I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 242: You have trouble i help

The conference hall was very lively. Manufacturers scrambled for fear that they would be looked down on by Lin Feng.

And this is an opportunity to brush goodwill, and no one can bear it.

Even if you grit your teeth, you have to give out some money to Lin Feng.

Looking at the crowd's expectation, Lin Feng smiled secretly and said, "I have the good intentions of everyone, you can wait for the good news to go home."

Now that the funds are available, you can rhythmically.

Start with the field of materials and energy, and let foreigners know how scarce the world's resources are.

"Mr. Lin, come on, we are waiting for your victory."

"Yeah, you are our backbone, don't let yourself get tired."

"We, the Alilang Group, always support Mr. Lin."

At this point, everyone has not forgotten to show a wave of positions, can't wait to let everyone know that they only believe in Lin Feng.

With a smile on Ma Yun's face, he seemed to see victory.

Lei Jun also smiled, his eyes flickered.

Although Lenovo's Liu Chuanzhi felt pain, he did not regret it.

"Let ’s take a step back. I have nothing to say. If you can, can you mobilize your network and help me with this event."

Lin Feng's words made them smile, their eyelids twitched fiercely.

This Nima is really maximizing the benefits and squeezing the surplus value. Even their small network of contacts has been spared and they have not forgotten to use one.

I can still do it. I've been on the "Thief Ship". Can I still jump off the boat?

"Mr. Lin is assured, we will do as you say."

Everyone grinned and forced smiles.

"The general process is, so ... this ..." Lin Feng spoke step by step.

After talking about the detailed layout, all the manufacturers left, and Lin Feng also started to mobilize all resources in his hand to serve the plan.

His idea was simple, and the prototype of the plan was derived from "frying exchange rates" and "frying gold."

Some people use the foreign exchange rate to make a profit for themselves, while others buy gold for storage and then sell it at various prices to make a profit.

In Lin Feng's view, it's just a petty joke, unless he can manipulate the exchange rate to make greater profits.

However, manipulation of the exchange rate will be accused by the World Trade Organization as improper behavior, and the US Empire will not allow it.

However, manipulating the material energy market in the same way is a legitimate act, and the core of this battle is money. The way to purchase ore and rare metals at high prices has exploded the world's rare metal market.

Lin Feng mobilized hundreds of billions of funds to stir this market.

When the head received the news, he directly sent someone to take care of the matter.

The "Resource War" plan was negotiated by Lin Feng and the elders long ago. Now the heads are also ready to respond to Lin Feng's call at any time.

In the calmness of China, there is a commercial war that is not well known.

Jintian City, a rare metal trading market was established.

Overseas listing and establishment of rare earth resource trading platform.

In Shenzhen and Shenzhen, a rare energy reserve trading center was established.

Fuzhou establishes non-ferrous metal trading market

At the same time, in the efforts of Ma Yun, the online trading platform is also actively established, and a number of rare metal acquisition companies have been established, with Lin Feng controlling it.

When the public didn't notice it, the battle started quietly.

Ten days later.


With a bang, Bai Tao pulled a bottle of high-end rare Macallan produced in 1926, mixed it with sugar and orange juice, and drank it.

Smash it and pout, a very enjoyable look.

This sip is four thousand dollars, and there is no more luxurious wine.

Putting down the wine glass, Bai Tao took a deep breath. He now got a green card and settled in the United States, but was doubled for himself! Regarding Gui's father, he felt sorry that he did not bring his father to the United States.

Apart from regret, I was a little reconciled.

Didn't he just come to the United States to do business? Why did this happen? What happened to the ore mining in the US empire? Isn't it profitable for people to earn? Better than staying in a developing country.

After thinking about breaking his head, he didn't want to understand after all.

In the end, he could only put his resentment on Lin Feng. Presumably it must be Lin Feng who watched him turn against the water, and he fought with the chief to join forces against him.

That's right! This must be the case.

These days, Bai Tao has reminded himself this way. Whenever possible, he must revenge this hatred, which has developed into a hatred that is not common in his heart.

"When I have more money, I must go to the black market to hire a killer and buy Lin Feng's head."

Bai Tao clenched his fists, his emotions became extremely agitated.

He glanced at the two nice smiles on the bed, smiling evilly, and he could report it later. Now he rolls out the sheets and talks about it. He didn't have fun last night!

But when he just climbed into bed, a newest holographic phone rang.

"Wang Liang calls!"

At the beep of the phone, Bai Tao frowned.

Wang Liang's identity is similar to him, even a little higher than him. This Wang Liang is both a second-generation rich and a third-generation official. The relationship at home is hard.

However, Wang Liang's mind is a bit difficult to use. He is silly and cute. Bai Tao likes to use this person very much.

Now Wang Liang is helping in his company.

Picking up the phone, Bai Tao looked at the image projected above the holographic mobile phone, and Shen Sheng asked: "Liangzi, what's the matter? Hurry."

Wang Liangyin removed the anxiety on his face and replaced it with a touch of joy: "Tao brother, I heard that Huaguo bought rare metals and non-ferrous metals at a high price. Should we make a fortune?"

"Really?" Wang Liang's eyes brightened, and there were always scraps and ore in the opening of the US Empire, which was enough for him to make a lot of money.

"It's impossible to lie to you. You will know when you check the Internet. Now the whole industry is discussing this matter!" Wang Liang shrugged, his face full of ecstasy.

Bai Tao earns money ~ www.readwn.com ~ He Wang Liang will have money to earn. When he earns more money, the family will never say that he is an incompetent second ancestor, the family does not say that Lin Feng can't afford it Well, when he makes money in the United States, he dares to look down on himself.

"Okay, we're going to prepare and earn him a lot of money."

"Oh! I listen to Brother Tao." Wang Liang laughed.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Tao sketched a smile. He admired his wise decision and came to the United States to develop. It would not be so easy if he followed Lin Feng's work.

"Two beautiful women, let's continue to do some popping and popping and popping!" Bai Tao shouted, and his eyes climbed into the bed with red eyes.

At the same time, various rare metal companies around the world have received news that Huaguo's acquisition of rare metals at a high price shocked and could not help but wonder.

Huaguo's rare metal output is very rich, why is it acquired worldwide?

But they didn't think too much, exceeding 8% of the market standard price. Such high prices have never been seen in history. Time is not waiting for others. It is king to make money.

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