I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 276: After 1 night

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Killing nights are staged on the edge of the peaceful Sahara desert.

From time to time, a flash of fire passed, and from time to time there was a muffled hum, and there was a deafening sound of a broken grenade. There was no movement except a wave of desert sand.

Nok was not the first person to be subdued by a small magnetic storm device. He was just a trivial one. Even without his name being known, he was pulled onto an experimental platform and completely disappeared into the long river of history.

That night, mercenaries and killers who knew nothing about the power, rushed to the company plant towering on the edge of the Sahara desert.

In their hearts, they dreamed of killing Lin Feng, cutting off their heads, and exchanging high commissions. From then on, they washed their hands in the golden basin, and traveled to the horizon to enjoy the happiest life.

However, they did not expect that they would be greeted not by heaven but by hell.

There is a group of ten people. They are powerful mercenaries from Italy. They told the well-equipped and extraordinary strength that this mission was a success.

Reporting a half-killing, half-playing mentality, squatting in the sky full of yellow sand.

After chatting and farting, and drawing a gun to hunt Lin Feng, a round iron ball fell to their feet without warning.

Without having time to react, the brain was instantly stagnant, and the body seemed to explode.

Ten people fell together in the yellow sand, their bodies twitching. They had only one thought in their heads before they were awake, "Did you meet an alien ..."

Not long after, a dark shadow came and tied ten people into a string with a rope. Six eyes reflected the dim light, pulling ten people gradually into the night, leaving only footprints that would disappear at any time.

On the edge of the desert ...

Deep in the desert ...

Near the factory ...

This scene is no longer being performed all the time. These people disappear silently and are taken to an underground research institute. They have never been seen again.

Lin Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes, briefly washed, and hurriedly went out to the laboratory.

On the road, Li Hu opened his eyes with red eyes and reported: "200 artificial intelligence, 51 were damaged to varying degrees, and the rest can continue to perform tasks. Damaged repair classes are being repaired, 156 humans were captured, of which 150 were alive and 6 death."

Li Hu did not sleep all night and spent close night monitoring the capture process.

"Got it!"

Lin Feng calmly replied, walking non-stop, heading straight for the lobby in the laboratory.

At this time, a group of old professors gathered in the hall. After the initial shock, they were quiet. After all, they were all elderly people. Some calmness should still exist.

However, the sight still shocked them.

The hall of thousands of square meters was full of people, all of them were in a coma. Most of them were wearing camouflage clothes and their faces were painted with ink. No matter how you look, these are like soldiers.

In front of the crowd, there was an over-old old man with meticulous white hair combing and an emerald finger on his wrinkled hands.

The old man was wearing a Tang suit and stood still.

Just yesterday, he also thought that Lin Feng was an arrogant young man, dismissive of what Lin Feng said, but the sight in front of him made him speechless.

"Little girl, are these all experimental?"

The old man asked with a pout, unsure.

Chase Tana proudly raised her head and said, "Yes, President Lin attaches great importance to this experiment. He deliberately brought in so many experimental materials, and this is only a small part. People are delivered here. "

Hearing Tana's words, the old man Titus was embarrassed, and his old face was faintly red. No one had expected that what Lin Feng said casually was the truth.

With so many people in sight, it is enough for research and use.

However, the old man frowned tightly, thinking to himself whether Lin Feng had done illegal human organ trading and trafficking, otherwise he would get so many people.

"The old man doesn't have to worry. These people do whatever they want to experiment. They are killers of mercenaries. Lin Feng is always killing the people."

Tana said with admiration, in fact, she did not agree with Lin Feng's involvement in the danger, but she was relieved when she saw 200 powerful artificial intelligence.

With a steel structure, the grenade can't cause damage, and it is a land version of Iron Man.

Rampage is not something humans can resist.

"Mercenary!" The old man was even more depressed when he heard this. What a courage it was, he actually grabbed mercenaries from all over the world to perform human experiments.

The old man sighed, "It seems that I also misread people, and the technology godfather really can't use common sense."

Just as he sighed, another professor raised doubts, "Excuse me, these people are exposed, what medicine do you use to make them unconscious."

The old man also found this problem, and looked curiously at Tana.

"The specific function of the small magnetic storm device cannot be said. It involves confidentiality, but you can rest assured that it will not cause harm to you. However, I want to emphasize that the experimental body affected by the small magnetic storm device has a rapid body organ failure. , I hope that you will hurry up and complete the experimental research in accordance with the requirements of President Lin. "

The old professors were all stunned, and looked up. Good guys, there must be at least a hundred people. When is this too busy? 24 hours of non-stop dissection, can't finish these tasks.

The old man was also twitching his lips, some stunned.

How can there be a rush to be a free labor, they are not like professors, but rather workers.

Immediately afterwards, the old man thought of a very important thing.

The data that Lin Feng gave them was when the human body had vital signs ~ www.readwn.com ~ to dissect the opening skull, study the brain, and plug in many unknown electronic devices to extract memories in the brain.

This is not a shocking research project. It is said that the United States is studying this aspect, and the British Medical Research Council has set up a British brain bank to specialize in the brain.

The old man thought about how the human body removes the brain and how to deal with the remaining organs. If it is lost, it is not a waste. If it can be used in patients with leukemia, uremia, etc., it can save a life.

The old man thought, Lin Feng naturally thought of it.

Because of the arrest of so many mercenaries and killers, it is difficult to get there.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided to change his strategy, starting with "animal transformation technology" and reorganizing. After all, to realize "electronic biomemory", some technical support was needed.


Lin Feng, who walked into the hall, gave a cough and waited for the attention of the experts and professors. "This time our task is very heavy. Some people will issue specific arrangements. Let me talk about the goal of this study. , Transform the human body, take control of the human body, and reveal the mysteries of the human body. "

A very common slogan has been spoken for centuries.

But these words were spoken from Lin Feng's mouth, but the professors felt like the real thing, because Lin Feng itself was a miracle. Even if Lin Feng said that the cattle were flying in the sky, they had to study it if they couldn't make it.

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