I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 192: Reconciliation?

"I'm afraid I will follow in the footsteps of Park Jinhui ..."

When Huang Jiaohua heard the chief of staff's words, he was shocked in his heart, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

失败 Failures in the mall can be restarted from the beginning, but in the official world, there is no chance to start again, especially for people like him who have a small amount of power. There is only one chance, being a good president and gaining power; when not good, the prison will be his eternal home.

"The issue of the" Sadrei "missile system has been suspended. Contact Hua Guo to see if it can ease the relationship. It is a long-term consideration."

Huang Huangjiao acknowledged that, in fact, he should have realized this. The island nations have fallen, let alone the great nations. What qualifications do they have for clamoring for China and then clamoring, the national economic system will definitely collapse.

"Yes! I'll contact the Hua Guo representative immediately." The chief of staff left with a cautious look.

At this moment, there is only Huang Jiaohua in the blue tile moss office. He sighed heavily. In front of the superpower, the small country is always the foil and it is difficult to cover its limelight ...

He made a phone call to Hua Guo, and then made several calls.

林 When Lin Feng received the phone call, he was participating in the research work of metal-hydrogen drills in the institute. At this time, the general person Lin Feng would hang up, but when he saw it was the chief, he barely picked it up.

The chief's voice came out first.

"Lin Feng, Tongzi Guo yielded. Cancel the construction of the" Sadrei "missile system. I hope our staff will show mercy." The chief executive smiled.


Qi Linfeng nodded and continued to work on the preparation of metal hydrogen.

"You can taste the fruits of victory."

The chief ’s smile is even better. This is the strongest time in the history of the Chinese state. He directly intimidated small nations by economic means and succeeded. It can be included in the annals of history and the name of the chief will be recorded.

"Not yet cooked."

Gao Linfeng's hand motioned, shaking his head lightly.

"What's not familiar?"

The Chief Executive heard it for a moment, and then smiled suddenly, and said, "Let's accept it when you see it! It's not good if the relationship is stale, after all, it's neighbors and trade is very close."

"Don't worry, I haven't let it go yet!"

When Lin Feng answered the sentence, he did not hesitate to hang up the phone. What a joke, the huge loss was spent, and ended in a hurry? You know, he stopped making the magneto-pulse device, and now he will only lose it if he ends.

Later, Lin Feng called Ma Yun and told Ma Yun that the big move could be released.

On the other side, the chief shook his head secretly while listening to the busy voice of the phone, and kept muttering Lin Feng's disobedience. The two people had discussed before, and that was to let the Bangzi country cancel the 'Sadree' missile system, but now Lin Feng Still energetic, the head must feel aimless, the head feels very clueless.

Of course, the head does not understand now. Not long before, a shocking thing happened worldwide ...

中 On the day of mid-August 2017, the rain kept falling and the atmosphere was very weird. Many merchant ships, airplanes and other equipment stopped operating and were parked in ports and airports.

On the morning of this day, the Ministry of Finance of the Confederate Countries announced that the state debt was 1,646 trillion won.

At the same time, the Korean won ’s exchange rate suddenly fluctuated widely, the exchange rate against the US dollar dropped to 2500.8: 1, and the financial market suddenly appeared chaotic. Under this influence, the countries in Southeast Asia were affected differently. The Bay and Taiwan regions were the first to be affected, while Indonesia was the latest to be affected, but the impact was the most severe.

China, the country with the largest debt, has also been affected to varying degrees.

This shock, known by economists as the financial crisis, is the most stubborn crisis in international development.

这次 And this financial crisis began in Bangzi, a financial crisis that did not conform to the law of historical development, and no warning occurred.

Because other countries have close contacts with China, the impact has been forcibly controlled in a short time.

At the same time, the status quo of Bangzi Country has become horrible. With the deepening of the financial crisis, island countries, the United States and many other countries have withdrawn from the Bangzi Country to avoid the harm caused by the crisis.

Especially in the United States, the withdrawal of capital is faster than anyone else. When exchange rate problems occur, some companies directly announce closure or relocate strategic centers.

This led to the slump of the bangkok economy, worsening the financial industry collapse, leading to financial paralysis. Within a day, the bangkok country closed down 10 banks. In the next 5 days, more than 100 banks will be closed in succession, and the country's economy will decline Domestic conflicts have intensified and social order has become chaotic.


Is the most common thing in Bangzi.

统计 According to statistics, one million people are unemployed within one day, which is equivalent to the population of two large cities. People are out of work and can only go to the streets to protest and protest. If they do n’t protest, they wo n’t have any food.

I swear by the masses that in the future, I will believe in the heavens and the earth, and I will not believe the government's stubbornness.

In the beginning, it was the leader who had to develop a 'Sadre' missile system, which affected the domestic economic development and lost the largest partner of China. Now, everyone is hungry and fart together.

I blamed Huang Jiaohuan!

He became the core of mass criticism.

The masses in Bangzi Country ignited their own "Huang Jiao Eucalyptus" to express their resentment towards the President ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the man named Huang Jiao Eucalyptus, which made them hungry.

(2) The instability of the economy brought about Zheng Zhi's instability as a result.

The next day, Huang Jiaohua stepped down, the square-faced man completely disappeared into the people's vision.

Just before the new president was undecided, three stars announced their withdrawal from the electronics industry and financial services industry, canceling all welfare fund construction and retaining only heavy industry and research institutions; LG announced the closure of the company, and a number of useful patented technologies were approved by the CTM Alliance. Acquisitions; makeup brand companies went out of business, the only thing that barely struggled was the cosmetic industry.

The collapse of large companies has also accelerated the collapse of banks, and the entire industrial chain has completely collapsed. After that, a large number of people can only survive by eating government relief food, and the crime rate continues to rise.

After the incident, economists parsed that after the financial crisis, the economy of the country was 20 years back, and it was the 21st country that actually suffered and was most affected by the financial crisis.

After the new president took office, the first requirement was to hope that the CTM alliance could save the market of stick nations, and the second requirement was to restore good international relations with China and jointly maintain regional development.

However, his wish was sinking into the sea, and he only received verbal condolences from the representatives of China, while the CTM alliance did not have any movement.

A few days later, the newly-appointed president was lost his shoes and ended Zheng Zhi's career ...

At this time, the original creator Lin Feng was sitting in the hall of a hundred people, and commanded all the elites present: "We don't buy the companies in the country of the stick, and now continue to manipulate finance to make it worse in this country."

People looked at Lin Feng, who was sitting in the middle of the lobby, immediately lowered their heads, and did not dare to look at them anymore. Even so, their hearts kept cold, and they felt that this summer was very cold.

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