I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 335: IQ completion plan

On February 16, 2018, a project called the "216 Project" was carried out secretly, and its core content was the construction of the "Land of War".

It was announced 35 years after Lin Feng left the earth, shocking the solar system.

China is also precisely because it possesses the invincible land war god, and thus lays down its status as the first power of the solar system.

———— From the Chronicle of the Solar System


For the construction of the God of War, Lin Feng specially set up a space alloy company to produce space alloys. The person in charge is Xu Mengyao's violent girl.

The original rare metals were all invested in the manufacture of space alloys. At the same time, Lin Feng had to buy rare metals on a large scale again, and the financial balance just broke into a deficit again.

With the cooperation of Lin Feng Company and the country, the manufacturing plan is in full swing.

At the same time, another plan has begun.


India's third largest city faces the vast Bay of Bengal.

At this moment, the port was performing another scene, with giant tankers carrying containers one after another, neatly packed together, surrounded by locals in gorgeous suits.

"Sapivarang, this time the goods look good. I have to take ten containers to say anything." A man with a round face and dark skin said with a smile.

"Well, although the contents of the container are electronic waste to the Chinese, it is a huge asset to us."

Sapivajan also smiled.

With the rapid development of Huaguo, countless products have been eliminated, including advanced products such as holographic mobile phones, holographic flash drives, and even in the eliminated electronic waste, there are intact holographic balls.

We must know that holographic spheres are famous all over the world because of their low price, but because of the problem of output, there is always a shortage of supply. Coupled with the ox party, it is difficult for foreign countries to buy holographic spheres.

India, a country with a large wealth gap, is even harder to buy.

If you can pan out the holographic ball in the container, you will earn it properly.

Now India has also developed tremendously. Although many people in slums still pick up garbage for a living, only now they are picking up e-waste in China.

"Sapivarang, have you heard! The richest man in our country has gone to the Deccan Plateau."

"Where to do what? It's all desert."

The round-faced, dark-skinned man slapped his lips and said sourly: "It's not because of the bluegrass of the desert. Those rich people see that they can green the desert and have expanded their manor for themselves and live a more luxurious life. Now the government supports it."

"It turned out that if they were in a big city, it wouldn't be our turn to buy the treasures abandoned by China."

However, the round-faced and dark-skinned man is somewhat indifferent. "Our good days are not long. When these rich men return, we will lose our jobs if we can't make it. We have to work in the Huaguo factory and earn a little bit of wealth. Can't survive. "

"This ..." Sapiva gave a moment of sorrow, and was immediately worried. Before, he was just a poor man in the city. He could have the wealth now and earn a little bit of sweat. If there is no wealth, he will have to live again. It's poor.

The round-faced, dark-skinned man looked around, cautiously: "But I found a way for us to stay rich forever."

"What is it?" Sapivar asked quickly.

"Don't tell others, just know what you know." The man with a round face said mysteriously: "Listening to the government, the godfather of science and technology wants to test a drug in India, which can make a person's IQ reach 150, which directly makes a genius. "

"What's the use of higher IQ? It's also shrimp in front of the rich. Besides, how can drugs improve people's IQ? I don't believe it."

Sapiva shook his head into a rattle with a look of unbelief.

The round-faced man said inexplicably: "You actually doubt the godfather of science and technology, which means that you will be poor in your life and will not seize the opportunity."

The round-faced man said, Sapiva was anxious. Isn't this a curse?

However, he could not refute a sentence after hearing the following words.

"If you want to stay rich for a long time, you must have a smart person in your family, and the godfather of science and technology can just give you IQ. Regardless of true or false, you have to try. If you succeed, you will win the wealth of the family for several generations. Even if you fail, what can you lose? "

Yes! What can I lose if I fail? He had nothing at all, let alone lost.

"You can help me introduce it, I want to try it," Sapiva asked in a hurry.

"Adults don't work, they have to be children, your little daughter is just right."

"My little daughter?" Thinking of that little daughter, Sapiva was so angry that he mingled with the children in the slum all day long, without any benefit.

"Okay, just let my little daughter go. I don't feel bad if something happens."


One day later, Sapivarang sent his little daughter to the designated place. Looking at the little girl's timid appearance, Sapivarang was so angry that she slapped the little daughter in.

The doctor from Huaguo saw this scene and hurried over to coax the child.

"Child, what's your name, don't cry, your uncle brought you a lollipop." Then, the young male doctor handed over a lollipop.

The girl timidly shrank, and said in a mosquito-sized voice: "Niha."

The young male doctor smiled mildly and took Niha to enter the medical center. Although he heard the poor little girl's experience, it was the most important task to complete the injection of the IQ-developed medicament.

Niha ate a lollipop while staring at this handsome doctor. She swears that this is the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life. No one is more handsome than her father.

"Don't be afraid. It's not an injection or a pain. You'll be fine as soon as you open and close your eyes." The young doctor held the injection gun to Niha's arm.

"Well?" Niha didn't know why.

"Okay." The young doctor wiped his sweat. He was afraid that the medicine would cause problems and killed people. After all, the medicine had not been used on the masses.

Doctors certainly don't know that this medicine has been tested hundreds of times on killers and mercenaries.

Niha froze again, looking at the handsome doctor with big eyes, but the next moment, her eyes twisted a little, feeling that the world was shaking, there was a kind of eager rush.

At the same time, the memory in the brain is repeatedly played like a movie. This is not just about the things that happen. The brain automatically sums up the gains and losses and sees the world more thoroughly.

After a while, Niha's black eyes were full of dexterity. "It turned out that my father was so ignorant that I was a waste, but those older brothers were waste."

There was a grudge on Niha's mouth.

"You'll stay here these days." The young doctor said gently.

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ brother." Niha lost her previous timidity, and answered generously, looking at the young doctor's eyes, full of pleasant colors, as if the world is very beautiful.

The young doctor was a little surprised.

But Niha murmured secretly: "I will marry the Chinese in the future. Only the Chinese can match me."

Niha felt like she had opened a new door.

The first batch of 10,000 injections of IQ-developed medicines were distributed throughout India and led by Chinese doctors. After the injections, data collection and processing began.

In the process, it caused a huge sensation.

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