I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 298: Lin Feng pulled the biggest wave of hatred

Diana opened her long, slender winks, staring at Lin Feng without blinking, waiting for a reply. ??

Qi Guang is the watery sky-blue eyes, as smart as talking, I am afraid that any man will fall for it.

As a woman, Diana was very confident in her charming eyes, coupled with the noble temperament she had grown up, even the godfather of technology would be addicted to it, unable to extricate herself, and obediently surrendered under the pomegranate skirt.

She thought so, but Lin Feng's words shattered Diana's beautiful fantasy.

"Are you 100,000? Why? There are so many questions. If you want to do it, just do it. Don't worry about it."

Wu Linfeng said impatiently.

If you are in a good mood, maybe you have to tease Diana and don't mind giving birth to something that cannot be described.

But now he really has no mood.

After solving the magnetic pulse, he will also try the "electronic bio-memory" technology. Whether his parents can be resurrected or not is the most important thing to return to China this time.

Lin Linfeng's ruthless words made Diana's figure stand out, and her face appeared incredible.

However, she did not expect that as a child of the Rockefeller family, the coquettish girl in the eyes of ordinary people was even called by a Chinese man to drink.

Especially in front of the driver and Gao Yang, he was not ruthless at all.

Even if she is the godfather of science and technology, Diana just wants to say ... this is not possible.

However, thinking of the task assigned to her by the family, Diana took a bite of silver teeth and obediently took the list to find someone.

I waited for Diana to leave, Lin Feng frowned and asked Gao Yang: "How long does this Diana wash my brain? How can I feel incomplete? As an assistant to the president, it is not complete."

Tong Gaoyang smiled awkwardly and said, "This man has been training for a month. Because his grades are too good, so ..."

"Let Liu Tong take good care of it, after all, she is a brainwashing madness." Lin Feng said with a faint whisper, his eyes looked out of the car, and the car was slowly moving.

That list is not a list of deaths, but a list of people who have a relationship with their parents.

Tong Linfeng had a bold idea.

打算 He intends to extract the memory of these people and construct the parent's thinking mode, which is a few levels more difficult than the direct creation of memory from the brain to create artificial intelligence, but Lin Feng firmly believes that he can succeed.


下午 In the afternoon of the same day, the news of the magnetic pulse was spread all over the earth.

If you want to say what is the hottest news of the century, you will definitely say that it is artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence is the dream of human beings for a century.

I look forward to a century, artificial intelligence has finally entered millions of households, and the great dream has come true.

If you think so, you are wrong.

Compared to the "magneto-pulse", artificial intelligence is only a fraction of the total.

Without Lin Feng, Luo Feng and Zhao Fengming will also come out. This is an established fact.

供电 And outer space power supply technology is something that humans dare to think but do not dare, but Lin Feng has just realized it. Is there any more breaking news than this?


Its significance is greater than the atomic bomb, greater than the electromagnetic cannon, and even Lin Feng ’s achievements are more shielded from His Holiness Faraday and Tianlei Zhenjun Franklin, even Edison, the glowing ghost.

It's like the Chinese knew the gunpowder, but the Europeans made the gunpowder into a hot weapon.

At this time, he lost his identity. The Europeans knew the electricity, and Lin Feng put wings on the electricity and took it directly from outer space.

I have to say that this is the biggest progress in the history of mankind, pushing humanity directly to the height of space.

Even some experts and scholars once thought that the fourth scientific and technological revolution had come, and some scientists who sought after Lin Feng also presented papers to explain the principles of the fourth scientific and technological revolution.

Starting from artificial intelligence and space power, combining the two remaining predictions of Lin Feng, it is concluded that the fourth scientific and technological revolution will be carried out around the "space age".

If Lin Feng saw these papers, he would say that the scientists were right.

If entering the space can also be called "time", then the fourth technological revolution must be "space".

Because Lin Feng does not lead humans into space, his IQ will be cleared by the system ...

外国 When foreigners learned that Lin Feng knew the power supply technology in space, they were even more resentful.

Artificial intelligence has not yet become popular in foreign countries, and space power has come again. I don't know if it will be popular in a few years.

Sad foreigners can only envy and envy.

Of course, foreigners are not only tragic but also tragic.

There is also a "Bitcoin virus" that has been transmitted to the world along with the magnetic pulse technology. This virus is only targeted at Microsoft systems, whether it is XP or IN7.

The computer hard disk is locked and data cannot be recovered.

Some foreign hospitals and governments that have not used the cTm computer system have been attacked, the system is paralyzed, the data is severely damaged, and huge losses have been suffered.

As a result, hundreds of foreign hospitals could only copy the data by hand, and the government printed documents for filing, using the original method of manually organizing the data.

In the end, foreign official agencies were distressed and decided to come to the venue for a "big blood exchange", eliminate all the computers used by the department and use Lin Fengming's holographic ball.

The behemoth Microsoft Corps, which had already collapsed, worsened and almost faced bankruptcy, and Microsoft was almost unattended.

The net system that ran into a virus that never produced a virus exploded.

Gao Huaguo's government is also grateful to ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fortunately, the holographic ball has been replaced early, otherwise the damage will be more serious.

However, there is also a group of people who are unhappy and very unhappy.

They used Lin Feng as a business partner, but now they are Lin Feng's endless enemies.

They are the power tycoons of all countries.

What a joke? They spent huge sums of money to build thermal power plants, hydropower plants, and even nuclear power plants. Lin Feng made them all unemployed in one sentence?

A penny may not be earned. Who can accept it?

Destroying people's wealth is tantamount to killing parents.

Therefore, the power tycoons of various countries quietly formed an "electric power alliance" to jointly resist Lin Feng, confront Lin Feng to the end, and resolutely not provide power to Lin Feng.

Nowadays, wireless power is used all over the world. If our power tycoons don't provide you with power, what wireless power do you get?

锋 Anyway, Lin Feng also said that now the magnetic pulse can only be realized in Beijing and Beijing, and the world is not yet popular. Power tycoons just grab this node and make Lin Feng's large power transmission device ineffective.

This is not revenge alone, and it is retaliation from power tycoons around the world.

On this day, except for China, the island nation, the stick nation, and the countries in Southeast Asia, the operation of the wireless power supply function was stopped.

林 When Lin Feng received the news, he was so angry.

I did not expect that the power tycoons were so united, they all knew that the united resistance, it is clear that they have penetrated the truth that 1o chopsticks are not easy to break.

In this regard, Lin Feng can only use the cards he has never wanted to use. 8

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