I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 347: Universal evolution

? "Hua Guo people who have a valid identity certificate go to a local hospital and can inject IQ to develop medicaments for free!"

When the request was issued, the masses in various regions reported that they were on leave. Absenteeism and absenteeism caused them to go to the hospital with their ID cards for free injections.

谁 No one wants to give up the opportunity to develop IQ.

The sooner the advantage of injecting the drug is, the sooner rather than later.

用 Every employer saw the empty office, and unfortunately announced that it was a holiday for employees. The seven-day long vacation was only to provide employees with injection time.

The hospital was also very busy. The doctor did not say when he was tired, even the dean took the injection gun to the department to participate in the injection work.

In the end, because the staff is too nervous, they have to call artificial intelligence robots and temporarily serve as medical staff.

In addition, Huaguo's entire injection process was under the supervision of holographic monitoring to avoid illegal operations and even speculation. After all, IQ drugs developed at an external price of $ 10,000.

If the supervision is weak, unauthorized trafficking will cause huge losses to New Territories companies.

It was also because of Lin Feng's authority in China that local authorities did not dare to make small moves. Under the holographic monitoring, they seriously completed the task.

Everyone who has injected an IQ-developed medicament, when he leaves the hospital, blinks inexplicably in his eyes, as if the world is more exciting than the original.

Many people walk on the street and see the garbage on the ground. They smile and pick up the garbage and throw it into the trash can, because they know that while picking up the garbage, they can both beautify the environment and consume calories on their bodies.

They become smarter than previous cognitive disparities.

The problems that I didn't understand before are suddenly bright, and the world seems to be different in their eyes.

This is a benefit brought by high IQ, which makes your computing power stronger, and then affects everyone's life. This wave is spreading like a butterfly effect to the whole world.

Feng Yu, an employee of the New Territories, has always had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth after injecting IQ to develop a medicament.

"Why did I worship Lin Feng before? My personal ability is strong? I developed high technology? Because I have money ..."

Feng Yu shook his head, not.

I didn't know it before, but now I know it.

"Just because Lin Feng made the right choices every time. These correct choices made Lin Feng infinitely great in their hearts."

At the time, Lin Feng gave the holographic ball a price of 4899 yuan, which will never change.

Artificial intelligence is never allowed to be put into commercial use, which protects the interests of the people to the greatest extent.

The prices of various products are low and the prices are reasonable.

Especially the fact that IQ was provided free of charge to the Chinese people to develop pharmaceuticals, which proves that Lin Feng is a noble and pure person.

宇 Feng Yu is not a brainless worship. Each 10,000 US dollars of IQ develops a medicament, which is provided free of charge in 1.3 billion people in China. No one can match this kind of courage.

I am afraid that even Ren Zhengfei and Ma Yun could not do it.

Not to mention those who only know to show off their wealth.

It is difficult and admirable for Lin Feng to do this.

In the next period, the New Territories technology company did show its limelight. Major news media reporters held microphones and carried cameras, and crouched to the door of the company day and night, hoping to interview Lin Feng and ask why. To provide non-Chinese people for free, after all, countless money is lost.

However, they disappointed them, and Lin Feng never showed up.

They didn't know that Lin Feng was no longer in the company's headquarters, but instead went to the Dongzheng Lab to discuss electronics knowledge with Hawking and Lu Yanshan all day.

Imagine the future and come to the universe.

Even Xu Mengyao participated in the fierce fight with Lin Feng.

Outside news endless reports, followed by news on education reform.

Because many people have been injected with drugs, their intelligence has been comprehensively improved, and the original method of education is obviously backward. Therefore, it is necessary to change the education plan and reform it.

The last reform has cancelled English courses.

And this reform has once again added foreign languages, not languages, but a language family.

For example, studying the Indo-European language family, you will master dozens of foreign languages, such as the Indian, Germanic, and Greek languages, far from being comparable to the small English language.

According to statistics, if someone who has injected an IQ to develop a medicament has talent in linguistics, he can fully grasp a language, even spoken language, within three months.

I can imagine how far the human brain has been developed.

The age of enrollment has also changed. When entering the elementary school at the age of 4-5, the 9-year compulsory education and the 3-year high school curriculum have been compressed into the 9-year education. In adulthood, you will enter society.

Greatly shortened the cycle of human knowledge reserve.

Of course, seemingly arranged tight courses, for people who develop intelligence, just like searching for sacs, gently moving their brains, knowledge comes into their minds like a spring.

Seems to be easier than the original education program.

This has caused countless students to despise that the course is too simple and not challenging, especially the former scum students. They can get full marks at a glance at the book, shouting that the teacher ca n’t, the teaching level is not good, and the school is despised.

After a while, the students cried.

Second reform, double the amount of knowledge in books!

He laughed no more.

However, there is a good side to a bad side, but some people are very nervous, thinking that the improvement of the mass IQ will affect the law and order problem.

After all, high-tech crime is increasing year by year.

The stubborn and realistic ruthlessly beat these people a mouth, the crime rate did not rise, but fell.

The prosperity of the Chinese nation ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you haven't seen it in person, I'm afraid I can never believe it. The current Chinese nation has surpassed the United States at that time, and it will not fall behind in life, education, or even military. wind.

In the United States, the White House and the president's office, Temp looked out of the window, secretly hurt. There are sales of IQ-developed pharmaceuticals all over the world, except in the United States.

Even if the price of $ 10,000 is very expensive, it is difficult to buy one in the United States.

I watched the people ’s IQ increase in other countries, and they could only stand still. Other countries were getting better and better, but they were stagnating.

Especially Europeans call them "stupid people" behind their backs, and Temp can't bear it.

"Mr. President, the situation is very tense, and people in all states have asked the state to come and buy IQ medicines, otherwise they said they would move to China."


Tempu shook his cigar's hand and roared in his heart, what a special egg!

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