I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 381: 3 step strategy in the interstellar era

Hawking sat in the anti-gravity car, stroking the steering wheel with his hands greedily. Like seeing the old lover, Lord Lu Yanshan curiously observed the anti-gravity particles after Lin Feng reprimanded him.

Lin Feng returned to the company to hold a leadership conference.

Anti-gravity technology is too sensational, there are many places that need to be laid out, and Lin Feng also sprung up an idea of ​​leaving the earth into space, but for now, just think about it.

Soon, with high-efficiency operations, senior leaders of the New Territories Technology Group gathered.

Gao Yang, An Youshen, Chen Zhichao, Xu Mengyao, Ye Caixia, and even Wang Qiqin, who was left on the edge, came.

Of all the people present, only Wang Qiqin's look at Lin Feng was the most complicated.

She is Lin Feng's ex-girlfriend.

At that time, she was too fond of vanity, thinking that Lin Feng, without her father and mother, could not give her happiness, so she resolutely abandoned Lin Feng and did not even return.

Today, only the word "regret" can be described.

If she did not abandon Lin Feng and stay with Lin Feng, she would be a figure of over a million people. Lin Feng's lame can make the world tremble, and her lame can make Lin Feng's love.

But without regret medicine, intestinal regret is difficult to make.

While Wang Qiqin was in a daze, Lin Feng's voice came: "For the recently invented anti-gravity technology, I am ready to implement a 'three-step' strategic deployment."

"The first step is to increase the production of 'anti-gravity' particles, to popularize anti-gravity particles and apply them in various fields. Gao Yang, you do this."

At this time, Lin Feng commanded the attitude of the matter, much like the head of the situation in Zhongnanhai.

"Understand." Gao Yangshen focused his head.

Lin Feng held out two fingers: "The second step is the research and development of a spaceship, the construction of a large spacecraft, the future development of the moon, Mars, and Venus, all can be used, and then build an anti-gravity city. Xu Mengyao, you do it."


Xu Mengyao held the long note and answered lazily.

She is good at the research and development of new materials, and not good at management, so she is very dissatisfied with Lin Feng's arrangements all the time. Unless her grandfather always persuades herself to follow Lin Feng, she is too lazy to deal with Lin Feng.

Especially Lin Feng ’s commander's tone, she went up like grabbing Lin Feng fiercely, letting him know that what the man had extra was just for women to grab and hurt you! Humph!

Thinking about it this way, Xu Mengyao blushed again and secretly said that he did not know his integrity. Anyway, my sister also kept her virginity for more than 20 years, but Lin Feng could not be cheap.

Looking at Xu Mengyao's changing face, Lin Feng's face turned black. "What's your attitude? Seriously, don't you understand? Isn't it embarrassing again?"

Hearing this, Xu Mengyao's face rose red, and stared at Lin Feng fiercely.


Gao Yang, Chen Zhichao, and even Ye Caixia coughed lightly, looking around, pretending not to hear, but they knew that Lin Feng had beaten Xu Mengyao's **** many times.

Gao Yang always remembered that his old face could not help but red, secretly said that the young people are too crazy now.

Wang Qiqin had a strong envy in her eyes.

"Huh, what's so great." Xu Mengyao hummed, looking unconvinced.

Seeing this, Gao Yang stood up and made a siege.

"Mr. Lin, the spaceship is too important. The interstellar era represents a big resource. It involves a lot of space exploration projects. The work is not light. Manager Xu is bound to be busy by himself. Do you want to send more people ..."

Lin Feng waved and interrupted, "Space exploration is naturally included in the company's projects, but here I want to tell you that the beginning of the interstellar era is not the exploitation of cosmic resources. In the vast universe, the only valuable thing is' life. 'It is the greatest resource that can survive for a long time.'

For the resources in the universe, Lin Feng didn't look at it.

No matter how many resources, there are lives to dig, useless, what is the use?

Although he possesses a technology that can survive forever, the eternal consciousness is not the perfect form.

This technology makes people disqualified from living creatures and becomes a complete robot. Lin Feng will not use this technology. What he wants is to persist in a biological form.

"Eh!" Gao Yang froze, quite embarrassed. He didn't understand the meaning of Lin Feng's words. It is more common to live, die, and die, but science does not allow people to survive for a long time.

"Mr. Lin, you go on and say, Manager Xu will help her over there."

"No, I'll do it." Xu Mengyao replied again, she hated others to help her with things.

Obediently, Gao Yang lowered his head and grinned.

"Okay! Let me talk about the third step." Lin Feng didn't have much time and continued to arrange: "The third step is very important, it is ..."

After saying this, he said, "Wang Qiqin, the previous propaganda work, be careful."


"you can go now."

"Yes!" Wang Qiqin left unwillingly.

Ye Caixia followed, and Gao Yang also left. Only Xu Mengyao and Chen Zhichao were left. At this time, Lin Feng said the third step plan.

"Secretly produce a batch of robots, the number of which is about 1 million, and then secretly produce the Ten Land War Gods."

The two listened to the command and looked stunned, as if Chen Zhichao thought something, and nodded silently.

Xu Mengyao said, "Lin Feng, what are you ... for?"

"protect yourself!"

Lin Feng got up and left the conference room.

What does antigravity technology do?

Some people say that it can make human beings have a wider space for human beings to explore the universe.

Others say that in the military, aircraft carriers are taken to the sky. Helicopters no longer use propellers, aircraft no longer rely on kerosene, and even nuclear weapons no longer use fuel. Instead, they use anti-gravity technology.

Some people even said that anti-gravity technology is to prepare for the exploitation of space resources.

Lin Feng just wanted to say that the greater the above effect, the more dangerous he is.

It is difficult to guarantee that some people will not be smoked by interests and do dangerous things ~ www.readwn.com ~, and what Lin Feng is most worried about is the head.

Now the bodyguards around him don't need Li Hu anymore, but the artificial intelligence robot bodyguard that he specially made for himself.

"The new era is both dangerous and full of opportunities." Lin Feng muttered to himself.


The moon is dark and windy. In a solar panel production site in a suburb, the newly produced boards are transported to a huge circular flying saucer.

The eyes of the transporter were faintly red, apparently artificial intelligence robots.

Then the flying saucer ascended into the sky.

Hua Guo's official radar monitoring center, as always, did not find any abnormalities.

The ‘Tiangong’ space station in outer space returned to normal after the screen flickered and no objects were found.

The artificial intelligence robot, which is on standby outside the cabin, has begun its busy work. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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