I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 359: Any idea what is despair?


The sound of a broken bone came, and Liang Jian's calf was discounted, and the bones were turned out. [Read the latest chapter]


Jiang Yu took a breath, and he never dreamed that he would discount the other leg if he didn't agree.

Even the fat people around them shrank their legs subconsciously, especially Lin Feng ’s smiling smile, and Liang Jian lying on the ground in stark contrast. The fat man ’s lips were white. “My dad did n’t lie to me, Lin Feng could n’t help it . "

"Ah! Help!"

Liang Jian's roar, like a bomb, blew up the masses coming and going.

"Someone is calling for help at the door of the New Territories Line? It must have been asking Lin Feng to borrow money. There are such poor people every day."

"I can't seem to ask for money. It seems to be asking Lin Feng for treatment. After all, Lin Feng has made some progress in the medical field."

"I feel like I'm asking for a body strengthening agent, and it's in short supply."

When he saw someone coming around, Jiang Yu's complexion changed. Once it aroused public opinion, Lin Feng followed suit without saying that Jiang Yu's good days had come to an end.

"Mr. Lin, what do you do?" Jiang Yu asked carefully.

"It's okay, I'll deal with it." Lin Feng reached out and shook Jiang Yu, and shook Jiang Yu with the fat man behind him, so he was dragged away by Liang Jian, and the company's door was calm again.

"This ..." Jiang Yu froze on the spot for a while.

The fat man on the side didn't have time to look around. He stared at his chubby hand with ecstasy expression on his face. "I actually shook hands with Lin Feng, this * I can blow my whole life until I tell this to my dad, My dad will praise me. "

The fat man has put on gloves to protect this hand.

It took a minute before Jiang Yu returned to God.


With a sigh, he hurriedly explained to the onlookers: "Let's go, there is a volunteer who wants Lin Feng to treat him, Lin Feng agreed."

In this case, he said very experienced, as if always said.

"Oh, Lin Feng is really kind!"

The crowd stunned and did not leave, but set their sights on the metal suit of Jiang Yu.

"Is this a metal suit? Domineering!"

"The servo motor system has a built-in remote control function, and can also be equipped with an external arm. It has a holographic projection function and integrates a variety of high-tech."

"Is this all-metal warrior wearing this thing? It seems I'm going to be a soldier ..."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Jiang Yu was somewhat surprised: "These people are right, it seems that the metal suit has become the talk of the rest of the public life."

"Let's go!" Jiang Yu waved and left with both the fat man.

On the way, Jiang Yu reported this special situation to the secret department. Soon, a news appeared on the Internet: "A patient with a leg problem begged Lin Feng to heal the disease, Lin Feng was kind, and finally agreed ..."

On the other side, Liang Jian was carried to the laboratory.

Lin Feng followed closely and looked at Liang Jian's familiar face and laughed: "I came out so soon. Is there a good thing to do to help the elderly to cross the road?"

Naturally, he did not forget Liang Jian, the one who was in trouble for the "Han family secret system", the one who was calculated by himself and caught by the captain of the Interpol.

Liang Jian gritted his teeth, and a large drop of cold sweat flowed down, but he said nothing.

Lin Feng still patiently said, "Aren't you looking for me to chat, let's talk!"

Obediently, Liang Jian aimed at several fierce bodyguards around his eyes. With his keen sense, he knew that these people had seen blood in his hands, which was far from his foolishness.

Also talk about yarn!

Can't bear to plant.

He had just released from prison and wanted to take revenge. Who knew that Lin Feng was so powerful, he had a bodyguard around him now, and now they are all a group of bodyguards.

"Rao ... my life! I won't bother you anymore." Liang Jianru was a bird of surprise.

"No, I have to talk." Lin Feng said very seriously.

"Must ... chat!"

Liang Jian was almost crying.

Brother, you have discounted my leg and you have to chat. You don't want me to live.

What are you talking about?

He admits that he can die if given a chance?

Seeing Liang Jian not talking, he didn't mean to chat at all, Lin Feng instructed Li Hu: "Let him regenerate the medicament, and talk to him when he is finished."

"Yes!" Li Hu looked weird, but his hands were not slow. A needle in the tube made a bang, and stuck it on Liang Jian's P stock.

ten minutes! twenty minutes! One hour!

The calf healed at the speed seen by R's eyes, and even the bones grew back together, as they were.

The newly-grown skin is as smooth and delicate as a baby, but with a slightly scale-like pattern. Some are like the skin of a lizard, but it is not obvious.

Liang Jian was also surprised to watch this scene, his heart was shocked.

His leg was obviously discounted, and now it's better, it doesn't hurt at all, it seems to be more flexible than before, if it is not physically restricted, try this new leg.

"Can we talk this time!" Lin Feng said lightly.


As soon as Liang Jian twitched his mouth, some regretted what he said, and asked for trouble when he was in trouble. Why did he have to talk?

"Brother, please let me go, we have no resentment, I will do good things in the future, and help the old lady cross the road every day." Liang Jian begged.

Lin Feng shook his head. "The content was not right. Come, come with discounted legs."


As Li Hu went down, the skeleton turned out of the leather R again.

"Ah!" Liang Jian rolled his eyes, almost fainted, "Brother, father, ancestor, I was wrong, I ... forgive me, let me do anything."

Liang Jian's scalp felt horrified.

Today ’s encounter has long left him a shadow, knowing that Lin Feng was like this, he would never come to trouble, let alone listen to that person.

"It's a good attitude to admit that you're wrong, give a shot of limb regeneration." Lin Feng said again.

Li Hu pouted, wanted to laugh, but stopped, and hurriedly injected S medicine.

An hour later, Liang Jian's legs reconciled again.


When he heard the word "chat", Liang Jian's body shook, and he felt only cold on his back. "Chat ... what?"

"Discount!" Lin Feng waved.

"Ah ..." a terrible cry again in the laboratory.

The cry was endless, sometimes absent, but it was more miserable than the last one, and finally it was weak.

I don't know how long it took.

Liang Jianyi was sitting on a chair, his lips were white, his breath was wheezing, and his eyelids were stretched. He couldn't remember how many times his legs had been discounted, only a century later.

This pain is unforgettable and unforgettable.

Hate Lin Feng? Want to kill Lin Feng?

Do not! Do not! He couldn't raise the slightest revenge ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as Lin Feng willing to let him go without discounting his legs, he would definitely roll far and far, and always keep the distance with Lin Feng.

"Are you still talking?"

Lin Feng continued to ask.

Liang Jian's lips trembled and he kept chattering. He knew that no matter what he talked with Lin Feng, he couldn't escape the fate of the discounted leg. This product was Yan Wang, no, it was more horrible than Yan Wang.

"Come on, talk!"


Liang Jian, who had lost his eyes, seemed to think of something, and immediately shouted with excitement: "It is Wang Liang who asked me to trouble you. He said that you are very good, let me explore the road, and said that he would avenge me."

Liang Jian has been in a "virtual prison" and has little knowledge of the outside world.

However, Wang Liang was picked up as soon as he came out, and Wang Liang had promised that Lin Feng had no strength at all and could avenge himself at will.

At this moment, Liang Jian learned that he was cheated by Wang Liang.

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