I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 188: Dealing with Stick Plans

"It has nothing to do with the status of a party member. What I want is what you should know." Lin Feng showed a very handsome smile. The status of a party member can only provide a one-time death-free effect, but it is not enough. He needs a more authoritative identity.

更 Stronger status than China Business Ambassador.

"Academician? Representatives of the National People's Congress ..." At this time, the head's heart was collapsed, and it is often said that raising tigers is a problem, and now the side effects are prominent.

Lin Feng has strong wings and began to demand power. I have to say that Lin Feng is also the only example of a country that has affected the country's construction as a businessman.

"Neither." Lin Feng shook his head.

There was a slight blue vein on the forehead of the chief executive, "What do you mean?"

"I won't lie to myself with trivial achievements, I will do something bigger." Lin Feng continued to stroke the pattern of the wooden desk with his fingers. "The country recognizes the existence of the CTM and the commercial union organizations, Support him as a world-class organization. "

The room fell into a dead silence.

还有 There were people who whispered and closed their mouths instantly. There are many world-level economic organizations, WTO, APEC ... There are also many local organizations, but without exception, they are supported by the state and have a strong sense of Zheng.

I didn't give everyone a reaction time, Lin Feng continued: "I've worked out what the purpose is.

CTM electronic economic organization, technology and electronics, electricity and power;

Business League organizations, labor and wealth, economy and currency. "

"嚯!" After listening to 愣, the chief heard how he felt familiar, and then he wanted to understand the key points. Isn't this just following the relevant purpose formulated by the United Nations? This is going against the rhythm of the sky! Privately established international organizations.

And the top executives of both organizations are Lin Feng!

列 The explosion of these series of contents heard a dozen people in the room 懵, even the head of the 懵 懵, this ... a bit ambitious!

"Head, I'm deliberately waiting for you, and I'll wait for you to nod." Lin Feng knocked on the table twice, reminding the head.


The head raised his head.


New Territories Technology Corporation Headquarters.

会议 Meeting room on the 18th floor.

"In the future, we may be a world-class organization." The person in charge of the conference was Ren Zhengfei. He sat at the top with his arms on the sofa, his calf tilted, and his shiny leather shoes glowing cold.

CTM alliance members and business alliance are sitting together.

"Hehe, General Lin is ready to start taking rhythm in the world." Lei Jun pulled over the ashtray and said with a smile while playing the ashtray.

"Yeah! I did not expect that the small CTM alliance that was originally established has actually grown to its current size." Ding Sanshi was also aside with emotion.

CTM Alliance now has not only members of mobile phone manufacturers, but also other electronics companies. Lin Feng's original plan was to shape the CTM Alliance into an electronic organization.

"You are very reluctant. If we can't see Mr. Lin's negotiations, we still have to do what we need to do first." Ma Yun, who had been silent, said something, while he said that he looked at the side light. Lei Jun, who hates smoking very much, really doesn't understand why Lei Jun realized freedom of wealth, why he still doesn't know how to maintain health.

"Yes, let's study the tasks that Lin explained."

正 The strong figure of the CTM Alliance is Ren Zhengfei, and the strong figure of the Shangmeng League is Ma Yun. When the two strong forces meet, they will become stronger because of Lin Feng.

Xi Ren Zhengfei handed the document to the secretary to read aloud.

The secretary-in-law said: "The core of this task is to bring down the economy of the **** country, to seize the share of the domestic bangkok companies, and make them all go bankrupt ..."

The startling business plan is here.

"I think the huge advantage of the electronics industry should be used to impact the market of stick nations." Ren Zhengfei, the old god, said the plan in his heart freely, but was strongly opposed by Ma Yun.

"What can be solved by using the economy, why use industrial shock." Ma Yun means using monetary means or creating the illusion of economic crisis, which is specifically targeted at the country of stick.

"Ma Yun, don't you know that Bangzi's foreign policy is 'export-oriented', as long as these industries are contained, it will not break itself."

"No!" Ma Yun shook her head into a rattle. "In today's economic model, the industrial impact is not as strong as before, you have a long-term vision, President Ren!"

"Look!" Ren Zhengfei secretly swears. In front of so many people, Ma Yun is doing something wrong, and it is impossible to treat him as a man.

"Ma Yun, I suggest you ask Mr. Lin, I am afraid that Mr. Lin will agree with me, too." Ren Zhengfei resolutely moved Lin Feng out, without any expression on his face.

"That may not be so." Ma Yun still shook her head.

"Uh ..." The company members on the side are a little dumbfounded. Someone has been stunned before Nima has begun. This is too peaceful, if you want to let Lin Feng know ...

"Will we wait until Mr. Lin comes back?" Lei Jun whispered.



Both of them were humming, and the scene was quiet again, only the sound of smoking was left.

After about an hour and a half, Lin Feng was late, and compared to usual, Lin Feng's expression looked a little gloomy.

"Oh! General Lin." Everyone stood up and said hello.

Careful Ma Yun glanced at Lin Feng's fingers, and he found something unusual. If he remembered correctly, when Lin Feng first debuted, he had a gold ring ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then disappeared for no reason, and then the New Territories Line technology company executives will carry such a ring.

Now, Lin Feng's ring finger is carrying the same gold ring.

"What do you foretell?" Ma Yun's face was rather gloomy. He felt that the world-class economic organization should have failed, and the head had not allowed it.

"Let's all sit down!" Lin Feng knocked on the table twice and began to command: "Ren Lao, hit the industrial company of the country with the industry, it's best to come to a head-on, and strive to bring down the electronics industry in the country."

"Good to say." Ren Zhengfei nodded and looked at Ma Yun, meaning: Look! Mr. Lin is also thinking this way.

The horse Ma Yun was expressionless.

Wu Linfeng said: "Mr. Ma, you can make domestic products in the country of sticks, you are in the retail industry, and let Lotte and other companies roll out of China."

"Mr. Lin, you are quite patriotic." Ma Yun agreed.

"Mr. Ma, you think too much." Lin Feng shook his head with a sneer.

Seeing Lin Feng's expression, Ma Yun's heart sank again. It seemed that the application for a world-class economic organization was a mess.

Xun Leijun rolled his eyes and stepped forward to ask: "General Lin, our goal this time is ..."

"Break down the country!"

"His ..."

When people hear this sentence, they can't help taking a sigh of relief, relying on the economic strength of the country to compete with a country, is there such a crazy thing? Lin Feng is indeed the first godfather of science and technology in history.

"Including ... including Zheng Zhi?" Someone asked stuttering.

全部 "Everything, even culture has to break it."

Wu Linfeng said lightly, like a trivial matter.

Everyone heard the words, their faces changed, but they became a little worried, and the matter was unusual.

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