I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 197: Opening the curtain of cooperation

After Lin Linfeng finished his autobiography, he began to work intensively ...

很多 A lot has happened in recent times:

The fourth rocket safely ascended to the sky and half of the magnetic pulse components were transported;

Wu Huaguo has made a breakthrough in the field of superconductivity. A professor who has participated in the research and development of large-scale power transmission devices has developed a superconducting ceramic film applied to lithium battery electrodes, which can minimize the loss during current transmission;

石墨 New Territories Wire Technology Co., Ltd. has developed graphene wires, but it is useless;

Gao Huaguo has a large-scale immigration wave, mostly from island countries and stick nations, and the United States also has a part;

Little Apple is officially transforming and devoting itself to the research and development of smart wearables and network peripheral products (routers, etc.). Cook, who has recovered from a serious illness, is still the CEO;

Intel Corporation was hit by a wide range of processors due to supercomputing processors, and the processor market was shrinking sharply;

Microsoft Corporation launched an emergency plan, intending to start cooperation negotiations with the New Territories, but was rejected by the New Territories:

Kariya launched the first intelligent software running on the CTM system, which is called "smart little TT". It roughly functions like a smart housekeeper, but it is not a super software;

加州 The governor of California was beaten by a Chinese man. It is reported that he is the representative of the New Territories Technology Company, Anyou God. The follow-up treatment was not known, but the last time I saw Anyou God, he was eating ribs in a gourmet restaurant ...

The Qiangshen Foundation has been recognized by the world and has written to the United Nations and is discussing this matter ...

and many more!

World technology is developing at an extremely fast speed and cannot stop. The core of all this is Lin Feng, and the CTM alliance and business alliance he has in his hands.

Even the old-fashioned companies that have fallen from the altar are gradually moving closer to Lin Feng and are irreversible.

Countless people sigh and sigh!

No one expected that the immature college students who had left the campus in the first place could create such brilliant achievements.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was carried to the altar, was waiting at the New Territories Frontier Research Institute to test the newly developed metal hydrogen drill bit, which was personally operated by Lu Yanshan, and was supplemented by other scientific researchers.

"Mr. Lin, the metal-hydrogen drill was successfully developed, so you don't need to check it. I have something important to tell you." Lu Yanshan, a magnetic explosive infantry, looked slightly anxious.

Wu Linfeng did not answer, but stared at the metal hydrogen roadheader, which was three trains long.

原理 The working principle of this thing is not a secret, it is just to dig a large pit, then find the rock formation, and then put it in to dig the soil, after all, it is used to drill tunnels.

"Mr. Lin, did you hear that?" Lu Yanshan asked again.

"Don't you grind?"

Lin Feng raised a frown and was impatient. This Lu Yanshan incident was much more fraught, and he worked all day.

Lu Yanshan grinned, his eyes frowning, "Hey! There have been new developments in magnetic storm technology. I have used some techniques of supercomputing processors and your large power transmission devices. How do you guess?"

得 "Yes!" Lin Feng's eyes twitched, "You say it! I have a low IQ and can't guess."

He really doesn't want to discuss magnetic storm weapons. This thing is not profitable at all.

"You have a low IQ?" Lu Yanshan was originally smiling, but after hearing this sentence, his face was full of disdain.

If Lin Feng's IQ is low, what are they? Who are the scientists? Mentally retarded? No one despises people like Lin Feng.

哼 "Hmm! New magnetic storm technology can make life within tens of kilometers extinct, more lethal than artillery shells!"

Speaking of awesome words, but immediately blocked by Lin Feng.

"no Zuo no Die!"

Lin Feng's tone was a bit chilling. He didn't hear the effects of the magnetic storm technology, and Lin Feng immediately realized the danger of mastering this technology.

The function is very powerful, but it is easy to be snatched, if heard by some people.

"Uh!" Lu Yanshan also stunned and did not understand.

"My head is very valuable. If you want to pay too much, just publish this sentence. When you die, you don't know how to die."

Lin Feng waved his hand, turned and left, and at the same time commanded Li Hu to let the state send an individual to protect Lu Yanshan. Lin Feng paid great attention to Lu Yanshan, but did not want him to be in trouble.

明白 "Understand!" Li Hu had a serious face, and secretly sighed in his heart, "Fucky, there aren't any normal people who are engaged in technology!"

Bianlu Yanshan also patted his breast, only to understand it, and held back for a while and was afraid.

"Right, I heard that the Vice President of the United States has come to China?" Lin Feng asked casually in the car.

"Yes sir, the chief has finished the meeting and is waiting for you to pass!" Li Hu sat in the position of the co-pilot and turned his head.

"Han family secret system!" Lin Feng said lightly.


Uh ...

"Is this the ribs made by the secrets of Hua Guo?" Vice President Pence sat on a narrow wooden bench and turned the ribs with a fork. Yes, what will the ribs taste like.

I looked at Peng Si as soon as I was aggressive, I didn't know what he was eating ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lin Feng despised it.

In the end, Pence didn't put it in his mouth, he didn't dare to eat.

"Mr. Lin, I heard you work on a device that can dig a well."

Pence seems to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, he raised his knife and fork and asked Lin Feng to look up.

"It's not digging, it's drilling!" Lin Feng emphasized.

Pence rolled his eyes, wasn't it all the same!

"I came here this time to cooperate with this. I heard that it can dig water out of the desert?"

Temp is very concerned about this. This is a huge feat. The United States has a relatively short supply of drinking water. Temp needs to increase his merits and win more Zhengzhi capital.

Lin Feng slowly ate a fragrant rib, and did not rush to answer Pence's words, but said about it: "Sir, this shop is only for me, only I can eat, you borrow My light. "

Peng Si's smile was greeted by Pengsi. He felt that Lin Feng was hypocritical. Last time, he used a rib shop to put a punch in front of Lin Feng. This time, Lin Feng did not miss the opportunity, but hit back.

It is false that Pence is not angry, but business matters. He came here this time to buy such equipment, dig a well in the United States, and then move to Africa to make a career in Africa.

"The machine is not sold. If you are short of water, my water company will enter the United States." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. Selling water in the United States also has huge profit space. There is no way. Americans are stupid and have more money.

"No!" Burns shook his head. This involves issues within the federation. After all, part of the gray income of tap water is flowing into the pockets of Congress. Lin Feng intervened, of course he would not agree.

"There is no need to talk!" Lin Feng shrugged, got up and left, Pence did not stop.

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