I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 373: Food will be a breakthrough

"Lin Feng declared war on the American economy?"

The people of Hua Guo heard that it boiled instantly.

They are not afraid of big things, but small things. It would be better for Lin Feng to destroy the United States. Anyway, they are just eating the masses.

There is a lively look, and life is more fun.

However, the U.S. side didn't care about watching the excitement, and Secretary of State Tillerson issued a statement as soon as possible.

"The United States has always attached great importance to the development of the world economy, and has always made great efforts for the development of the world economy. President Trump has also actively promoted diplomacy and expanded cooperation with China.

However, a major event happened yesterday. Lin Feng, the president of New Territories Technology Corporation, threatened to speak publicly to the United States in front of the world's media, which greatly hindered the friendly development of the two countries and was not conducive to US development.

Here, I hope Lin Feng can stop this insult and apologize publicly.

If Lin Feng does not show his sincerity and compensate for the loss to the United States, we will no longer tolerate this act of trampling on the dignity of the country and will give Lin Feng the most severe punishment. "

At the same time, economists from all walks of life have also appeared in the media one after another, analyzing the "Declaration of War" incident.

Mr. Wilson, a well-known American economist, said on the abc TV network: "Lin Feng is talking wildly, as if he was pointing at a cow and saying, look, cows are flying in the sky!"

Wilson's words made a laugh.

"We all know that Lin Feng occupies a certain proportion in the US market. Electronic technology, medical technology, communication technology, etc. Although these can have a huge impact on the US economy, who would have thought that Lin Feng dare to abandon these markets? Will he not make money if he has money?

In this case, he can only use the "game" method to compete with the US imperial government.

But don't forget, we have macro-control. What does Lin Feng have, except for money. Does he want to overwhelm a country with these technologies? Isn't this a big joke? "

Americans are radical.

Even the president of the United States is joking and ridiculing some people on television.

Not to mention the economist standing on the opposite side of Lin Feng.

Based on their knowledge, Lin Feng is not an opponent of the United States at all. The president can easily convince Lin Feng with only one finger.

The host saw Wilson being so excited, she quickly said, "If Lin Feng really doesn't care about these markets, after all, he is already so rich. If he gives up some money, he will usher in a bigger market."

Wilson immediately sneered and looked at the host with disdain, saying: "It doesn't matter. If Lin Feng doesn't care about money and use the company to affect the American economy, we can kick Lin Feng's companies out of the United States. Without Lin Feng's companies, we are the same Happy life, self-sufficient economy, abundant agricultural products, original high-tech ... "

Wilson talked wildly, saying the truth.

Even Temp, who was watching, nodded.

That's right!

Without Lin Feng's enterprises in the United States, it can be transformed into a self-sufficient economy, and the corporate economy will not be affected by Lin Feng. It can also expand domestic demand and increase employment.

Temp changed a few more, almost all refuting Lin Feng.

However, he suddenly stopped on a television station, and a food expert on it said, "Lin Feng is definitely not targeted. He has a well-thought-out plan that we don't know.

We should pay attention to a product, that is, the "new type of food" that has just been released on the market. This kind of food only needs to eat a few small pieces, which is equivalent to a meal. It only takes 3 seconds to finish, and the price of this meal is only Need $ 1, who can resist this temptation? Food will be a breakthrough ... "

Temp's expression changed suddenly when he thought of "new food", and he forgot it.


Each state in the United States has specialty stores for New Territories technology. At this time, the focus of the franchise store's sales plan is "new food", and various activities are emerging endlessly, just to make new food popular to the American people and make them inseparable.


A worker on Wall Street works more than 10 hours a day. In the United States, 10 hours is already the longest working time.

Glancing at the direction of the stock market, he took out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth, smashed his mouth, and continued to work.

Normally, it takes 30 minutes to eat, costs 5-10 dollars, and requires walking and ordering, which is very troublesome.

Now, three new foods at $ 1 can replenish the energy required by the human body, completely save meal time, and are more convenient than fast food. He has fallen in love with this food.

Today, he only needs to work for 8 hours.


A kindergarten teacher's most difficult job every day is feeding the children with paper. They all know that children are very naughty and it is useless to coax them.

After she was so tired and sweaty, she could feed a dozen children to eat.

Now, she only needs one minute to complete the work, which is feeding new food. Anyway, new food is not harmful to people, but it is better than traditional food.

And the parents are very supportive. Laks works easily and has the best of both worlds. Even she eats new food by herself.


A PhD student at Harvard University, although many of his classmates have gone to China for development, he still sticks to Harvard University. He wants to fulfill his dream and be a person like Lin Feng.

As he completes the experiment in this hand, he throws a few new foods into his mouth.

It's too time-consuming to eat, but he has no extra time to waste.

And he spent all his savings in order to complete the experimental project. It happened that cheap new food saved him. It was cheap and did no harm to the body, just like eating.


Whether in the streets, company offices, or government departments, there are people eating new foods everywhere, and these people feel they can't do without them.

At the same time as new foods became hot, one big thing happened quietly.

Supermarket traffic has plummeted.

Restaurant sales were bleak ~ www.readwn.com ~ Due to the decline in the demand for food by the public, prices have fallen and production costs have risen.

Wheat purchase price fell to half price mark.

The main corn producing areas were abandoned, and customers no longer bought corn and other crops.


As we all know, the United States is a large agricultural economic country, and wheat and corn factories are vast. With the occurrence of a series of events, the agricultural economy has suddenly appeared in crisis, and the industrial chain has severely broken.

Farmers who grow wheat have lost all their money. They are hoarding wheat that is ready to sell at a high price. Even the price of cabbage cannot be sold. They can only see that it is rotten in the storage warehouse.

The price of agricultural products in the market fluctuated unceasingly, creating a huge crisis.

And over time.

Transportation, catering industry, agriculture and other industries are facing unprecedented tests. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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