I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 205: Thorns in life

Qi Linfeng said goodbye to Qin Forensic Doctor with three documents, two patents, and one DNA document. Later, he sent the DNA information to Anyoushen, and then to Ren Zhengfei, Ma Yun, and Meizu President ...

I mobilize my forces to find this person, there will always be some results. Of course, it was a secret investigation.

Two patents were handed to Gao Yang, and he was instructed that the New Territories will acquire patented technologies in the medical and material science fields on a large scale to pave the way for future development.

He is preparing for the second task, and bioremediation technology cannot be separated from medicine. The next resource war cannot be separated from the field of materials science.

After all these things were dealt with, Lin Feng came to Dongzheng Electronics. He didn't go to the company's factory building or office, but went to the church.

There is a church in Dongzheng Electronics Factory.

The sound of the collision between the leather shoes and the floor echoed in the towering church. Lin Feng came to a row of bright candles and looked at the star-shaped candles. There was no wave in his eyes.

After Xun lit a candle for himself, Lin Feng blew out all the candles, leaving only him to light the same one, as he did last time.

This made him think about the acquisition of patents, "light" does not need too much, as long as his family can light ...

He lifted his eyes and saw the cross again. Lin Feng felt a lot of emotions. He had experienced too many thrills and ups and downs along the way, which he had never expected.

"It seems that he is still a layman." Lin Feng shook his head with a bitter smile.

"In Matthew 18, humility is always the same. He not only promotes the height of our career, but also determines the height of our state of mind."

A quiet voice suddenly came, Lin Feng smiled.

"Is the priest busy today?"

"Not busy!"

Father tidy up his clothes and walked slowly.

He took out his mobile phone, placed it gently on the table, and projected a three-dimensional cross through the hologram. At the same time, a sacred voice sounded: "Matthew 16 ..."

Lin Linfeng looked at the light diffusely reflected on the priest's face, and rolled his eyes constantly, like a **** stick ...

I never mentioned humility again, Lin Feng was thoughtful.

不得不 "I have to say, reminded me again!"

Lin Linfeng smiled.

From the moment he entered the church, Father Fang felt the tension in Lin Feng's state of mind, but after speaking of humility, Lin Feng's state was relieved, which made the priest relax.

Although Lin Feng has nothing to do with his dime, whoever asked his church to open in the Dongzheng Electronics Factory, what if Lin Feng was unhappy one day and the church was demolished?

But this time, the priest knew that the church could be kept.

谢谢 "Thank you!" Lin Feng nodded, then turned around and walked to the cross to pray: "I pray to myself again, pray for myself ..."

The last time Lin Feng prayed, the priest could not hear it, but this time he heard it clearly. When my heart was horrified, my eyes widened instantly.

The same thing, the priest once heard in the mouth of a senior official, that senior official has been ...

咳 "Cough!" The priest gave a slight cough, concealing his horror.

"Father, I have a friend who was my buddy before and now is my subordinate. How should I deal with our relationship?" Lin Feng let go and asked casually.

"The public and the private are clear, and the law is open." The priest groaned and replied. Although this kind of question is not easy to answer, he still gave his opinion.

"Also!" Lin Feng nodded and walked outside the church.

The road of life is full of thorns. As long as you clear it, you can move on.

Qi Linfeng transformed again.

Father Lin looked at the back of Lin Feng's departure. He was very upset. The future of the church is unknown. I don't know how long it will last?

Uh ...

At the same time, China borders.

Walking on the same playground, the soldiers gradually felt that their hearts were changing.

Today, they will go to South Africa to carry out their mission.

Qiuchangchang point soldiers.

The commander of the army commander swept over every special soldier, his face full of pride, these soldiers are the best soldiers in China, the soldiers who can drunk alone on the battlefield, the special soldiers among the special soldiers.

Codename "Qianlong"!

The badger is the strongest of the 51 special forces.

"Iron blood casts the army soul, you are the pride of China, you are good soldiers." The commander's calm and powerful voice echoed on the wide playground.

The scene of silence was silent, but it was filled with murderous anger.

"Check equipment now!"

"Check equipment!"

"Check equipment!"

Uh ...

With the command of the commander, the special forces uniformly debug the holographic communication equipment on their wrists, check whether the projection is normal, check whether the holographic radar is operating normally, and check whether the holographic map is normal ...

At the same time, at the end of the team, there is a lone special soldier. His arms are magnetic violent soldiers. The weapon he has in his hands is a magnetic storm device invented by Lu Yanshan.

In order to consider the security of the army, this person can only stand 60 meters away.



A loud roar came out again, and the special forces stood up straight ~ www.readwn.com ~ departure! "

With a single order, three hundred special forces boarded the plane.

The mission this time is a secret mission and a military activity.

After the army set off, the head received the information, and he also ordered to prepare a metal hydrogen bomb to be ready at any time.

The secret action was silent. When Lin Feng returned to the company, it was already afternoon.

走进 He walked into the president's office and picked up the latest information.

"Little Apple's application to join the CTM organization, rejected!"

"Microsoft, refuse!"

"Nvidia, refuse!"

Uh ...

A series of companies were rejected by Lin Feng outside the door, which also indicates that Lin Feng will have further strategies in these areas.

Is the day.

电脑 The computer version of the CTM system was released. It can also be used in Intel's CPUs when applied to holographic computers. The processor that can truly play the CTM computer system is the supercomputing processor, which was independently developed by the New Territories.

Instantly stirred up thousands of waves, Microsoft began crisis public relations, and tried to find Lin Feng to discuss cooperation.

Intel actively contacts the New Territories.

Nvidia is aggressive! Because the supercomputing processor can solve the graphics processing function, Nvidia's graphics card has instantly become useless.

This wave of rhythm has once again hit the last small piece of the electronic market. After that, the electronic market has finally become the possession of Lin Feng.

The United States protested and objected, but in the end it sinked.

Using things from the United States is also used, and things from China are also used. Other countries do not care who uses the products.

If China is to become a superpower, it is welcomed by many state-owned enterprises. At least, China ’s electronics foundries are located all over the world.

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