I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 332: Tear aircraft carrier

"Ao ... Terman?"


There was a tinge of blue on her long face, and almost a spit of old blood.

It felt like I had spent the most ridiculous day. Lin Feng actually uttered the words "Ultraman" in front of the head of a country, a joke! Great joke!

What is an Ultraman? A nuclear weapon from China brought him back to the West.

The other generals in the tent were all stunned, with big eyes and small eyes, twitching their faces.


What an amazing thing.

There are wonderful things every day, this year is especially many ...

They really don't know if they should laugh or laugh, haha! This is one of the most sci-fi, fantasy and fantasy jokes they have ever heard since they came to power.

"Oh! We may not be able to make Iron Man coats. Admiral Lin really dares to think of it. He is indeed a young man with a strong temper!"

A man with two stars on his shoulders, with a slight taunt at the corners of his mouth.

The others also almost didn't laugh out loud, just because they were growing up, they held back. If they didn't, they laughed out early.

They don't know how tall Altman is, but they also say that there are dozens of meters. You can't even make a Iron Man coat of more than one meter. What qualifications are there to say that you can create a God of War 6 places larger than Altman.

"This Lin Feng is simply arrogant, a complete lunatic."

"Presumably it is the study of various technologies, the excessive use of the brain, burned the brain."

They thought to themselves.

Chang Ye's face was iron and blue, and his eyes were staring at Lin Feng. He needed Lin Feng to give a satisfactory answer.

The expressions of several people in the tent were not seen by Lin Feng.

He shrugged helplessly, what is Iron Man? Can it be compared with a heel skin of "6 Gods of War"? In front of the 6 Gods of War, Iron Man can only be trampled.

Even aircraft carriers and bombers have torn hands in front of God of War.

Lin Feng said a bit indifferently, "I have never lied to anyone, saying that they can be made and they can be made, and no one can question me."

Lin Feng's domineering sweep swept away and immediately deterred those who lived there.

Even the chief was a stun, and there was a stigma in his eyes.

I just listened to Lin Feng lightly: "I just took Ultraman as a comparison. I'm afraid you don't have a concept of awareness. Ultraman is 4 meters high, 18 meters high, Megatron 1o meters, Optimus 8 meters These are too short. Although it is impossible to make 18o meters to open the chrysanthemum, it is not a problem to create a 6-meter war **** of 1oo to meters. "

Lin Feng has not engaged in any enthusiasm before, and he does not want to engage in it. There is no benefit in terms of benefits.

Now that we have a space alloy, we always have to accumulate experience for building spaceships in the future, so we are ready to try the heat.

With Lin Feng's character, if you want to do it, you have to be big, too young and not interested.

"What? One hundred meters?"

Long stunned, quickly calculate in my mind, good guy! It is as high as a 3o multi-storey building. If it is built, if you go down, the whole building will not collapse.

"That's right! It's 100 meters. It's made of whole-body space alloy. The worst is to tear the aircraft carrier by hand. If it is equipped with thermal weapons, the worst is to install a nuclear warhead." Lin Feng stood by his hands.

"A nuclear warhead was mounted on the body." Chang was calmed.

Several other people in the tent also changed color. If it is really like Lin Feng said, this big metal guy can be called a mobile fortress, invincible, and destroy a city like crushing chickens.

"Really?" His face turned red, excited for a while, and he grabbed his hand to grab the drawing, holding it in his arms with great care, afraid of being snatched away.

Lin Feng turned his back and looked at the grey sky.

Seeing that Lin Feng ignored him and gritted his teeth, he had to promise, even if he had paid countless funds, he would have to create these six war gods.

However, the man with two stars on his shoulders rushed to ask: "Admiral Lin, the joke is not random, the space alloy is very strong, but can you solve the power system used by God of War 6? Can you use conventional? Power or nuclear power?

According to my calculations, such a high altitude War God requires at least two sets of nuclear power units, which may not be able to drive, and the most advanced heavy gas turbine (motive) in our country cannot drive the Six War God of War, even if it can be created Can't even move, what's the use?

Most importantly, I am afraid that Admiral Lin does not have the technology of heavy gas turbines! "

This man broke the old bottom of Lin Feng.

Indeed, as he said, Lin Feng has never studied motivation technology, and it is completely blank in the field of motivation.

Hearing here, it is difficult to look long, and I still want to go. The God of War in 6 places is very strong, but the industrial foundation of China cannot be created at all. As for Lin Feng, he had forgotten it.

It's not a matter of telling people to cheat. You have to take practical action.

"Lin Feng, I don't think so, let's study building aircraft carriers!" Chang Yuan said.

Lin Feng didn't bother the chairman, but stared at the man with two stars on his shoulders. It was not until he saw the hair of this man that he retracted his eyes and faintly replied, "Who told you that I have no motivation and technology?"

Obediently, everyone present rolled his eyes.

Lin Feng has no motivational technology. They know it well. After all, Lin Feng is a nationally protected figure. What ’s the matter, they do n’t know yet!

Apart from Lin Feng himself, they are the ones who know Lin Feng best.

"You can do it, let's make an aircraft carrier, this is reliable." Chang Gan laughed a few times.

Lin Feng was speechless, and what he said was true, how could nobody believe it!

Nothing to remind, after all, I know nothing about my power.

"Metal hydrogen bit!"

Lin Feng reminded.

The name is a metal hydrogen drill bit, but it is actually a tunnel boring machine, which has a heavy gas turbine in it, and it is also a technology given by the system.

Compared with the latest Ro11 heavy-duty gas turbine independently researched by China, it has a power of 150,000 horsepower and a staggering 230,000 horsepower. It is 30,000 horsepower higher than the Soviet Kuznetsov, which is only the strongest in the world. The "Ford" was 50,000 horsepower lower.

This is equivalent to 15o Ferraris.

Moreover, the real strength lies in the fact that it can be driven by electricity, and heavy gas turbines are driven by electric motors.

This way it can use a magneto-pulse device ...

"You mean ... the gas turbine inside?" Chang suddenly realized, as if he was a big hit.

"What metal hydrogen drill? Why haven't we heard of it?" The man with two stars on his shoulders stood up again.

Didn't wait for Lin Feng to speak ~ www.readwn.com ~ has a fierce gaze, like killing.

"Lin Feng said it can be made, we will make it. What are you talking about?"

This man almost didn't cry for his wrongdoing. Before, it was a long time you didn't want to make it. We just cooperated with you. In turn, they are not all over, and they are more wrong than Dou'e.

Turning his head back, his eyes softened instantly. "That, Comrade Kobayashi, when do you think we have time, we organize people to try?"

"Long look at the arrangement." Lin Feng expressionless.

"Uh-huh! Immediately, immediately, make it now." There was a flash of excitement in long eyes.

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