I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 369: Closing ceremony

In the next two days, this group of American soldiers was more miserable. They either washed their feet or washed their stinky socks, and then dug trenches. They did all the chores.

Moreover, they were not allowed to surrender and withdraw from the exercise, and could only follow with humiliation.

If you fail to do the tasks explained by the Chief Executive, you will inevitably be beaten again.

The nose and face were swollen, very miserable, the small attack was beaten into a small victim ...

In two days, more than 100,000 mechanical units were wiped out with only single digits, which was only the final siege and destroyed several "elephant-shaped machines".

There are only three countries that can stand on the battlefield: China, the island nation, and the United States.

The island nation fully exercised his younger brother's power, followed by the saddle and the horse, and avoided the danger of regiment extinction and survived.

The reason why the US soldiers can persist to the end is to thank the Chinese soldiers. Without their "flag", it would be sooner or later for the US soldiers to withdraw.

After several salutes roared, the exercise was over.

Xiaojiro stepped in front of Hua Guo, bowed deeply, and respectfully said, "Sir, you are my most admired person. Am I lucky to know your name?"

The chief of Hua Guo smiled and shook his head: "I don't actually have a name. If you want to call it, call me a Hua Guo soldier. I'm just one of the Chinese soldiers. It doesn't matter."

"Hi!" Kojiro bowed again, unable to stand for a long time.

Minister Hua Guo patted Xiao Jilang's shoulder, "Go, the chief of your country is waiting for you, go to report!"


Kojiro's face was complex. "I hope to fight with you one day is the greatest honor for Kojiro.

Chief Hua Guo nodded slightly and stopped talking.

After Xiao Jilang left, the American soldiers who followed him walked in fear, stuttering, "Sir ... Sir, can we return to the team?"

The head of the State of China aimed at the shrinking American soldier, came forward and patted the American officer's face, and calmly said: "Remember to me, no matter how scared, you cannot be a deserter, and you ca n’t shoot teammates with anything you shoot. understand?"


The US governor stomped his feet and saluted the most standard American military salute.

Just kidding, would he dare to say "no"?

The bruise on his face reminded him at all times that the person in front of him couldn't afford to mess with it and could only obey.

"Get off!" Chief Hua Guo kicked the U.S. chief like a chick, and the rest of the soldiers left as if fleeing.

This exercise has already caused them a huge psychological shadow.

As time progressed, more and more teams came together.

Roughly 30,000 people can persist until the end, and others withdrew from the exercise early.

And these 30,000 people are almost elites among the elites, who can stand alone and are soldiers who have been severely trained from the "virtual eschatological world".

Chief Hua Guo found comrades who could not help but chat and fart and brag about it.

After all, their "Qianlong" units also wiped out tens of thousands of mechanical units.

Of course, focusing on the tragic American soldiers is probably not an interesting thing.

The reporters gathered outside the exercise venue were stunned. They had imagined countless ways to end in their minds, but they never imagined that the results were completely different from what they expected.

Soldiers of various countries flee in horror. Hua Guo has come up with a variety of powerful weapons, destroying robots such as cutting vegetables, and tearing robots by hand. It is better than the demolition team. Is this still the Chinese soldier of the year?

After the shock, all reporters were filled with an indescribable excitement.

Prior to the exercise, experts had predicted that more than 100,000 mechanical units could walk across Europe without nuclear weapons, and no one could do it.

Today, it is easily slaughtered by tens of thousands of soldiers in China. What kind of strength is this?

If you think about it boldly, does it mean that tens of thousands of soldiers in China can travel throughout Europe?

Thinking of this, the reporters who have always been in the city will inevitably flush their faces, but just shouted: China will be invincible in the world.

The audience in front of the TV don't need to be taboo. At the end of the exercise, they burst into unparalleled cheers and laughed wildly.

China has a mechanical unit, metal suits, limb regeneration potions, and ...

All these things remind them at all times that China has completely transformed from today, into an existence that the world looks up to, and even the United States must be in awe of nine points.

With these things, Hua Guo can show his fist to others without mercy.

When the whole of China was cheering, the head of the exercise was also excited, and there was not much that could excite the cold head. Today is just one thing.

"I saw this scene for the first time."

The director looked at the deputies of the audience in the audience and laughed at himself.

Afterwards, he stepped onto the stage, took the microphone, and slowly said, "Here, I would first like to thank Mr. Lin Feng, the godfather of science and technology in our country. Many of these technologies were invented by him. I should win this honor for him. . "

"Tech Godfather!"

"Tech Godfather!"

The soldiers saluted, and finally shouted.

Naturally, they will not forget the weapons used in the exercise, as well as new food.

"Secondly, I want to thank the New Territories Technology Corporation for providing more than 100,000 mechanical units for this exercise."

"New Territories Technology!"

There was another shout from the audience.

"Finally, I want to thank you, and thank you for the wonderful exercises." Then, the chief saluted.


The soldiers put their feet together and saluted together.

When the scene calmed down, the chief took out a speech and talked about military theory.

Almost all are official rhetoric, mainly to representatives of various countries present.

The soldiers listened seriously, and the faces of these representatives were more ugly than one.

Among them, Temp and Jingpu are the most ugly ~ www.readwn.com ~ a face is iron-blue.

However, no one cared about them, not even the head. After a brief speech, the head again announced that they would use the God of War for the closing ceremony.

It's nothing more than coming out of the cut with the Great Saint, taking a big stick and "thumping" a mess of real estate.

While feeling the trembling ground, looking at the land war **** with the word of saboteur.

The Chinese people present were as ruddy as if they had been beaten.

Representatives from various countries have dark faces in their faces, such as funerals.

At the same time, the contents of joint military exercises were spread across the world through large screens.

When the Chinese soldiers' powerful and terrible strength was displayed in front of people all over the world, everyone was shocked!

Countless people sighed: "The world's largest country has changed hands!" To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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