something.

"Whew ..."

Continuous applause resounded through the audience again, this star-stunning conference was unforgettable for a long time.

Subsequently, Lin Feng directly moved to the New Territories Technology Headquarters. This time, Ma Yun and all others were present, and all members of the CTM Alliance were present to discuss major issues and arrange the holographic technology exposition.

At the same time, a gale of business model reform has blown up.

Within three days, Ma Yun, relying on her brand advantage, established a regional franchise store instead of traditional shopping malls, such as Bainaohui, Huaqiang Electronics, Cyber ​​Digital, and other scattered electronic product sales points. They met with them in order to shut them down. This is the last means for Lin Feng to master the electronic market.

Since then, Lin Feng has been firmly in his hands from production to sales and even the intermediate retail links.

This is not a monopoly. This is an oligopoly. No one can stop it.

Ma Yun woke up with a smile and dreamed. Dahu Linfeng was good at Dafa. Compared with Alibaba Group, which is controlled by foreign countries, Ma Yun is now more nourished, because he not only involves virtual trade, but also enters the physical business. Can make him happy enough to sleep.

This form of oligopoly led by Lin Feng really gave Ma Yun a blow to the government.

After three days!

Holographic Expo is held as scheduled.

The enthusiastic business reform has not disturbed the holographic expo ~ www.readwn.com ~ Instead, through this expo, many people will spread their fame to the world.

American Tyrone got a ticket to the Holographic Expo. As a technical house, he has been yearning for China for a long time.

First stop, Holographic Planetarium!

Wu Tailong bought the ticket and walked into the projection hall. What greeted him was a thing like a "large astronomical telescope" in the center of the hall, which was obtained through the brochure issued at the entrance of the expo.

"Oh my god, it's so cool!" Tyron said with emotion.

Not long after, hundreds of seats were filled with people, and the bustling crowd was so busy.

欢迎 "Welcome to the spaceship, I'm Little Winnie the Navigator!"

The sweet girl's voice came out, wearing a scientific-style aerospace suit, and the tight clothing revealed the woman's good figure, Xiao Zuo and Xiao You were tightly tied by the clothes.

"Please passengers, please fasten your seat belts, the spacecraft will take off."

Wu Tailong shrugged helplessly, but didn't say as required, just watching a holographic screening. As for the real thing? So funny!

Since the small venue did not turn off the lights, Sister Paper naturally saw Tailong indifferent. She sipped her mouth and knew that Tailong was going to suffer.

"The holographic screening begins!"

With the announcement of sister paper, the court gradually darkened.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed a little, because they felt the seat tremble, there was a feeling before the spacecraft took off, and Tailong felt it, he didn't care, the 3D cinema has this kind of scene simulation seat.

However, the next moment, the tables and chairs began to shake violently, and the indoor scene suddenly changed into a scene of soaring in the air.

Wu Tailong glanced at his feet, so hung up and scared.

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