I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 376: The first president to be played in history

Although the phone call was very angry, Teppu was helpless, who let the initiative be in the hands of Lin Feng.

Whoever can think of this chess game, Lin Feng has laid out from the beginning.

Somewhat strange, but had to accept.

Subsequently, Temp organized several deliberative conferences, convened federal members, and started discussions on metal hydrogen.

"How much is left of the 132 pieces of metal hydrogen removed?"

Temp asked the Minister of Defense.

"Report to the president, there is no piece left. Because this metal hydrogen is extremely pure, it is all used to develop super metal hydrogen bombs."

Secretary of Defense James proudly raised his chest.

With these newly developed "Super Metal Hydrogen Explosive Bombs", the strength of the United States will rise to the next level. This is all their credit, and it also has the meaning of invitation.


Temp turned dark.

This should be put in the past. His nose can be happy, but not today, 132 pieces of metal hydrogen means that they need to spend 132 billion US dollars to buy from Lin Feng.

The already very depressed United States, where can I get so much money?

"Why did you develop it so fast?" Tampere said sharply.

"What?" James froze. Is there anything wrong with R & D?

Ignoring the timid James, Temp recounted Lin Feng's request exactly.

After everyone heard it, they looked silent.

A package of metal hydrogen is not as large as a diamond, and it dared to pay a high price of 1 billion US dollars, which is more expensive than diamond gold, and only expensive rare metals can be compared.

"I said that we should not be subdued to Lin Feng, and we will die in the end. We in the United States may not lose."

"Lin Feng is the wolf's ambition. He wants to control the economy of the United States and not let him succeed."

"Her President, don't promise him, we will definitely get through this crisis."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Temp turned pale.

These people are right. Without Lin Feng's help, the United States can definitely survive the original background, but who has thought about it, can he be the president?

If the depression continues, impeachment is inevitable.

The struggle for power never stopped for a day, and Temp did not want to be a loser.

Vice President Mike Pence, sitting at the end, looked at all this coldly, sneering in his heart.

In the past, he also respected Temp very much, entered the Federation as a businessman, won the election, and became the highest position in the United States.

But now he was too lazy to look at Temp.


A complete loser.

If she were to be the president, he must have done better.

Pence's confidence was that he had personally contacted Lin Feng and knew something beyond description.

After all, Pence looked at several high-powered people in the federal government and said, "It's not impossible to ask Lin Feng for help and let him stop. We need to change it."

"What way?" Tempu was immediately pleased to see Pence's appearance, and in a critical time, he had to be his own, and it was too late to be opposed by others.

Burns said: "It's simple, let me come forward and definitely solve this."

"Are you coming forward?" Tempo froze.

Peng Si couldn't help but say that he took out the phone and called Lin Feng.

As soon as the phone was connected, I just listened to Pence: "Mr. Lin, I'm disturbing you. I want to ask if metal hydrogen can be cheaper."

On the phone, Lin Feng smiled: "It was Vice President Pence. Since you want to reduce the price, of course you can. Our friendship lasts forever. How about a package of metal hydrogen 100 million dollars? This is the lowest price I can give you. . "

"No problem." Pence nodded and hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

The noisy conference room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone glanced back and forth between Temp and Pence, and they already saw the key.

"How's it? His Excellency? I'll do my job!" Pence looked at Temp with victory.

Temp's smile was dull on his face, his eyes were incredible.

He was betrayed, always by his close aides.

Among them was Lin Feng's participation.

Temp knows that even fools, Lin Feng's previous conversation with him was playing with him, and the highlight was on Pence.

"Shameless!" Temp said resentfully.

Burns shrugged, looked at everyone, and said, "Let's hurry up and study the change!"

There was an uproar in the conference room.

It is true, as Temp said, that the struggle for power has not stopped for a day.


But he said that Lin Feng hung up the phone and grinned cruelly, "I don't know how this gift to Trump?"

As early as the second time he went to the United States, he had secretly contacted Vice President Burns, and has been in touch ever since.

Lin Feng's refinery and casino in the United States received the care of Burns.

As a result, the two also established a deep "friendship."

This time Lin Feng just mobilized a pawn.

Anyway, there are many such chess pieces and he doesn't remember how many.

Moreover, Lin Feng was afraid that the system scoring requirements would be too high, and he did not feel relieved if he did not step down Tamper.

So there was a play in front of me.

"Your life is nothing to do with me. All I care about is the new anti-gravity technology." Lin Feng looked up and looked at the endless starry sky, where was the starting point of his success, and the earth could no longer restrain him.

Just when Lin Feng was fantasizing about this glorious moment in his mind, Li Hu suddenly said: "Brother Feng, Bai Tao has arrived."

"Oh? So fast."

Lin Feng is a little dumb. Bai Tao has the nationality of the United States. He thought it would take some trouble, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

"I heard the help of Vice President America." Zhang Long reminded.

"Still useful."

Lin Feng nodded, just kicked his foot, and turned around: "I will not go, Li Hu, do me a favor and let Bai Tao realize the cruelty of life."

"Just assured, Feng Brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Hu licked his lips, and there was a smudge on his face.

When Li Hu came to the basement, Bai Tao was tied to a chair by a big flower, struggling with "wow", his eyes were full of desire for freedom.

"From the day you betrayed Feng, your destiny has been doomed." Li Hu said lightly.

He waved to the people around him and said, "Cut off his third leg, and see if the limb regeneration potion can recover."


Several people waved away holding sharp scalpels.

Bai Tao looked at the scene in front of him, and was flawed. There was only one thought in his heart: "I have become undefeated in the East ..."

Then came the screams: "Ahhhh!"

Afterwards, Li Hu looked at a pot in front of him, uh, little jj, with a strange face, and murmured, "It turned out that the body medicine can make little jj grow up again." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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