I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 254: Lin Feng is very happy, with serious consequences

It wasn't just Gates who hated Lin Feng. President Tamper also hated Lin Feng. That unforgettable hatred made it difficult for him to fall asleep in the dead of night.

If it wasn't for alcohol to anesthetize himself, Temp would be crazy.

The effect of the holographic robot is very good, effectively improving the teaching level of public schools, and has been unanimously recognized by students.

The profit model of holograms has caused the crime rate of the people to drop rapidly.

All other electronic products benefit the people.

Even the construction of large-scale power transmission devices has provided a considerable number of local jobs.

However, the US empire's economy was gradually out of control, and the market was invisibly restrained by the hands of Lin Feng. Those capitalists did not react to this incident at one time.

The example of the island country being transformed into the back garden of Lin Feng is in front of him, and Temp is afraid.

The end result is to start Tesla's wireless transmission theory.

I'm afraid this is the only way to confront Lin Feng. At this moment, TMP thanked Tesla from the bottom of his heart. Is wireless power difficult? As early as the last century there was a perfect theory.

"When Lin Feng finishes building large-scale power transmission technology, he will be kicked out of the US Empire and use our own Tesla theory."

With his fist, Temp decided secretly, because it is not difficult to wirelessly deliver electricity from the power plant to users.

Lin Feng naturally didn't know that a conspiracy against wireless power transmission technology had been planned out. If he knew, he shouldn't care, or don't care!

At this moment, he was chatting with the head.

The chief brought him good news. After the maintenance of the Jiuquan silo was completed, the rocket could reflect.

The news is encouraging, because there are two more transports to transport the magneto-pulse device to space, one transport device, and one installer.

In less than ten days and a half, maybe we can realize the magnetic variable pulse and wirelessly transmit power from outer space.

Lin Feng is very happy, the consequences are serious.

In order to celebrate this good news, Lin Feng decided to hold an artificial intelligence conference to completely complete the mainline tasks issued by the system, ready to meet the "bio-reformation technology", and then throw Gates aside.

Prior to the press conference, Lin Feng did not do media publicity, but only said that a press conference would be held, and the specific content was not said.

Of course, due to the reputation of the New Territories in China, tens of thousands of people were naturally seated.

In Huaguo, you can not participate in the press conference of Huawei Xiaomi, but you must not miss the press conference of the New Territories, because if you miss it, you may miss one hundred million of your life goals.

This is not a lie. At the conference of the New Territories line stereo circuit, some people were inspired. After signing the authorization, they opened a stereo circuit workshop, which later developed into a foundry and then a multinational enterprise. In just a few months, they made hundreds of millions The funding is a myth.

Therefore, it is better to miss ten big beauties than miss the New Territories press conference.

At the press conference, the rushed audience sat in their respective positions, waiting for the press conference to begin, while talking to the acquaintances around them in a low voice.

"Large power, what do you say Lin Feng will release?"

"Don't call me a big power, please call me Secretary Li. I think this press conference is unusual, and the scene is full of depression. I guess Lin Feng is about to explode because of Gates."

"Fighting? Willn't artificial intelligence be developed?" The man's voice rose a note, immediately attracting people around him.

Before waiting for Secretary Li to speak, the following humane said: "It can't be artificial intelligence, even if you put a holographic ball on your body, you can see the artificial intelligence invented by Gates. Is it comparable?"

"It really isn't. Lin Feng's hologram is far from intelligent."

Everyone around nodded, agreeing with the answer, and suddenly a young man said, "I think I guess what Lin Feng is going to post."

Everyone cast a curious look.

"Lin Feng has everything from wireless power transmission technology to holographic flash memory chips, CNM architecture, CTM system, three-dimensional circuits, and holographic technology, and after the release of Gates'" Beta ", I am afraid that Lin Feng also realized Crisis, this press conference should be to enter other fields and prepare for transformation. "


It makes sense, everyone nodded in a hurry, and with the "Beta", the electronics industry would definitely be out of Lin Feng's control.

But how to transform? Think of Lin Feng's career in Africa, is he ready to start a foundry? Or buy or sell water or mine mineral oil? Apart from these, they can't think of anything else.

"Hey! You don't know, now rare metals are traded in large quantities along the coast. I reckon this should be related to Lin Feng, I'm afraid that Lin Feng is going to engage in the rare metal industry." The young man said again.

"Young man, how did you guess?"

"I'm a data house, what can escape my eyes!" The boy touched his chin with a bad smell.

"Huh, nonsense. It is impossible for Lin Feng's character to give up the electronics industry. I guess it is the holographic technology that has made progress. Isn't Lin Feng setting up an artist company? It is estimated that he will be filming and filming. "The Godfather of Technology"! "

One's cold humming reminded everyone.

Yes, Lin Feng has always been domineering, how can he willingly give up the electronics industry.

The young man hurriedly said, "It's not about wanting things now, but Lin Feng must give up unless artificial intelligence is invented, but is that possible? Gates has already invented it."

"Don't bb, bb, I'll let you chrysanthemum explode." A tattooed man snapped.

The crowd shook their necks in fright.

On the other side, the reporters who have come here have already sat down according to the prescribed seats, staring at Lin Feng with big eyes waiting, and they want to see what high-end products can be released.

Among them are journalists who have just arrived from the United States. Of course, they are not from the American media.

These reporters have not yet come out of the shock of the Gates conference.

When they think of that press conference, they are enthusiastic and naturally have no interest in Lin Feng's press conference.

"Sandex, now I want to hurry back to Fallesi and publish the beautiful article I wrote."

"Me too, if it wasn't for the newspaper's superior to order me to attend the New Territories Press Conference ~ www.readwn.com ~ I would not come and die, wasting time."

"So is the leader. We worked hard to interview Gates. In the end, we have to attend the New Territories press conference and exhaust ourselves."

"Don't say anything, I'll take a nap first, jet lag."

"I also took a stun."

However, at this time, Gao Yang slowly stepped onto the stage wearing a neat suit and announced: "Welcome the audience friends who came a long distance, as well as friends in the media, welcome you to participate in our company's product launch, Ten minutes, please return to your seats and wait for the press conference to begin. "

Gao Yang calmly and calmly, he chuckled: "Friendship reminder, please cover your heart."

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